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E n e r g y o f c r e a t i n g t r u e s. INSIDERS COMMUNICATION GROUP. Profile. Status Member of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR) Member of the Russian Association for Public Relations (RAPR)
Profile Status Member of the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR) Member of the Russian Association for Public Relations (RAPR) Member of International corporation of independent PR Agencies Pinnacle Worldwide Member of RMA (Russian Managers’ Association) Member of PRCA (Public Relations Consulting Association) Awards National Public Relations award “Silver Archer 2004”, nomination “Best PR-project of the year” National Public Relations award “Silver Archer 2009”, nomination “Best PR-project of the year” Ratings 2006: INSIDERS is the seventh top quoted company in Mass Media. At the end of 2007 INSIDERS is the 5th top quoted PR-company among those dealing with business-PR in marketing and socio-political internet resources. INSIDERS is in the top-10 of PR-agencies that work on the Russian communication market. The President Andrey Lapshov, President of the Russian Chapter of the International Association of Business Communicators / Russia (IABC/Russia) Member of the council of trustees of the national PR award “Silver Archer” Member of the RPRA’s (Russian Public Relations Association) higher expert council Member of the advertising policy committee of the Chamber of commerce and industry Member of International Advertising Association (IAA) Personnel 60 employees
Professional experience: Andrey Lapshov, the president of INSIDERS Andrey B. Lapshov Operational experience in authorities Since October, 1999 - the deputy chief of Department of the governmental information of Governmental body of the Russian Federation. Was responsible for information support of trips of Prime minister V.V.Putin on regions Russian Federations, Department scheduling, for creation and site start www.government.ru. From the midpoint of 2000 – the head of secretary of Federal minister Lubenchenko K.D. (was responsible for advancement of the governmental bills in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In the end of 2000 the post of the minister is abolished in connection with changes in government structure). Operational experience in corporate sector In 1993-1997 - the chief of department - the assistant to the Chairman of Board on Promradtekhbank public relations Since February, 2003 - the head of Department of public relations of Joint-stock Financial Corporation "System". Since September, 2003 – the vice-president, the head of the Complex of external relations J-SFC "System". A management of three departments: department of public relations; department of international contacts; department of regional communications. Has created and has headed Welfare fund "System". - Forming of communications with authorities - Information support IPO of the company (2004-2005, J-SFC "System", LSE, the company has taken places on $1,52 billion - The social reporting of corporation - Charities realisation - Coordination of work of the press-services of the companies of corporation - The report Operational experience in journalism In 1992-93 - a deputy head of department of the operative information of the newspaper "Kommersant" (worked from first days of an exit of the daily newspaper). In 1997-1999 - the assistant to the general director of the publishing house of Joint-Stock Company "Company "the Profil” (nowadays – ID Rodionova). Experience of employment by public work The president of Russian representation International Association of Business Communications (IABC/Russia, www.communicators.ru) Member of the Board of guardians of the National award in the field of development of public relations «Silver Archer». A member of the Higher Advisory council of the Russian Association on public relations (РАСО). The author of the book «Plus-minus reputation. The Russian experience of reputation management» (2003). The author of tens articles and reports on various aspects of communication activity.
Professional experience: The Team The Deputy director Mikhail V. Golovanov Graduated from Russian State University for the Humanities, Institute for History and Archives and Mass-media Institute. In 1997 has begun career in mass-media as a correspondent of The “Kommersant” Publishing House. The General Director Elena V. Sanarova Graduated from Krasnoyarsk State University. In 1986 has begun career in mass-media as a correspondent of main regional newspaper “Krasnoyarskiy komsomolets”. In 2002 came to the Interbank investment group as the Public relations director. In 1999 came to the Effective policy foundation (FEP, head – Gleb Pavlovskiy) as a mass-media analyst. For three years worked as a senior producer of the information announcement department of NTV broadcasting company. Since 2007 – the Adviser to Head of Federal Agency of financially-budgetary supervision. The author of some theoretical articles on problems of information safety. In November of 2007 has created and has headed Analytical centre of INSIDERS CG. Since July of 2008 supervises over work of Department of strategic workings out, is responsible for questions of strategic planning, supervises work of the Analytical centre and realization of Internet projects. • In 2003 headed public relations department of Joint-stock Financial Corporation “System”. Since 2005 The Vice-president on public relations, the trustee of the “Sitronics” company – the high-tech business direction of J-SFC “System”. In 2008 headed media activities of The «Baltic bank» as The adviser for public relations of the President of bank The Special projects Director Artem А. Lazarev Graduated from Moscow State University of M.V. Lomonosov, Philosophy department, political science division, on a speciality “Political problems of international relations”. Since 2005 worked as an analyst in Effective policy foundation (FEP, head - Gleb Pavlovskiy). The Director for Development Daria A. Gubar’ Graduated from Novosibirsk State University, history department. Since 2005 worked in PR-sphere. Also has long experience in analytical sphere: information streams analysis, public image assessment, features of positioning, working out communication strategy, forecasting of information risks and image threats. Since 2007 became a member of editorial group of “Russkiy journal”. Since May, 2007 the author and the executive producer of project FEP-TV (web television project). While working in Effective policy foundation (FEP) also participated in realization PR and GR projects of some commercial and state structures. Since September, 2008 is responsible for development and promotion of INISIDERS’ project “The Informational news map” and also supervises over special projects. Has a number of researches and methodological works.
