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Learn how to generate dynamic responses using servlets in web applications. Understand the servlet life cycle, request handling, and response generation. Manage session and shared states.
Lecture 8 Servlets (Based on Møller and Schwartzbach, 2006, Chapter 9) CIS336Website design, implementation and management(also Semester 2 of CIS219, CIS221 and IT226) David Meredith d.meredith@gold.ac.uk www.titanmusic.com/teaching/cis336-2006-7.html
Web applications and servlets • Last week we saw how to build a simple Web server • Could only generate static pages • This week we look at how to generate responses dynamically using servlets that have been plugged into the server • Servlet framework is a Java-based API for programming Web applications • A servlet is a program written for this API
Web applications: Basic concepts • Web server responds to http requests • Responses can be generated by Web applications • contain programs that are plugged into the Web server • One server typically runs many concurrent threads of each Web application • Each thread handles one HTTP request or one client • A series of response-request interactions between a server and a client is called a session
Sessions • Session is a sequence of related interactions between a client and a server • It is a thread of execution managed by a server • Session thread stops when client logs out or times out after client has stopped issuing requests • HTTP is stateless, so session states have to be managed at a higher level • Three categories of state: • Shared state (global data) • shared between all sessions and stored in a database on the server • Session state (local data) • private to a particular session thread • e.g., • contents of a shopping cart • whether client has logged in • "program pointer" of thread • Transient state • data that is only used in a single interaction
A "Hello World!" Servlet • Servlet can be run with the Apache Tomcat server • Servlet API consists of two packages • javax.servlet • javax.servlet.http • contains functionality specific to HTTP • Servlet is usually a subclass of HttpServlet • doGet method is invoked in response to a GET method • takes two arguments: • HttpServletRequest object holds information about the request • HttpServletResponse object used to generate response
Servlet life cycle • init method used to initialize servlet when it is constructed • e.g., connecting to a database • GET request causes doGet method to be invoked • POST request causes doPost method to be invoked • Variables in doGet and doPost correspond to transient state • i.e., private to session • When server shut down, destroy method invoked on each servlet • getServletInfo method should be implemented to return a short descriptive string • log method writes messages to the log
Requests • HttpServletRequest parameter of doGet and doPost contains information about incoming request • Most important methods of HttpServletRequest are • getHeader • returns the value of the specified header name as a string • e.g., request.getHeader("User-Agent") • getParameter • returns decoded value of a form field as a string • e.g., request.getParameter("name") • returns the value provided by the user to a GUI form element whose name attribute has the value "name" • works for GET and POST requests • works for different encodings in POST requests • provides useful level of abstraction • getInputStream • returns an input stream for accessing HTTP request body • getRemoteHost, getRemoteAddr, getRemotePort • return information about the client end of the TCP connection
Requests • Note use of • getRemoteHost (l.13) • getHeader (l.14) • getParameter (l.17) • POST requests are redirected to doGet • htmlEscape escapes special characters in the value entered in the "name" control • Never assume that values from expected form fields or request header lines are present (see lines 15, 18)
Responses • HttpServletResponse parameter of doGet and doPost used to construct outgoing response • Main methods in HttpServletResponse are • setStatus • sets response status code (default is 200) • addHeader and setHeader • adds or overwrites header fields • getOutputStream • returns output stream for writing response body • getWriter • returns a PrintWriter which wraps the output stream and sends characters rather than bytes • setContentType • sets the Content-Type response header field • sets character encoding for PrintWriter • e.g., response.setContentType("text/xml;charset=UTF-8") • sendError and sendRedirect • simplify construction of error responses and temporary redirects
Servlet contexts and Shared State • Each Web application has a ServletContext object that holds information about the context of a servlet • accessible via Servlet class getServletContext method • ServletContext has getServerInfo method that returns information about the server • e.g., Apache Tomcat/5.0.30 • Each Web application may contain many servlets and other resources (e.g., CSS, GIFs, etc. ) • Each Web application is associated with a context path • Context path is base of URIs for resources in application • Determined by deployment configuration (see later) • ServletContext getRealPath method computes absolute path of resource from context path and relative path of resource • ServletContext can be used to store shared state • setAttribute method binds an object to an attribute name • getAttribute returns object bound to an attribute name • Data can be communicated between different Web applications running on the same server by using the getContext method which returns the ServletContext of a servlet
