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Starting points… . Themes : isolation, terror, secrets, fear Characters : Arthur Kipps , Alice Drablow , Jennet Humfrye , Mr Jerome, Sam Daily, Keckwick Places : London, Crythin Gifford, Nine Lives Causeway, Monk’s Piece, Eel Marsh House.
Startingpoints…. Themes: isolation, terror, secrets, fear Characters: Arthur Kipps, Alice Drablow, Jennet Humfrye, Mr Jerome, Sam Daily, Keckwick Places: London, Crythin Gifford, Nine Lives Causeway, Monk’s Piece, Eel Marsh House
**How does Susan Hill use description of places to have an impact on how the reader feels during the novel?**
Settings – the nine lives causeway • The Nine Lives Causeway • Ahead the water gleamed like metal and I began to make out a track, rather like the line left by the wake of a boat, that ran across it. As we drew nearer, I saw that the water was lying only shallowly over the rippling sand on either side of us, and that the line was in fact a narrow track leading directly ahead, as if into the estuary itself. As we slipped onto it, I realised that this must be The Nine Lives Causeway – this and nothing more – and saw how, when the tide came in, it would quickly be quite submerged and untraceable. • At first the pony and trap met the sandy path, the smart noise we had been making ceased, and we went on almost in silence save for a hissing, silky, sort of sound. Here and there were clumps of reeds, bleached bone pale, and now and again the faintest of winds caused them to rattle dryly. The sun at our backs reflected in the water all around so that everything shone and glistened like the surface of a mirror, and the sky had taken on a faint pinkish tinge at the edges, and this in turn became reflected in the marsh and water.
techniques • Notes: • Colour • Contrast • Silence • Weather • Atmosphere • Senses
The nine lives causeway • Notes: • 1) • 2) • 3) • 4) • 5) • 6) • 7) • 8) • 9) • On the causeway path it was still quite dry underfoot but to my left I saw that the water had begun to seep nearer, quite silent (1) quite slow. I wondered how deeply the path went under the water when the tide was at height, But, on a still night such as this (2), there was plenty of time to cross in safety, though the distance was greater, now I was traversing it on foot, than it had seemed when we trotted over in Keckwick’s pony cart, and the end of the causeway path seemed to be receding into the greyness (3) ahead. I had never been quite so alone, nor felt quite so small and insignificant in a vast landscape before (4), and I fell into a not unpleasant brooding, philosophical frame of mind, struck by the indifference of water and sky to my presence. • Some minutes later, I could not tell how many, I came out of my reverie, to realise that I could no longer see very far in front of me and when I turned around I was startled to find that Eel Marsh House, too, was invisible, not because of the darkness of evening had fallen, but because of a thick, damp sea-mist (5)that had come rolling over the marshes and enveloped everything, myself, the house behind me, the end of the causeway path and the countryside ahead. It was a mist like a damp, clinging cobwebby thing(6), fine and yet impenetrable. It smelled and tasted (7) quite different from the filthy yellow fog (8) of London; that was choking and thick and still, this was salty, light and pale (8) and moving in front of my eyes all the time. I felt confused, teased by it, as though it were made up of millions of live fingers that crept over me (9), hung on me and then shifted away again. My hair and face and the sleeves of my coat were already damp with a veil of moisture. Above all, it was the suddenness of it that had so unnerved and disorientated me.
Explore how Susan Hill uses the places arthurkipps stays in to contribute to the chilling nature of the story 1) Frame the question – set out the perameters of you discussion – remember you only have 45 minutes! – This should form the basis of your introduction – how she uses places and which places you are going to discuss in your answer. 2) Find the examples in the text skim read them and jot down key quotes to use. 3)Discuss how she uses places to create different effects – how the impact on the reader is different for each one. 4)Use word level analysis as appropriate – compare and contrast different settings. 5) Remember useful words for comparing: similarly; furthermore; whereas; conversely; has the opposite effect; is a reflection of; justaposes; in contrast to; heightens; enhances.
May 2013 questions How does Hill create tension and suspense in the second chapter, A London Particular? 30 marks; SPaG 4 marks. 2) How does Hill present children in The Woman in Black? How do you think the children add to the sense of horror in the novel? 30 marks; Spag 4 marks.