1. Black Cowboy Wild Horses
2. suspended (verb) held in place as if attached from above
Tyler was suspended above ground for one hour.
Name something else that might be suspended.
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4. vastness (noun) greatness in size, extent, or number
The astronauts were amazed by the vastness of space.
Tell about the vastness of some place that amazes you.
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6. flickered (verb) shone or burned with an unsteady or wavering light
The candles flickered in the breeze before finally blowing out.
What is a synonym for flickered?
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8. swerved (verb) turned to the side suddenly
Clay swerved his car to the left to avoid hitting the dog.
Describe a time when you have swerved?
5 U2W5
10. enthusiasm (noun) eager and excited interest
Nate’s enthusiasm for the water spread to his co-workers.
What do you feel enthusiasm for?
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12. presence (noun) something felt to be nearby in a specific place at a given time
The presence of my puppy was joyful.
What is an antonym for presence?
5 U2W5
14. horizon (noun) the line where the sky and earth or sea seem to meet
The sun sank slowly below the horizon.
What can you see on the horizon?
5 U2W5
16. ravine (noun) a deep, narrow valley, especially one worn by running water
Moss grew on the rocks
along the ravine.
What might you find in a ravine?
http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Onzui_Ravine_02.JPG 5 U2W5