Energy of creatingtrues INSIDERS: Services of agency. Instruments
Services of agency. Instruments Promotion in World wide web: Traditional Innovative Creation of web-sites Bloggs Marketing audit of a site Social networks Search optimization (SEO,SEM) Video-hostings Forums of Internet shops Banner advertising Contextual advertising Monitoring of web platforms Product-placementinflash-games The guaranteed publications in the Internet 12
Energy of creatingtrues INSIDERS: Case study
Vnukovo, 25 % Domodedovo, 37 % Sheremetevo, 38% Case: crisis campaign Goal:To change the existing negative information background of Sheremetevo. It is essential: • To reinforce the image of Sheremetevo as of the main airport of the country. • To form the positive information field. Solution • Working as the airport’s press-service: • Realization of media-campaigns (anniversary, charter, security) • Celebrating the 45th aiport’s anniversary (press-conferences with Austrian Airlines and Lufthansa), initiating of a large-scale campaign in the leading business and socio-political periodicals, and in news agencies, an image internet campaign. • Media-campaign on security. The stress is made on highlighting the working process of security system. Outcome: • Within the period from 09.2003 till 12.2004 the general information background changed from negative to positive.The crisis media campaign on security issue in Sheremetevo resulted in 150 publications in the media. Reinforcing the image of Sheremetevo as one of the most safe airports in the country. • An independent social research on security level was carried out after the end of the campaign.
Aeroflot Russian Airlines Problem:Accident over Boden sea in which result 52 Russian children were lost became serious test for the majority of the Russian airlines. The public disturbed by tragedy and journalists have provoked the further wave of a negative under the relation both to air flights and branch as a whole, and to the leading Russian companies-carriers. In connection with unfair actions of mass-media (in a number of the materials devoted to given tragedy images of technics of "Aeroflot" were used that has caused a wave of a negative towards airline) company management the decision on necessity of the anti-recessionary program was accepted Solution: • Within the limits of the given program Agency INSIDERS has offered to introduction in the Company the document: The Guide for employees of Department on public relations on action in crisis situations. • The given Guide represented algorithm of actions of employees and a crisis staff in various crisis situations and the recommendation about the most effective methods of behaviour in such situations. In the document the high-grade analysis and classification of possible situations with separate variants of reaction to each of them contained • The management also contained appendices in which forms and examples of various information statements (condolences, press releases on cases accidents have been given various weight etc.), address bases of cross-sectional journalists both leading mass-media and many other useful tools in a crisis situation • Simultaneously INSIDERS has offered a format and criteria of an estimation of activity PR-dept., focused on achievement qualitative and results. The given document also contained examples of necessary data: schedules, diagrammes, tables etc.
«S7» airlines Problem:Working out of anti-recessionary communication regulations for maintenance of operative and effective interaction of employees of the press-service of airline from mass-media. Solution: • Within the limits of the given program Agency INSIDERS has offered to introduction in the Company the document: The Guide for employees of the Press-service on action in crisis situations. • The given Guide represented algorithm of actions of employees and a crisis staff in various crisis situations and the recommendation about the most effective methods of behaviour in such situations. In the document the high-grade analysis and classification of possible situations with separate variants of reaction to each of them contained • The management also contained appendices in which forms and examples of various information statements (condolences, press releases on cases accidents have been given various weight etc.), address bases of cross-sectional journalists both leading mass-media and many other useful tools in a crisis situation.
