Media effects on adolescents
The world which we live • Live in the "age of image" everyday we view 1000's of images through a variety of ways: advertising, magazines, movies, television, internet,billboards. With our easy access to smart phones, computers, ipods, and more we are more than ever bombarded with images.
Past generations In the past people were influenced by what they read rather than what they saw. Books were the center of knowledge. This moved to the time of the radio, where what you heard became what you knew.
Advertising and Adolescent Obesity 2/3 of the American population are obese. 18% of American Children are obese. Only 10% of parents seek medical help for their obese children. Studies have shown that a television in the bedroom contributes greatly to childhood obesity. Advertisers spend One and a Half Billion Dollars yearly on advertisements directed at children.
Advertising and Sugar Sweetened Beverages. • Science has found that the consumption of sugar sweetened drinks is strongly associated with obesity. • According to the Nielsen Data from 2008 to 2010 preschool kids were exposed to 54% more ads for energy Drinks. • And between 2004 and 2009 sales of energy drinks increased by 240%. • The AOP stated that energy drinks should never be consumed by adolescents.
Health Risks associated with childhood obesity. • Chronic Liver Disease (nonalcoholic fatty liver) • Heart Disease • Diabetes • High blood Pressure • Gallstones • Slipped Capita Femoral Epiphysis • Adolescent Tibia Vara (Growth Plate Fractures) • Depression • Low Self-Esteem
Government and Prevention On December 2, Congress passed Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act. This Act instructs the USDA to develop Higher nutritional standards based on recommendations from The Institute of Medicine. The number one and the best and only things to do to prevent this is Education, about what's healthy and nutritious.
In 2006 reports of 78% of teens read magazines. The largest teen magazine today has a readership about 13 million monthly The magazine Cosmopolitan can be purchased in over 100 different countries, and the United States has the biggest group of readers.
Teen and young adult magazines are centered around a women's body image, and or to make herself the "perfect catch" and giving out sexual advice and information
Music...good or bad? How does music influence you? • With all of the music we hear, everyone is influenced differently. One thing's for sure; music and pop culture affect the way teenagers think of themselves, how they associate with others, and how they show their maturity. • Depending on the type of music we listen to, we will get a different message. Some will be about girls, drugs and 24" rims. Others will cause you to wonder if the tractor down the street is sexy. Whatever the genre may be, there are both positive and negative messages that a teenager will hear. Will it drive them to the extreme or guide them in the right direction?
Influences from music: • Sex: • With the amount of sex being talked about in music and media, teens are viewing it as a normal thing to do. But for teenagers who aren't mature enough to handle the physical and emotional effects of having sex, it can be an experience with potentially harmful effects throughout their teen years and later in life. • Violence: • Kathleen O'Toole of Stanford University said that research shows that some male teens who listen to music that promotes violence become more antagonistic. Note the word 'some.' Not all teenagers that play violent video games or listen to violence promoting music entertain "violent thoughts."
Continued... • Emotions: • Listening to music, creating music or performing music can be very cathartic for people. It helps people 'cleanse' their emotions. In a St. Petersburg Times article, Amy Lee, lead singer of the band Evanescence describes music as her therapy. Whether they are relating to the lyrics, writing their own music or dancing at a live concert, these experiences provide a way for teenagers to express themselves in a variety of ways. • Identity: • For teenagers, music frequently provides a way for identifying or labeling certain emotions. Whether they are struggling with sexuality, sexual orientation, depression or loneliness, identifying these emotions in music can be helpful. Especially when a teen feels like they can't talk to family or friends about certain things, finding music with lyrics they can relate with can make a big difference.
Music Videos: MTV • The onset and popularity of music videos occurred in 1981 with the birth of a new kind of television: MTV. • Within 10 years it captivated over 55 million American homes, with a growth rate of 5 million more homes per year. • In Europe it has become one of the fastest- growing feign franchise. With a viewer base of 24 million homes in over 27 countries.
Music Videos: Consequences • The MTV music video industry promotes and shows more sex and violence than traditional television programming. • Exposure to this stimuli directly correlates with premarital sexual promiscuity. • Study showed 7th & 9th grade adolescents were more likely to be ok with sex before marriage, after just a half an hour of MTV exposure.
Why Music Videos? • Music has a strong effect over emotions and moods. This can cause behavioral and attitudinal changes. Add this to visual images and themes and you have a deeper impact. • The combination of visual and audio presentations has a more influential impact then these entities do on their own.
Music Video: Impact • Due to the multisensory input that the music video stimulates the messages impact the viewer more profoundly. • When just listening to a song one can tune out the lyrics or not understand what they mean. However, with a music video the messages are very clear and often disturbing.
What's promoted? Due to the rebellious, anti social, and sexual messages contained in popular Rock music music videos perpetuate these messages. "When Adolescents are struggling to achieve an autonomous adult identity and are exploring their emerging sexual awakenings, they are undoubtedly more vulnerable to the combined influence of high-impact visual and auditory messages. This may be true especially if their identity has not been firmly established."
Exposure to Music Videos • The quick often meaningless exposure to violence with his abruptness can have a greater level of shock compared to that of a news report that builds and prepares one for the violent acts. This can result to the desensitization to violence.
Effects of Music Videos • The emotional vulnerability of an adolescent’s mind, especially those who come from unsatisfied home environments, create a more reception and effect to what they are watch and listen to. From this their views on sex reflect the opinions presented in the music video. • Attitudes are more permissive, which leads to actually permissive sexual behavior.
Sex in Movies/Television • Increasingly more present as time goes on. • TV shows have allowed more sexual situations. • We've slowly become desensitized over time. • More and more adolescents are exposed. • Proper supervision can't always be in place because of the increasing volume of sexual activity in movies.
Effects on Sexuality • Studies have shown a correlation between watching "sexy" TV and engaging in intercourse at an earlier age. • Children become more comfortable. • Many adolescent's first exposure to sex is through TV. • instead of through the proper sex ed (a course or parent typically) • TV shows portray one person having many partners. • They don't however show the negative effects of this.
Effects on the Mind • In suggestive scenes much of the female and male bodies are exposed. • Often times this is viewed as the standard body image. • This is a problem when many adolescents are still in puberty. • This affects females in particular according to studies.
Effects on the Mind (cont.) • Most women portrayed in love scenes are skinny and many have had some form of plastic surgery. • This further distorts body image for young females. • Young girls will often develop unrealistic expectations for their bodies. • this can lead to many different types of eating disorders. • Some websites provide reinforcement for these types of behavior.
Conclusion • •Sexuality and Self Image. • oEffects reach everyone.