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Connection Game

Connection Game. Crossing the Line. That’s Me/Crossing the Line. I have more than 10 years experience in education. I remember when there was a choice between VHS and Beta Anyone who feels that h/she knows very little about hi/her cultural heritage I have had a parent pass away

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Connection Game

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Connection Game

  2. Crossing the Line

  3. That’s Me/Crossing the Line • I have more than 10 years experience in education. • I remember when there was a choice between VHS and Beta • Anyone who feels that h/she knows very little about hi/her cultural heritage • I have had a parent pass away • I’ve never used a pay phone. • I remember when we didn’t have the internet. • Teaching was not my 1st career choice • This is my first year at Winterfield. • I have experienced the impact of alcoholism and/or drug abuse in my family • I am an only child • Anyone who has not yet crossed the line • I am a person of color • I am a child of a single parent • Sometimes I worry about not being a good teacher/leader • I am the oldest child in my family • I am the youngest child in my family • I am a N.C. transplant • I have visited another country • I had a set of encyclopedias when I was growing up. • I know how to do the Dougie and the Wobble. • I graduated college before 2000 • I have flown in a plane • I have trouble getting to work at 7:10 am • Since my first year of high school has been in love and been hurt • I remember what I was doing when President Reagan was shot. • I am a fluent speaker of another language • This will be my 1st year of teaching • Anyone who is adopted • My family owned an 8 track and a record player. • I was an ESL student

  4. Processing Questions • What kind of feelings did you have as you participated? • How did you feel when there were very few of you on one side of the room? • What does this activity have to do with leadership? • Did you find yourself making judgments of others? • How did the movement of others influence you? • What did you learn through this activity that can make our environment more welcoming? • What did you learn through this activity that will make you a better person or leader?

  5. Positive School Cultures • Foster effectiveness and productivity • Improves collegial and collaborative activities the foster better communication and problem-solving practices • Fosters successful change and improvement efforts • Builds commitment and identification of staff, students, and administrators • Amplifies the energy, motivation, and vitality of school staff. • Increases the focus of daily behavior and attention on what is important and valued.

  6. My Learnings About Adult Culture @ WES • Some people are fearful, disengaged. • Teachers and staff have good relationships. with one another. Administration is an other… • Culture of micromanagement. • Many do not feel like they were treated like professionals. • People are excited about the possibilities of the coming school year.

  7. My Learnings About Adult Culture @ WES • Many wonder if the new administration will the same or different as the former administration. • Some feel that their growth as professionals was not a priority. • People want to bring the “family” back into Winterfield.

  8. Grant’s Key Beliefs About Being an Educator • EVERY child and EVERY teacher can learn, grow, and excel in the right environment. • Everyone is important: • Every child deserves an EXPERT teacher • Every teacher deserves to be a part of an EXPERT community. • Every school needs adults who can pool their intelligence to help the entire school get smarter. • Working in a high poverty school is hard work, but coming to work should be a joy…EVERYDAY. • Teachers should freely participate in professional development, welcome feedback, and work hard to increase their effectiveness. • A family atmosphere is the best way to nurture teachers and grow students.

  9. How do we change our culture? • Build relationships • Celebrate one another • Make school fun…again • Provide freedom with accountability • Treat everyone like professionals • Laugh • Take risks… • Innovate

  10. Working Agreements • Become and remain open to new ideas • Be fully engaged and present • Honor time agreements • Speak your truth respectfully • Share responsibility for the success of our work together • Silence/vibrate all technology

  11. What’s Gone? • Key codes on the copy machine • Low limits of copies and paper • Restrictions on lamination • Posting perfect attendance and uniforms on the door. • Submitting parent contact logs • Detailed substitute folders • 4 planning meetings a week • Supply request forms

  12. The Winterfield Way School-Wide Disciplinary System

  13. Desired Outcomes • At the conclusion of this session, we will have • A commitment from all teachers to maintain a positive culture that enhances teacher morale. • Clarity about expected daily routines, procedures, and actions for Winterfield Elementary School.