Zvorikinskiy ProjectThe Year of Youth The Project: “Innovations for the Youth. Zvorikinskiy project” won the Silver Archer 2009” Award as Best PR Project of the Year. Task: • To provoke the growth of innovative activity of young people by providing information support to young creators’ inventions, valuable to our country’s technical development and creating systematic mechanisms, stimulating technical creativity and the involvement of young people in the implementation of innovative projects. Suggested solutions: • Development of strategic promotion of the “Zvorikinskiy Project” brand. • Development of a communication campaign, attracting the attention of mass media. • Decision to provide information support for all eight branches of The Year of Youth and create a united press-center for the Year of Youth. • Development of communication campaigns for all 8 branches of The Year of Youth. Achievements and Results: • The target KPI was exceeded 7times(more than 800 publications). • As a result of the agency’s work the number of the participants in the project grew from 400 to 900 people in the period from may to November 2009. • The support of other 7 branches of The Year of Youth yielded over 3000 publications without changing the cost of the project. • The total number of events held throughout the year came up to 127. • Successful implementation of “field” press-camps at the Lake Seliger Forum and the II Innovations convent. 17
OLD POLICYPROJECT The «Old policy» project was developed and held by INSIDERS for Russia Insurance Company, and was awarded with Silver Archer, the leading national PR prize, for the best PR project of the year (2004). Tasks • «Russia» is the first private insurance company in Russia in its new economic history. In the beginning of the XXth century the pre-revolutionary Russia Insurance Society was the leader of the Russian joint-stock insurance and was one of the five largest insurers of the world. It was liquidated by a Soviet power Decree. Revived at the end of the XX century, Russia Insurance Company made a decision to vitalize connection with the former company. INSIDERS faced the following challenges: • To hold PR campaign in target period, with simple and clear terms; • To draw the maximal attention of target audience and mass media to the action (to provide the maximal mass media covering of the action); • To receive the "historical" response - to find successors, original policies, etc for insurance museum Decision • The slogan of the action was developed: «Store the dear». The first stage: Information partners were chosen and terms of the action were developed. The Expert Council which included well-known insurance experts, critics and bibliographers was formed. The second stage: The large-scale support campaign of the action was carried out in mass media: All Russia employees working with clients were informing the population The third stage: Results of the action were announced at the final press conference held on November, 10, 2004. Within the framework of press conference the circuit Museum exposition was organized. Result • More than 70 materials appeared on TV, in printed media, news agencies and Internet. • As a result of «Old Policy» action Russia was recognized as the winner of the First Russian public premium in the field of insurance Gold Salamander.
National Russian Convention for Innovations The Concept of the event (from the Convention official site) • “The Innovation Convention is an official annual national event aiming at inspiring innovative thinking and activity among the young Russians. The Convention welcomes young Russian inventors, scientists, innovation managers, as well as representatives of Russian and foreign companies employing innovative developments, as participants. The Convention will invite representatives of the Russian innovation diaspora - the best specialists who have left the country - to also take part. • Within the Convention, the participants will hear the leaders of the innovation development, take part in inspiring workshops and programs, as well as discover the most promising start-ups at special exhibitions. The Convention envisages starting ongoing competitions, programs and projects promoting active inventor thinking and innovative people. • The Convention will culminate in the first annual ceremony to award the National Prize in Innovations for the youth. Grand-Prix of the Convention will be presented by Dmitry Medvedev, President of Russian Federation. The ceremony will start a large-scale national program for motivating the young people to engender and develop innovations. It hopes to become an effective and straightforward mechanism of encouraging innovation activity among the young people. We mean to contribute to the birth of a system to encourage innovation activity, which will shape the future of Russia”. Communication Goals and Objectives: • To ensure participation of no less than 300 young scientists (young than 35 years old), including those from abroad, all being active in their scientific research. • To select nominees for a recognition program “International Acknowledgment. Zvorykin Award for Innovation” among national young scientists. • To organize and conduct a workshop devoted to the Convention.
