Gloria Beckles
Rodolfo Valdez
3. Border Population I About 70% Hispanic
High annual growth rates (3.1% for Mexico and 2.4% for U.S)
The rates suggest that the US/MX border population will double in about 25 years.
4. Border Population II High poverty levels on both sides of the border
A large portion of the Hispanic population is uninsured or underinsured
Several US border communities are designated “Medically Underserved Areas”
5. Diabetes Mortality Rates for Selected US-Mexico Border Communities, 1995-1997
6. Diabetes Mortality Rates/100,000 inSelected US-Mexico Border Counties and Municipalities, 1992-1994 / 1995-1997
7. Description
This is a five-year US-Mexico collaborative project to determine the prevalence of diabetes along the US-Mexico border and to develop binational diabetes prevention and control programs specific to the needs of the border population
8. Partners Pan American Health Organization
US-Mexico Border Health Association
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Secretaría de Salud de México
State Health Authorities and Diabetes Control Programs of:
Arizona Baja California
California Chihuahua
New Mexico Coahuila
Texas Nuevo León
Paso del Norte Health Foundation
El Paso Diabetes Association
Border Health Foundation
California Endowment / Project Concern International
11. Funding CDC awarded PAHO $824,000 for project activities
Paso del Norte Health Foundation has assigned more than $400,000 for the prevalence study in its area of influence (Texas).
Texas Department of Health contributed $60,000.
New Mexico Department of Health contributed $80,000 to fund the position of US Coordinator.
California Endowment awarded the Border Health Initiative of Project Concern International $272,000 to fund project activities in California
12. Management PAHO coordinates activities supported by:
Executive Committee
Scientific Committee
Intervention Advisory Committee
CDC and SSM advisors
13. Rationale Diabetes is common among people of Mexican ancestry.
The prevalence of diabetes along the US/MX border is unknown.
Health Departments in the US border states are concerned that the information from the statewide BRFSS may not be applicable to the border population.
14. Purpose The purpose of the project is two-fold:
Assess the burden of diabetes and related factors in the border population.
Provide information for diabetes program development and implementation.
15. Objectives Phase I
Prevalence of diabetes
Prevalence of lifestyle factors
Access to/Quality of health care
Data analysis
Literature review of community interventions
Phase II
16. Sample I Persons aged 18 years or older
Counties contiguous with US/MX border
Residents of census tracts in counties with cities of 50,000 people or more
Residents of census tracts in municipalities with 2,500 people or more
17. Sample II: US Strata
California-San Diego County
California-Imperial County
New Mexico
Texas-El Paso County
Texas-Other counties
Within each stratum two ethnic groups (Hispanic, Non-Hispanic) will be selected
18. Sample III: Mexico Strata
Baja California
Nuevo León
19. Sample size: US
20. Sample size: Mexico / Total
21. Data Collection Questionnaire (Demographics, behavioral risk factors, access to health care, quality of care)
Venipuncture (FPG, HbA1c)
BP measurement (SBP, DBP, HBP)
Anthropometry (Ht, Wt, WC)
22. Prevalence estimates Diabetes prevalence estimates for
US-México Border region
US Border population
México Border population
Border population of each state
23. Current Status I Household questionnaires and operation manuals have been developed in English and Spanish
A field test has been completed in El Paso and Ciudad Juárez area
A binational sample design has been developed
Communities to be surveyed have been selected
Communication plan is being developed
24. Current Status II IRB approvals have been obtained from the US and Mexico
OMB approval has been obtained (US)
Laboratories for blood analyses have been identified
Inventory of interventions has been created
The survey is about to start in the Texas-New Mexico-Chihuahua and California-Baja California regions