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Cyclotron Institute REU 2006

Cyclotron Institute REU 2006. Finite Size Effects on Dilepton Properties in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions. Trent Strong, Texas A&M University. Advisors: Dr. Ralf Rapp, Dr. Hendrik van Hees Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute. QCD (Quantum ChromoDynamics).

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Cyclotron Institute REU 2006

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  1. Cyclotron Institute REU 2006 Finite Size Effects on Dilepton Properties in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions Trent Strong, Texas A&M University Advisors: Dr. Ralf Rapp, Dr. Hendrik van Hees Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute

  2. QCD (Quantum ChromoDynamics) -QCD describes the interactions between quarks and gluons. -There are six flavors of quarks, and eight gluons, all carrying color charge -The force between quarks is strong and is linear in distance! (coupling constant αs≈1) -Force weakens at small distances (or high energies), so quarks essentially free within bounds (asymptotic freedom)

  3. Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions At NA60: In-In @ 158 GeV/Nucleon -Colliders accelerate nuclei to very relativistic speeds! (RHIC, γ≈ 100, v=.9995c) -Nuclei collide, a hot and dense region is formed -In this region, the Quark-gluon plasma (QGP) and other forms of exotic matter like a hadron gas can form -They allow us to test further the theory of QCD and explore the early universe b

  4. Quark-Gluon Plasma -Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP)- form of matter predicted by QCD at high temperature and density. -Predicted transition temperature is ~ 170 MeV, corresponding to a temperature on the order of 1012 K. -As density and temperature become very large, hadrons formed by quarks overlap => quarks lose their affiliation with any particular hadron. -Quarks and gluons form a hot and dense soup!

  5. Time Evolution of Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collision

  6. Electromagnetic Probes: Dileptons and Photons Dileptons and photons good sources of information from a hot and dense medium since they: a.) are produced throughout the history of the collision. b.) do not interact strongly with the medium. The particles carry this information via their invariant massand 4-momentum. In a hadronic medium expected from such a collision, the ρ meson is the dominant producer of dileptons.

  7. NA60:Dilepton Data Invariant Mass Spectra Plots: S. Damjanovic, QM05

  8. NA60: Dilepton Data Transverse Momentum Spectra -Data show signs of a two-component spectrum, one component dominates at low pT while the other dominates at high pT

  9. Two-Component Model Idea: Attempt to model spectra using two contributions… -Cocktail: Component from hard-scattering processes; surface contribution -Thermal or In-Medium: Components from thermal medium, such as QGP or hadron gas; bulk contribution Collision Zone Total Spectra = a ∙ (Thermal) + b∙ (Cocktail)

  10. Results: Naive Two-Component Model in 4 Centrality Bins Peripheral Semiperipheral M[GeV] M[GeV] Semicentral Central

  11. Naive Two-Component Model:Semicentral in two pT slices pT > 1.0 GeV pT < 0.5 GeV M[GeV] M[GeV]

  12. Early Conclusions -Two Component Model seems to work well for inclusive pT bins, but shows deficiency in semicentral high-pT region. -Need to include smaller effects, other contributions to make model more complete

  13. Backup Slides

  14. Dilepton Spectra: Theory ρ Spectral Function: -Spectral function gives distribution of rho mesons being produced per unit four position and unit four momentum -To obtain observed spectra, convolute over the entire spacetime history of the fireball expansion.

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