National Russian Convention for Innovations Solutions: • In cooperation with International publishing house Elsevier and with the support of international on-line database of scientific publications Scopus the methodology for search and selection of the most quoted Russian (by origin, not current nationality) scientists. • The Agency worked out its own methodology to evaluate efficiency of young scientists – nominees for a recognition program “International Acknowledgment. Zvorykin Award for Innovation». • The Agency prepared a schedule of a workshop “Career strategies in international scientific community” and selected widely recognized scientists who could run the workshop. Steps / Outcome : • The Agency implemented a detailed analysis of scientific activity of 5000 young scientists and compiled a database including 3000 of those scientists who were most quoted and whose expertise related to the thematic scope of the event. The next step included forming a guest-list of 300 of them with the highest indices of activity and citation. • On the basis of the methodology the Agency made a list of 10 most active Russian young scientists whose works are acknowledged by the scientific community worldwide. • The workshop “Career strategies in international scientific community” for 150 persons was successfully implemented.
Case: project with Rosnanotech Objectives: • To build trust to the Certification system NANOCERTIFICA. • To stimulate use of the Certification system NANOCERTIFICA by nanoindustry actors. The situation was complicated because of the fact that certification was not obligatory Steps implemented by Communication Agency INSIDERS (September to November 2008): • The Agency made a research which revealed the attitude of manufacturers in nanoinductry towards certification programs for nanotechnology products and defined opportunities to increase manufacturers’ interest in certification • The Agency developed a communication strategy for the Certification system NANOCERTIFICA (2008-2009), which includes relations with multiple audiences: • With communities; • With manufacturers and distributors of nanotechnology products; • With government officials; • With media. • The Agency developed a textual component of a brand platform of the Certification System NANOCERTIFICA, which emphasized advantages of the system. • The Agency compiled presentation materials of the Certification system NANOCERTIFICA. • The press conference for the certification system NANOCERTIFICA was successfully run. • The Agency ensured participation of NANOCERTIFICA representatives in the International Forum of Nanotechnologies in Moscow. Outcome (in 3 months): • Significant increase of interest of target audiences in the Certification system NANOCERTIFICA. • Significant increase of publicity of NANOCERTIFICA.
Russian Federal Service of Financial Supervision. GoalTo work out the planning and management system for internal and external communications of the Russian Federal Service of Financial Supervision. Objectives: • To carry out a complex program aimed at establishing relationships between the Federal Service and the society ‘from scratch’. • To increase the efficiency of work of the central body structural units and regional Federal service administrations that were responsible for public and media relations. • To provide a set of consulting and educational services • To hold oral and written consultations for Russian Federal Service of Financial Supervision executives • To consult on the form and contents of news materials issued by the central body structural units and regional administrations of the Russian Federal Service of Financial Supervision. Outcome: • Insiders’ project team worked out a number of normative documents and internal regulations that helped to control the public relations sphere: • Regulation of external communications of the Russian Service of Financial Supervision: • A prospective plan of media relations for the Russian Service of Financial Supervision; • An activity plan for news coverage of the administrative reform implemented in the Russian Federal Service of Financial Supervision; • News program “The best representatives of the Russian Federal Service of Financial Supervision”; • The concept of news support of the celebration of the 85-th anniversary of controlling and auditing bodies; • A special event program aimed at attracting public attention to the urgent legal issues in the sphere of financial supervision.
