1. Health Checks for Citrix Services Using Advanced Monitors Improving Fault Tolerance for a Citrix Presentation Server Farm using Citrix NetScaler Application Switch
2. Application Enumeration with Web Interface 1 Client initiates request for application through WI VIP on NetScaler Application Switch.
2 WI Server selected by NetScaler Application Switch and HTTP request sent to WI Server
3 WI Server receives request and sends XML request to XML VIP on NetScaler Application Switch
4 NetScaler Application Switch selects XML Broker and XML request sent to XML Service
5 XML Service receives request and forwards it to its own (local) IMA Service
6 Local IMA Service contacts IMA Service on Zone Data Collector.
7 Zone Data Collector checks Dynamic Store, for the Least Loaded Server with the requested application in the Presentation Farm, sends IMA ping to the LLS target, and returns the HostID of that server.
8 HostID of Least Loaded Server is received by the XML Service.
9 XML Service looks up the HostID in its Local Host Cache, contacts the STA for a session ticket, and sends XML response back to the NetScaler Application Switch.
10 Netscaler Application Switch passes XML response back to appropriate WI Server based on COOKIEINSERT persistencetype
11 WI Server receives XML response and packages ICA file with template and send ICA file back to the NetScaler Application Switch
12 NetScaler Application Switch receives ICA file from WI Server and passes it back to the Client
13 Client receives ICA file from NetScaler Application Switch.
14 Client initiates ICA session directly to the Least Loaded MetaFrame Server.
1 Client initiates request for application through WI VIP on NetScaler Application Switch.
2 WI Server selected by NetScaler Application Switch and HTTP request sent to WI Server
3 WI Server receives request and sends XML request to XML VIP on NetScaler Application Switch
4 NetScaler Application Switch selects XML Broker and XML request sent to XML Service
5 XML Service receives request and forwards it to its own (local) IMA Service
6 Local IMA Service contacts IMA Service on Zone Data Collector.
7 Zone Data Collector checks Dynamic Store, for the Least Loaded Server with the requested application in the Presentation Farm, sends IMA ping to the LLS target, and returns the HostID of that server.
8 HostID of Least Loaded Server is received by the XML Service.
9 XML Service looks up the HostID in its Local Host Cache, contacts the STA for a session ticket, and sends XML response back to the NetScaler Application Switch.
10 Netscaler Application Switch passes XML response back to appropriate WI Server based on COOKIEINSERT persistencetype
11 WI Server receives XML response and packages ICA file with template and send ICA file back to the NetScaler Application Switch
12 NetScaler Application Switch receives ICA file from WI Server and passes it back to the Client
13 Client receives ICA file from NetScaler Application Switch.
14 Client initiates ICA session directly to the Least Loaded MetaFrame Server.
3. Application Enumeration with Web Interface 1 Client initiates request for application through WI VIP on NetScaler Application Switch.
2 WI Server selected by NetScaler Application Switch and HTTP request sent to WI Server
3 WI Server receives request and sends XML request to XML VIP on NetScaler Application Switch
4 NetScaler Application Switch selects XML Broker and XML request sent to XML Service
5 XML Service receives request and forwards it to its own (local) IMA Service
6 Local IMA Service contacts IMA Service on Zone Data Collector.
7 Zone Data Collector checks Dynamic Store, for the Least Loaded Server with the requested application in the Presentation Farm, sends IMA ping to the LLS target, and returns the HostID of that server.
8 HostID of Least Loaded Server is received by the XML Service.
9 XML Service looks up the HostID in its Local Host Cache, contacts the STA for a session ticket, and sends XML response back to the NetScaler Application Switch.
10 Netscaler Application Switch passes XML response back to appropriate WI Server based on COOKIEINSERT persistencetype
11 WI Server receives XML response and packages ICA file with template and send ICA file back to the NetScaler Application Switch
12 NetScaler Application Switch receives ICA file from WI Server and passes it back to the Client
13 Client receives ICA file from NetScaler Application Switch.
14 Client initiates ICA session directly to the Least Loaded MetaFrame Server.
1 Client initiates request for application through WI VIP on NetScaler Application Switch.
2 WI Server selected by NetScaler Application Switch and HTTP request sent to WI Server
3 WI Server receives request and sends XML request to XML VIP on NetScaler Application Switch
4 NetScaler Application Switch selects XML Broker and XML request sent to XML Service
5 XML Service receives request and forwards it to its own (local) IMA Service
6 Local IMA Service contacts IMA Service on Zone Data Collector.
7 Zone Data Collector checks Dynamic Store, for the Least Loaded Server with the requested application in the Presentation Farm, sends IMA ping to the LLS target, and returns the HostID of that server.
8 HostID of Least Loaded Server is received by the XML Service.
9 XML Service looks up the HostID in its Local Host Cache, contacts the STA for a session ticket, and sends XML response back to the NetScaler Application Switch.
10 Netscaler Application Switch passes XML response back to appropriate WI Server based on COOKIEINSERT persistencetype
11 WI Server receives XML response and packages ICA file with template and send ICA file back to the NetScaler Application Switch
12 NetScaler Application Switch receives ICA file from WI Server and passes it back to the Client
13 Client receives ICA file from NetScaler Application Switch.
14 Client initiates ICA session directly to the Least Loaded MetaFrame Server.
4. Application Enumeration with WI 1 Client initiates request for application through WI VIP on NetScaler Application Switch.