  14. Adult Expectations

  15. Adult expectations

  16. Adult to Student Communication • Use words and a tone of voice that communicate dignity and positive regard for each student. • Listen to students before judging and punishing. • Show students how to meet the expectations and give them a chance to learn from their mistakes. • Do not embarrass, humiliate, or insult students under any circumstance. • Always act in a professional manner when speaking with students, parents, and community members. • Never discipline students when angry or frustrated. They will only focus on our emotions, not the consequence of their actions.

  17. Professionalism • Faculty/staff members are not to use personal technology for personalreasons in the presence of students. • Dress professionally everyday (dark jeans are permissible on Fridays) • No leggings • No sweatpants • No revealing clothing • No flip flops (think: Old Navy) • Limit teacher/assistant sitting during instructional time! Active teaching promotes active learning.

  18. Professionalism • Be on time! All staff must be in their classroom or office by 7:10 a.m.

  19. Student Safety • Students must be supervised at ALL times by a certified teacher or instructional assistant. • When traveling without a teacher, Pre-K-2 Students will ALWAYS use the buddy system during transitions to the restroom, office, cafeteria, media center, etc. • Teachers must lock doors and close/lock windows when classrooms are not occupied.

  20. Student Safety • All staff members should keep a watchful eye on areas adjacent to their classrooms, hallways, and open areas. • All visitors must have an official VISITOR BADGE visibly displayed. A stranger is anyone without a VISITOR BADGE. Strangers should be reported immediately to the office and politely asked to return to the main office to sign in. • Do not prop open outside access doors under any circumstance. Propping doors can provide access to strangers and unwanted critters.

  21. Staff Attendance • Sick: Call Ms. Grant AND assigned GLA the night before the sick absence. • Grant: 704-588-9657 • Stagle: 704-840-9012 (Pre-K-2nd) • James: 213-718-7231 (3rd-5th, Special Area) • Complete a Request for Absence upon return to school • Doctor’s note required for 3 consecutive absences. • Annual Leave: Not allowed during the school year. • Personal Leave: Must request AND receive approval from Ms. Grant.

  22. Staff Attendance • Submit Request for Absence (for Personal Leave, PD, Jury Duty, etc. ) to Ms. Rushing AND await a return copy of the form with approval or denial. • Plan ahead; forms are due 5 days before requested absence. • Approval of personal leave is not automatic.

  23. Break Time!

  24. Daily Routines & Procedures

  25. What is Consistency? • Consistency means that rules and expectations are the same from one time to another. • Benefits: • Increase feelings of security. • Increased levels of peace. • Increased student responsibility.

  26. Parents on Campus • Parents may walk students to class if: • They are carrying heavy items to class or • They have a scheduled conference with a teacher. If you schedule an early morning conference with parents (prior to 7:10)please notify your GLA and the front office team. Otherwise—Parents are NOT permitted to walk students to class in the morning.

  27. Morning Music • Music can inspire and motivate adults and students and counteract anything negative that may have happened earlier. Plus…It’s a fun way to start the day and encourage smiles. • Morning music will play every day from 7:10 AM to 7:45 AM.

  28. Morning Duty Expectations Monitor your classroom and the hallway Do the half-way shuffle Arrive on time and start duty @ 7:10 a.m. Smile and welcome students—Be the sunshine in their day.

  29. Student Arrival: Classroom Greet students at the door with a genuine smile. Shake hands and make eye contact. Make a positive comment. Ensure students complete classroom opening routines.

  30. Morning Announcements • Everyone stops and listens---even adults. • All students will learn and recite the school pledge • All students will stand for the Pledge of Allegiance; they do not have to recite it. Keep this important national ritual sacred. See Ms. Rushing if you do not have a classroom flag. Announcements begin at 7:45 a.m.

