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International Project for innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycles (INPRO)

International Project for innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycles (INPRO) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TASK 3 INPRO & OTHER COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS V. Usanov, G. Fesenko Kick-off Meeting of INPRO Phase 2 Collaborative Projects IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria 1-5 October 2007.

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International Project for innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycles (INPRO)

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  1. International Project for innovative nuclear reactors and fuel cycles (INPRO) RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TASK 3INPRO & OTHER COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS V. Usanov, G. Fesenko Kick-off Meeting of INPRO Phase 2 Collaborative Projects IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria 1-5 October 2007

  2. WHAT IS INPROTASK 3? • Task 3 is one of the activities of total eight Tasks within INPRO Action Plan of Phase 2 of INPRO • Task 3: “Vision on Opportunities and Challenges of Large-Scale NE Development” • The studies within Task 3, as well as other activities at Phase 2 of INPRO, should be mainly realized as Collaborative Projects (CPs) based on the MSs’ joint initiatives and funding

  3. TASK 3 • Purpose • Support MSs’ capacity building in scenario/vision analysis • Provide base cases on global vision of long-term • development of INS • Deliverable • Common technology platform • b) References scenarios and boundary conditions VALIDATED AND VERIFIED ANALYSIS TOOLS & CODES Technical specification for computer tools Collaborative projects Cooperation with other international Organs Energy mix studies (NP scenarios, costs) CZ1, IND4 Use of Th (EC1, IND4) Transition from TR with open FC to a system of TR & FR with the inclusion of CNFC (GAINS) FC innovations (RUS2)

  4. INTEREST OF MS TO THE TASK 3 AREA Several INPRO CPP indicated interest of MS to Task 3 raising topics fully or partly related to Task 3 objectives: • A role and limits of NP expansion in future energy mix (CZE1, IND4) • Increasing affordability, availability and PR of NE via transition to a global INS with inclusion of CNFC (GAINS, FRA3, RUS2) • Opportunities provided by non-electrical application of NP (IND1) • Prospects of extension of fuel basis by utilization of Th (EC1, IND4) • Potential of SMR and non-stationary NPP expansion (RUS4) • After intensive discussions, some CPPs were merged or withdrawn mainly due to the lack of financial resources. CZE1, GAINS, RUS2, EC1, RUS4 remained as INPRO CPPs • Withdrawn topics or relevant topics not covered by CPPs but important for the Task 3 await future support of MS

  5. ENDORSED CPs RELEVANT TO TASK3 Several CPs relevant to Task 3 were endorsed by 11-th INPRO SCM • “Meeting energy needs in the period of raw materials insufficiency during the 21st century” (CZE1) • “A Global Architecture of INS based on Thermal and Fast Reactors with the Inclusion of a CNFC” (GAINS/RUS1) • “Legal, Institutional and Technical Issues of Introduction of Non-Stationary SMR NPP in the Developing Countries in accordance with INPRO Methodology”(RUS4) • Further Investigations of the 233U/Th fuel cycle(EC1) • “Acquisition/diversion pathway analysis for the assessment of proliferation resistance” (ROK1)

  6. COMMUNICATIONS & COOPERATION • Development of scenarios for NP demand and variants of NFC arrangement: - Feedback from MS; - IAEA: PESS, NENP, NEFW, INPRO CPPs, CRPs; - NEA – policy aspects for transitioning to FR; EC - RED IMPACT, etc. • Technological and institutional innovations: - MS; - IAEA: NE, SG, INPRO CPPs, CRPs; - GEN-IV • Development of computer tools: - MS - IAEA

  7. OVERALL APPROACH • INPRO methodology/manual to be a guide to provide holistic survey and consistency of the reviewed INSs with sustainability metrics • The input data from MS have to ensure holistic nature of the vision studies • Joint activities and deliberate consideration should be focused on key indicators – drivers of a specific study • Computer codes to be used for receiving data necessary for analysis of key indicators • Activities within Task 3 have to identify gaps in vision studies and to help MS to tune their strategies to global framework