A Polling Service • This Web application consists of • an HTML file called QuickPollQuestion.html which contains a form for entering the poll question • a servlet called QuickPollSetup for receiving data from the form in QuickPollQuestion.html • a servlet called QuickPollAsk for making an HTML page containing the question and a form which allows the user to vote 'Yes' or 'No' • a servlet called QuickPollVote for receiving a vote • a servlet called QuickPollResults for showing the results
QuickPollQuestion.html • Deployment configuration (see later) defines mapping from URI setup in action attribute of form element to the QuickPollSetup servlet Deploy
QuickPollSetup Servlet • String q set to equal value entered by user into GUI element named "question" in QuickPollQuestion.html • Attributes question, yes and no set in servlet context, c • Message sent back to user to indicate that question has been registered
QuickPollAsk Servlet • Uses question stored in servlet context to make a new HTML form with two radio buttons that allow the user to vote on the question • getAttribute returns an Object which has to be cast to a String
QuickPollVote Servlet • Receives form data from voting form • Increments either yes or no servlet context attributes accordingly • Sends an acknowledgement to the user
QuickPollResults Servlet • Uses tables within tables to draw a barchart that represents the responses to the poll • Set Cache-Control so as to disable caching to ensure that new, up-to-date form is loaded, not cached version • Use POST in cases where servlet has side-effects, GET when it doesn't
HttpSession objects • HttpSession object is an abstraction of a session that hides implementational details of session management • HttpServletRequest has a getSession method which returns the current HttpSession object • Session terminated by • an invocation of the invalidate method • inactivity for a certain time interval, determined by setMaxInactiveInterval method • HttpSession object can be used to store session state using setAttribute and getAttribute methods
A Shopping Cart Servlet (1/2) • cart is stored in a TreeMap that maps items to amounts • cart is stored as an attribute of the session • If the request method is POST, then an item is added to the cart (causes side-effect on server) • Returns 400 Bad Request if cannot parse amount
A Shopping Cart Servlet (2/2) • Prints out form for adding new item • Prints out table listing contents of cart • URLs passed through the encodeURL method to ensure special characters are escaped
Web applications and deployment • In servlets, files always organised in a common directory structure as follows • Assuming context path is myapp, • myapp/ and all subdirectories except WEB-INF contain static resources • e.g., HTML, images, stylesheets, JSP files • myapp/WEB-INF/ contains the deployment descriptor (see later) • myapp/WEB-INF/classes contains all servlet classes and auxiliary classes used by servlets • myapp/WEB-INF/lib contains additional jar files • Class files must be placed in subdirectories that match their package names • e.g., if MyServlet.class belongs to inc.widget package, then it is placed in myapp/WEB-INF/classes/inc/widget/ • An whole Web application can be bundled in a single Web Archive file (.WAR) using the jar tool
Deployment descriptors • Every Web application contains a deployment descriptor • An XML file called web.xml stored in myapp/WEB-INF/ • Configures application by providing • mapping from URI paths to application resources • initialization parameters • error-handling configuration • ...
Example Deployment Descriptor • display-name element provides name for the application • web-app element can contain more than one servlet and servlet-mapping elements • servlet element (servlet declaration) • associates a name with a servlet class • can be many servlet declarations for a given servlet class • each declaration results in an instance of the servlet being constructed • servlet-mapping element associates servlet name with a URI pattern • pattern is relative to context path • e.g., if context path is myapp, then complete path here would be myapp/hello/ and this would cause the HelloWorld servlet to be executed • namespace declaration identifies deployment descriptor language which is defined by an XML Schema definition
Initialization parameters • Context initialization parameters apply to whole application • accessed using getInitParameter method of ServletContext object • in deployment descriptor above, context initialization parameter, admin, is added with the value john.doe@widget.inc • Servlet initialization parameters apply to individual servlet instances • accessed using getInitParameter method of HttpServlet object • in deployment descriptor above, servlet initialization parameter, verbose, added with value true