  31. Tardy Students Must have a pass to enter If they do not have a pass, call the office and send the student back to get a late pass.

  32. Sick Bears & The Nurse Sick students must be escorted to the health room by a classmate or an adult. Be sure to call the main office to notify them that a sick student is in route. Students may be sent back to class if a parent is not able to transport the student home. Classroom teachers/assistants are not permitted to dispense any medications. This includes over-the-counter drugs such as aspirin, ointments or salves. Students are not to transport prescription or non-prescription medication to or from school or have medication in their possession at any time.

  33. Student Arrival: Cafeteria Quiet, single file line. Stay with students until they are seated. Make sure students say PLEASE and THANK YOU. Seat students at your assigned table. Students may not get up without permission.

  34. Teacher Lunch Duty Goal: Build Relationships Sit with your students! Talk with your students! Monitor student behavior! Limit socializing with other adults—you are there to build relationships with your students.

  35. Campus Cleanliness Help keep our campus clean

  36. Classroom Cleanliness

  37. Classroom Cleanliness • Classroom Windows: • You may cover the bottom row of your windows with paper. • Keep your blinds open; no caves allowed!

  38. Afternoon Announcements Begin at 2:40 p.m. Everyone stops and listens---even adults. Transportation changes will be announced.

  39. How Am I Getting Home? • Keep a chart in your classroom to update student transportation: • Bus Riders • Car Riders • Van Riders • Walkers • ASEP • Orchestra

  40. Dismissal • Order of Dismissal: • ASEP and Orchestra • K-2 Car Riders: • K-2 Building line up in hallway and escorted by… • 3-5 Car Riders • Van Riders • Bus Riders (called by Bus for early buses)

  41. Dismissal • Do not allow students out of your classroom (water and bathroom breaks, to deliver items, etc.) during dismissal. KEEP them in the room! • Be prepared with an academic enrichment activity to help maintain order while waiting for bus dismissal.

  42. The Winterfield Way

  43. This Is How We Do School Respect Responsibility This is what we believe and value. This is what we expect of you and expect of ourselves. This is how we treat each other. This is how we work and learn together. This is how we correct mistakes, get back on track, repair harm, restore community, and make things right. Adults shape the school climate and culture ~ not the kids! Cooperation Hard Work Self-Discipline

  44. Core Beliefs • When a discipline situation arises, every attempt will be made to maintain the dignity and self-respect of both the student and the teacher. • Students will be guided and expected to solve their problems, or the ones they create, without creating problems for anyone else. • Students will be given opportunities to make decisions and live with the consequences of their actions, be they good or bad. • Misbehavior will be handled with natural or logical consequences instead of punishment, whenever possible.

  45. Core Beliefs • Misbehavior will be viewed as an opportunity for individual problem solving and preparation for the real world as opposed to a personal attack on school or staff. • Students are encouraged to request a “due process” hearing whenever consequences appear to be unfair. We are always open to calm, rational discussion of any matter. • School problems will be handled by school personnel. Criminal activity will be referred to the proper authorities.

  46. Values • At Winterfield Elementary School all staff and scholars demonstrate five values: • Be Respectful • Be Cooperative • Be Prepared • Be Self-Disciplined • Be a Hard Worker

  47. Core Values

  48. Urban Prep Academy The Urban Prep Creed We believe.We are the young men of Urban Prep.We are college bound.We are exceptional-not because we say it, but because we work hard at it.We will not falter in the face of any obstacle placed before us.We are dedicated, committed and focused.We never succumb to mediocrity, uncertainty or fear.We never fail because we never give up.We make no excuses.We choose to live honestly, nonviolently and honorably.We respect ourselves and, in doing so, respect all people.We have a future for which we are accountable.We have a responsibility to our families, community and world.We are our brothers' keepers.We believe in ourselves.We believe in each other.We believe in Urban Prep.WE BELIEVE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rj88qomVZk

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