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) Development of a communication strategy for the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR) and the city of Dubna as an nternational Nanocity (Nanograd) The aim of the project: To promote the perception of Dubna and JINR as an international center of science and technology. To promote Dubna and JINR as a top aspirant to the status of Nanocity (in order to receive the status of Nanocity granted by Rosnano). Solution: The development of communication strategies was carried out in 3 stages: As a result of research the main aspects of successful innovative activity in Russia were out-lined, as well as an info-marketing cycle of innovations was compiled and recommended for implementation at the JINR. Following expert surveys and cabinet research it was decided to shift the aim from merely receiving the status of Nanograd to forming a perception of Dubna (JINR) as the «center of catalyzing» innovative development based on nanotechnology. In the course of media auditing of Dubna and its competitors as science-cities, most effective strategies, used by competitors were analyzed and also most interesting information pretexts for JINR and the topic of innovation in Russia were suggested. Target audiences were outlined and analyzed. It was decided to strategically promote DUBNA as an exemplary ground, which allows you to see the complete cycle of an innovative idea turning into a product; a scientific development turning into a successful business – THE TESTING GROUND FOR INNOVATION.” Four positioning options were suggested, aimed at primary target audiences and key-messages for each option were outlined. The revealed communication channels in the innovation sphere in Russia were analyzed and ranked according to their efficacy for different target audiences. A whole range of communication strategies was suggested, including changing the image of top executives of Dubna and JINR,workshops for managers for innovation and starting a club for innovative municipalities. Methods of measuring the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed programs were also suggested to the client. Results: • The suggested strategy was approved by the client • INSIDERS specialists are now providing expert support in the implementation of the communication strategy. 23
Analytical Research for the Civic Chamber of Russian Federation (2008-2009) The project: carrying out research in the interest of the Civic Chamber to reflect the state of the society as portrayed in mass media and the civic activity in internet social media. In 2008 INSIDERSand the press service of the Civic Chamber of RF carried out a survey “The Dynamics of problems of the civil society development positioning in mass media during 2006-2208”. Some of the results were presented in the Chamber’s yearly report. In 2009 the Civic Chamber assigned INSIDERS to carry out another survey to reveal and analyze the main characteristic of the information field, formed by federal, regional and internet mass media when covering the issue of the civil society. The term «civil society» for the first time became the object of media-analysis, so the researchers had to develop new, original approaches to carrying out the requested analysis. The tasks: Quantitive analysis of key terms and categories connected with the civil society issues. Revelation and comparative analysis of the thematic structure if the information field, formed by the federal, regional and internet mass media when covering the topic of civil society in connection with the main spheres of life in the country. Revelation of main tendencies in mass media’s covering the topic of the civil society and the activities of social institutions. Qualitative analysis of revealed trends and tendencies in covering the topic of the civil society and the activities of social institutions. Working out recommendations to improve the quality and quantity of publications dedicated to the topic of civil society in federal mass media and the harmonization of the information field structure, formed by the media when covering the issues of the civil society. The outcome: The research was presented at hearings in the Civil Chamber. The results attracted the attention of social and politics oriented mass media as well as it interested specialized media, exploring political and social issues. 24
The efficiency of INSIDERSinfluence to the media field. The efficiency of INSIDERScommunication campaigns is proved by the constant increase of the number of publications mentioning the Client’s name in the information field. A 5-years long period of cooperation with Nemiroff aimed at the brand formation in the Russian market led to the following results: • The number of positive publications devoted to the company’s activity increased. • A balanced information policy along with immediate reaction to the on-going events including the flows of negative information that come up from time to time allowed the company to strengthen its positive image in the Russian market considerably. • The structure of subject groups changed a lot. Nemiroff brand was now mentioned as a pioneer of the Ukraine business, a company that thoroughly controls the quality norms of its products, an open and socially responsible leader. • The index of the company’s mention increased 10 times as much as it was before.
Case: Increasing commentary activity Goal: To give the top-management and analysts of IG “Kapital” the status of experts and to increase the index of quotability. Tools: • Working out and integrating a special communication strategy to deal with mass media (parallel work with press-service, matrix division of media space). • A 100% realization of commentary program • Spreading company’s news stories– initiating publications in mass-media and spreading press-releases; • Activity plan – taking part in industry events. Outcome: • The company was surrounded by a controllable information space; • A pool of loyal journalists was formed; • Positive and mutually beneficial relations were set between journalists and company analysts; • The company’s experts gave their comments to the core business media (“Business&FM”, “Company”, RBC daily, Quote.ru, AK&M etc.). Owing to this fact, the index of qoutability of IG “Kapital” raised considerably in comparison with September 2006. • When signing a contract with INSIDERS, management company KAPITAL was the twelfth in the managing company’s reference rating. According to the rating results from the 18th of February 2007 management company KAPITAL became the first among the most frequently mentioned companies in mass media. Professional and regular communication with mass media as well as personal contacts of the Agency’s managers raised the commentary activity of IG Kapital up 650%
A series of the events held during the Moscow telephone Network rebranding (MGTS) Goal • To attract the attention of the of customers and business society to the updated image of MGTS. • The Agency was challenged to support MGTS rebranding among the target audiences with the help of bright memorable and unusual image campaign. Solution • A long-term event project on the introduction of MGTS new image was worked out within the rebranding program for the period 2006-2007. A DIGGER PRESS-TOUR AS A PART OF THE ANNUAL CONTRACT FOR MGTS PUBLIC CORP. Goal • To emphasize the large-scale modernization of MGTS. To demonstrate with the help of the city media that MGTS is not just a wire network connecting telephones with each other, but a giant, complex, and constantly developing infrastructure that brings the whole megalopolis to life. Solution • INSIDERS came up with an extraordinary solution: to organize a press-tour in order to demonstrate the network modernization process to the journalists. The program included the tour around the company’s museum – a tour around the operating office – a digger tour around the underground MGTS collector – an outdoor stand-up meal with participation of MGTS top-managers at the territory of the Automatic Switching Center. • Every journalist received an MGTS cableman uniform on the arrival to the digger press-tour point. Then all the volunteers could descend to the collector. In this case everybody was to fasten a safety belt (as there was a 5 meters deep vertical descent through the sewer manhole). The tour around the collector was guided by two teams of MGTS cablemen. One of the teams held a master-class for the journalists in the collector – everybody had a chance to solder two cables under the guidance of an experienced professional. Outcome • 100% media coverage. The reports about the press-tour were broadcasted in news and theme programs by city channelsas well as by a number оf municipal cable tv-studios.