  8. WHAT WE EXPECT ON TOOLS INS energy production, system investments, total INS cost, energy generation cost Economics Environ-ment U/Th consumption,U&TRU isotopes inventory, radionuclides emissions Mass and activityof SF, isotopes inventory, incl. FP & MA, heat release, radiotoxicity Waste Prolifer. resistance Fissile materials inventory and balance, SWU, heat release Infra-structure Capac. of fabr.& rep. plants, NPPs, storages, repositories, optimal INS introduction Data in green can be provided by existing IAEA tools; data in rose can be provided by MS or by improved IAEA tools

  9. OUTLOOK OF TOOLS FOR TASK 3 • Some MS’s computer tools could be efficiently used: COSI (CEA, Fr);DANESS (ANL, US);NFCSim(LANL, US);PROGNOSIS (Rosatom, RF), CANFU(IPPE, RF),SuperSTAR(TEPCO, Japan),TEPS (India), etc. The tools are available under special agreement and/or fee • Tools adopted and/or developed in the IAEA: MESSAGE, MAED, WASP, BALANCE, FINPLAN, SIMPACT, VISTA, DESAE The tools are being disseminated by Agency cost free • DESAE&VISTA&MESSAGE could be used jointly or linked to perform analysis required for the main objectives of vision studies

  10. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF MESSAGE, VISTA, DESAE • MESSAGE (IAEA) - Model of EnergySupplySystemsAnd theirGeneral Environmental impact MESSAGEis adynamic economic optimisation modelto be used for medium- to long-term energy planning, energy policy analysis, and scenario development • VISTA (IAEA) VISTA isNuclear Fuel Cycle Simulation Systemwhich estimates nuclear fuel cycle service and material requirements as well as material arising for the each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle • DESAE (INPRO/IAEA)- Dynamic of Energy System - Atomic Energy code, developed in Russia in the context of the INPRO DESAE is theinteractive NFCsimulation codefor quantitative assessment of nuclear energy system key indicators

  11. MESSAGE (IAEA/NE-PESS) MESSAGE is designed to formulate and evaluate alternative energy supply strategies consonant with user-defined constraints on new investment limits, market penetration rates for new technologies, fuel availability and trade, environmental emissions, etc. OUTPUT INPUT • INS description • Energy demand • Tech.&Physical constrains • Environmental regulations • Technology options • Market players • Optimal energy strategies • Energy prices • Effectiveness of taxation policy, etc. MESSAGE

  12. MESSAGE: POTENTIAL & LIMITATIONS • Limitations: • No module for calculation of isotope kinetics • NFC chains were not in the focus of previous studies based on modelling with MESSAGE • Directions of possible adjustment: • Development and testing of different NFC chains • Providing MESSAGE input – output with database on isotopic vector of fuel or link it with tools calculating nuclide content (e.g.VISTA) • Extension ofoutput data with an aimto cover the back-end indicators (SF activity, heat release, radiotoxicity) for comparing cost of nuclear chain components in optimal energy strategy with the corresponding costs received in simulation codes likeDESAE and VISTA

  13. MESSAGE DEMO CASES LWR-MOX (PWR,BWR,WWER) Back-end Recourses Front-end Secondary From UOX core Reprocessing UOX&MOX UOX SF storage Enrichment Extraction- Conversion UOX Fuel Fabrication From SF UOX REACTOR Depleted U stock MOX Fuel Fabrication Initial Pu stock Pu stock From MOX core MA, U,FP stock MOX SF storage From SF MOX Dummy Nat. U MOX SF U con. UOX core U enrich. UOX fuel MOX core MOX fuel Electricity. Rep. Pu UOX SF

  14. VISTA (IAEA/NE-FW) • VISTA is NFC Simulation System which estimates nuclear fuel cycle service and material requirements as well as material arisings for the each stage of the nuclear fuel cycle • It is a scenario based simulation system which calculates the requirements and arisings using a small number of input parameters defining the input scenario • The model uses simplified approaches to calculate the fuel cycle requirements. These simplified approaches make the code possible to estimate the long term fuel cycle service requirements for both open and closed cycle fuel cycle strategy without the need for complex/crowded input data

