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Student Success Planning in Connecticut

Student Success Planning in Connecticut. Cross Division Professional Development February - 2012. Legislation. An Act Concerning Implementation Dates for Secondary School Reform

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Student Success Planning in Connecticut

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  1. Student Success Planningin Connecticut Cross Division Professional Development February - 2012

  2. Legislation An Act Concerning Implementation Dates for Secondary School Reform … commencing July 1, 2012, and each school year thereafter, each local and regional board of education shall create a student success plan for each student enrolled in a public school, beginning in grade six. Such student success plan shall include a student’s career and academic choices in grades six to twelve, inclusive.” Source: SDE

  3. Purpose Prepares students for • postsecondary education, life, and careers • competition in a dynamic global economy Provides students • opportunity to design their own future with the support of critical adults and innovative school policies • opportunity to know and understand self in a positive learning environment Source: SDE

  4. Student Engagement • Helps student stay connected in school • Helps students achieve post-secondary education and career goals • Begins in 6th grade, continues through high school and beyond • Establishes an adult support team • Provides students with support in setting goals (academic and personal) • Explores career paths Source: SDE

  5. Core Components Academic Development Career Development Social, Emotional and Physical Development . Source: SDE

  6. Academic Development • Rigorous Courses Linked to Interests, Skills & Career Pathways • Courses For The Attainment of Education &/or Career Goals • Successful Completion of Portfolio/Capstone Project • Support & Assessment of Student Progress With Mentor/Advisor • Timely Intervention & Student Support • Learning Experiences Outside of the Classroom Source: SDE

  7. Career Development Interest and Ability Inventories Career Exploration and Interest/Career Courses Post Secondary Education and Career Pathway Development Experiential Learning (i.e., Work-based learning, community service, capstone project) Source: SDE

  8. Social, emotional and physical • Self-Regulation and Resiliency • Positive Peer Relationships • Broadened Awareness of Self Within A Global Context • Healthy and Safe Life Skills/Choices • Identification of School & Community Resources Source: SDE

  9. Training & Technical Assistance • Creation of modules to address SSP development within districts • Multiple overview workshops to provide expectations of SSP, model SSPs, and resources • Content specific workshops • Special Education • Implementing SSP into the School Day • Advisor/Advisory programs • Ongoing workshop development to address emerging needs of districts • On site consultation as needed

  10. Secondary School Reform “Student success plans (SSPs) are tools that integrate the best features of individual education plans (IEPs) and “advisor-advisee” programs that have been initiated in thousands of middle and high schools nationwide.”

  11. Implications for our Districts • Must have a SSP in place for all students grades 6-12 by July 1, 2012 • Intangible • Beyond Guidance Department • Advisories • SSP Advisors/Mentors • Accountability

  12. Challenges for our Districts • Electronic and Portable • Computer Access • Scheduling • K-8 schools • IEP-SSP Connection

  13. Development of Resources • A state-led team is in the process of developing supporting materials for districts • Process Flow Chart • Action Plan to facilitate self audit and planning • Web Site • Toolkit • Model SSPs from all regions of the state, urban/suburban models

  14. Alphabet Soup • SSP – Student Success Plan • ILP – Individualized Learning Plan • IEP – Individualized Education Program • SOP – Summary of Performance • 504 Plan – Provides protection under the Rehabilitation Act – Section 504 • IHP – Individualized Healthcare Plan • FERPA – Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act • HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Source: SDE

  15. Source: SDE

  16. SSP & Other Plans • SSP can not replace other individualized plans (e.g., IEP, 504, IHP) • Other plans are legal documents • Students with disabilities/medical conditions must be included in the general education SSP process • Integrated process between all students and adults • SSP and individual plans can inform the development of each other • SSP can be attached to individualized plans • All plans should be student driven and include ongoing input from parents and professionals Source: SDE

  17. SSP & Other Student Planning • Comprehensive Developmental Guidance and Counseling Program (school counselors) • Transition planning by the PPT • Summary of Performance • Advisor/Advisee – Mentor/Mentee Systems • Work-based learning programs Source: SDE

  18. Developing the SSP Ensure that the following personnel are actively involved in the development of the SSP as well as the implementation process: • Special Education • School Nurses • 504 Coordinator • School Counselors • School Social Workers • School Psychologists • College/Career/Vocational Counselors • Other related services personnel (e.g., OT, PT, Speech) Ensure that all students have an opportunity to work with a dedicated adult mentor/advisor and a group of integrated students Source: SDE

  19. For More Information Look for the Secondary School Reform page of the Connecticut State Department of Education’s website http://www.sde.ct.gov for information on: • Connecticut Student Success Plans • Model Criteria and Recommended Elements • Connecticut Career Pathways • Capstone Projects – essential and recommended practices

  20. CREC Contact Information • Community Education • Anne Raymond araymond@crec.org 860-524-4018 • Teaching & Learning • Linda T. Darcy ldarcy@crec.org 860-509-3783 • Mary E. Clark meclark@crec.org 860-524-4070 • Student Services • Rose McGurkin-Fuhr rmcgurkinfuhr@crec.org 860-509-3743

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