Case: press-tour (CHETRA tractors’s show) The public corporation “Promtractor” is the leading in Russia and CIS manufacturer of heavy technical equipment. The equipment produced by the corporation are used in oil and gas, mining and construction industries. • CHETRA equipment has acquired a great reputation in Russia, CIS and 23 other countries. The aim: • It was essential to demonstrate the leading position of the company on a higher level, to introduce the company on the federal and international levels. The solution: • It was decided to organize a press-tour for mass media representatives (federal, foreign and specialized) to a special show, dedicated to CHETRA tractors. The annual tractor show – is the only event in the industry of such scale. It is not only a convenient ground for showing off the latest novelties in tractor development, but also a real festive occasion, an opportunity to highlight all CHETRA equipment advantages. Press-tour tasks: • Enlarging the information field by introducing CHETRA tractors on the federal and international levels. - Attracting the attention of potential clients to the company’s latest developments and reinforcing the connection between actual partners through spreading information in respected mass media. • Strengthening the position and image of CHETRA brand on the market Building up an image of “Promtractor” as the leader in its sector. Result: • After the event over 50 publications appeared. Almost a third in federal press.
The bestWeb-projects Best projects: The Republic Kazakhstan promo-portal Kazakhstanlive.ru was highly appreciated in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of this country. At portal creation the innovative technology of the animation flesh-menu was applied. Portal of Russian compartment IABC Sommunicators.ru – an example of a successful combination of a presentation site of public organisation and an information-analytical branch portal. The corporate site of company VISIONLAND Visionland.ru by estimations of participants of the market is recognised by an exemplary site for the fee-developer companies: besides simplicity and convenience of navigation, the site differs the thought over design when under a company corporate style all visual elements "are ground". The corporate site of leading power-generating company OGK-3 Ogk3.ru shows effective decisions on seating big volume of the information, characteristic for the large power companies.
Case: Information-analytical Support. Description: Interactive informational news map. A daily (morning) interactive product that contains an analytical overview and the full-text of the most interesting articles at the same time. Actually, it is a personal morning digest-newspaper tailored to the company’s format and business area. The main goal of the News Map is to inform the subscribers about: • The events in the Client’s business sphere that were covered in mass media • The comments made by top industry experts and the Client’s speakers • The contexts where the industry and the Client were mentioned • The major political and economical events in Russia and CIS as well as the mostly discussed issues in the world. • While filling the News Map with information news closely related to the industry get the priority. • The News Map may contain a regional aspect and be adjusted to regional peculiarities when issued for a region. • The document is downloaded to the special internet page and can be viewed with the help of PC or CPC. • The News Map is formed in such a way that every user can choose the level of his/her awareness of this or that sphere: every link is active. Therefore, one can browse with the help of a link system from the first page with the main rubricator to the full-text of a required article.
Contact information The President Andrey B. Lapshov General Director (CEO) Elena V. Sanarovasanarova@insiders.ru Tel.: +7(495) 221-74-32 Fax.: +7(495) 650-04-09 Moscow, Russian Federation, 1-stVolkonskiylane., 9. www.insiders.ru