  15. Strategy Parameters • Nuclear power projections • Reprocessing-recycling strategies • Reactor mixtures • Load factors • Fuel Parameters • Avg. discharge burnup • Avg. initial enrichment • Avg. tails assay • Control Parameters • Share of MOX fuel in core • Lead and lag times for different processes • # of reprocessing cycles • Natural uranium requirements • Conversion requirements • Enrichment requirements • Fresh fuel requirements • Spent fuel arisings • Plutonium accumulation • Minor Actinide accumulation • Reprocessing requirements • MOX fuel fabrication requirements VISTA CAIN Calculation of Actinide Inventory VISTA, Information Flow Input Output

  16. VISTA, Nuclear Fuel Cycle Models Fuel Cycle in Once-Through Mode Fuel Cycle in U + Pu Recycle Mode

  17. VISTA: POTENTIAL & LIMITATIONS • Limitations: • No economics • Only commercial standard reactor types are taken into consideration by VISTA (PWR, BWR, PHWR, AGR, GCR, RBMK, VVER) • Directions of adjustment: • Extension ofstandard reactor typeswith including innovative nuclear systems (INS) • Extension ofoutput indicatorsto cover the back-end tasks: activity of SF, heat release, radiotoxicity • Prolongation of SF survey from reactor storage up to long-term storage in repository

  18. DESAE (NE-NP) code Information Flow INPUT DATA Reactor Types Reactor Power (as a function of time) Costs of: Fuel; Operating & Maintenance Capital, etc. • MAIN OUTPUT DATA • Natural parameters: • - Energy production; • - Consumption of natural Uranium; • - Spent Fuel; • - Quantity of Fissile Isotopes; • - Quantity of Recycled Isotopes; • - Quantity of Minor actinides; • - Activity of Spent Fuel; • - Quantity of materials. • Economics: • - Required Investments; • - Current cost of energy. DESAE

  19. DESAEFlow sheet YM Storage Back End. Natural U Enrichment U Fabrication Reactors (7 types) Reactor Interim Storage*. Long term Storage. Reprocessing Plant (4 types) Natural The Isotopes of fuel cycles Th-230, Th-232 U-232, U-233,U-234,U-235,U-236,U-238 Np-237 Pu-238,Pu-239,Pu-240,Pu-241,Pu-242 Am-241,Cm-244, I-129, Tc-99 xx- users isotope Back End fission products Depleted U

  20. DESAE: POTENTIAL & LIMITATIONS • Limitations: • No module for calculation of isotope kinetics • Need in testing with verified national and the IAEA codes • Need in improving documentation • Directions of adjustment: • Organization relevant benchmarks with verified national and the IAEA codes • Providing link with tools modelling evolution of radionuclides content (e.g. VISTA) to get more flexibility in modelling complicated NFC chains • Extension of output indicators to cover the back-end tasks:nuclei activity, heat release, radiotoxicity

  21. MESSAGE & DESAE & VISTA Definition of nuclear scenarios Common INS database MESSAGE Architecture of INS based on economic optimization GAINS DESAE VISTA Architectures of INS driven by specific goals: fuel resource economy, environmental impact minimizing, cut of waste & repositories, enhancing PR

  22. CONCLUSIONS • Task 3 has a wide scope aimed to support MSs’ capacity building in scenario/vision analysis and to provide reference case on global vision of long-term development of INS with enhanced sustainability metrics • Activities of MSvia INPRO collaborative projects are expected to bea basis for the Task 3 implementation • Development of common approach & boundary conditions as well as identifying of technical and institutional platform capable to ensure expansion of NE has to be a focal point of the study • No single tool nowadaysmeets modelling requirementsfor holistic, multi-disciplinary approach. Identifying a computer toolbox and databases available for all MSis an important objective of Task 3 • To reach maximal efficiency,communication with relevant ongoing multinational projectsshould be provided

  23. Thank you

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