2 WI Server selected by NetScaler Application Switch and HTTP request sent to WI Server
3 WI Server receives request and sends XML request to XML VIP on NetScaler Application Switch
4 NetScaler Application Switch selects XML Broker and XML request sent to XML Service
5 XML Service receives request and forwards it to its own (local) IMA Service
6 Local IMA Service contacts IMA Service on Zone Data Collector.
7 Zone Data Collector checks Dynamic Store, for the Least Loaded Server with the requested application in the Presentation Farm, sends IMA ping to the LLS target, and returns the HostID of that server.
8 HostID of Least Loaded Server is received by the XML Service.
9 XML Service looks up the HostID in its Local Host Cache, contacts the STA for a session ticket, and sends XML response back to the NetScaler Application Switch.
10 Netscaler Application Switch passes XML response back to appropriate WI Server based on COOKIEINSERT persistencetype
11 WI Server receives XML response and packages ICA file with template and send ICA file back to the NetScaler Application Switch
12 NetScaler Application Switch receives ICA file from WI Server and passes it back to the Client
13 Client receives ICA file from NetScaler Application Switch.
14 Client initiates ICA session directly to the Least Loaded MetaFrame Server.
1 Client initiates request for application through WI VIP on NetScaler Application Switch.
2 WI Server selected by NetScaler Application Switch and HTTP request sent to WI Server
3 WI Server receives request and sends XML request to XML VIP on NetScaler Application Switch
4 NetScaler Application Switch selects XML Broker and XML request sent to XML Service
5 XML Service receives request and forwards it to its own (local) IMA Service
6 Local IMA Service contacts IMA Service on Zone Data Collector.
7 Zone Data Collector checks Dynamic Store, for the Least Loaded Server with the requested application in the Presentation Farm, sends IMA ping to the LLS target, and returns the HostID of that server.
8 HostID of Least Loaded Server is received by the XML Service.
9 XML Service looks up the HostID in its Local Host Cache, contacts the STA for a session ticket, and sends XML response back to the NetScaler Application Switch.
10 Netscaler Application Switch passes XML response back to appropriate WI Server based on COOKIEINSERT persistencetype
11 WI Server receives XML response and packages ICA file with template and send ICA file back to the NetScaler Application Switch
12 NetScaler Application Switch receives ICA file from WI Server and passes it back to the Client
13 Client receives ICA file from NetScaler Application Switch.
14 Client initiates ICA session directly to the Least Loaded MetaFrame Server.
5. Load Balancing the XML Services with the NetScaler Application Switch
6. Using a NetScaler Application Switch to Monitor and Load Balance Citrix Servers 1 Client initiates request for application through WI VIP on NetScaler Application Switch.
2 WI Server selected by NetScaler Application Switch and HTTP request sent to WI Server
3 WI Server receives request and sends XML request to XML VIP on NetScaler Application Switch
4 NetScaler Application Switch selects XML Broker and XML request sent to XML Service
5 XML Service receives request and forwards it to its own (local) IMA Service
6 Local IMA Service contacts IMA Service on Zone Data Collector.
7 Zone Data Collector checks Dynamic Store, for the Least Loaded Server with the requested application in the Presentation Farm, sends IMA ping to the LLS target, and returns the HostID of that server.
8 HostID of Least Loaded Server is received by the XML Service.
9 XML Service looks up the HostID in its Local Host Cache, contacts the STA for a session ticket, and sends XML response back to the NetScaler Application Switch.
10 Netscaler Application Switch passes XML response back to appropriate WI Server based on COOKIEINSERT persistencetype
11 WI Server receives XML response and packages ICA file with template and send ICA file back to the NetScaler Application Switch
12 NetScaler Application Switch receives ICA file from WI Server and passes it back to the Client
13 Client receives ICA file from NetScaler Application Switch.
14 Client initiates ICA session directly to the Least Loaded MetaFrame Server.
1 Client initiates request for application through WI VIP on NetScaler Application Switch.
2 WI Server selected by NetScaler Application Switch and HTTP request sent to WI Server
3 WI Server receives request and sends XML request to XML VIP on NetScaler Application Switch
4 NetScaler Application Switch selects XML Broker and XML request sent to XML Service
5 XML Service receives request and forwards it to its own (local) IMA Service
6 Local IMA Service contacts IMA Service on Zone Data Collector.
7 Zone Data Collector checks Dynamic Store, for the Least Loaded Server with the requested application in the Presentation Farm, sends IMA ping to the LLS target, and returns the HostID of that server.
8 HostID of Least Loaded Server is received by the XML Service.
9 XML Service looks up the HostID in its Local Host Cache, contacts the STA for a session ticket, and sends XML response back to the NetScaler Application Switch.
10 Netscaler Application Switch passes XML response back to appropriate WI Server based on COOKIEINSERT persistencetype
11 WI Server receives XML response and packages ICA file with template and send ICA file back to the NetScaler Application Switch
12 NetScaler Application Switch receives ICA file from WI Server and passes it back to the Client
13 Client receives ICA file from NetScaler Application Switch.
14 Client initiates ICA session directly to the Least Loaded MetaFrame Server.
7. Agenda How to create Monitors, Services and LB VServers on a NetScaler Application Switch
How to use the NetScaler Application Switch to load balance traffic across the XML Brokers and Web Interface servers
How to use Monitors to perform health checks that control Service membership in Load Balancing VServers
8. Basic Citrix NetScaler LB Concept Thanks Dave.
Before we dive into how to perform health checks for citrix services, an overview of the terms used in this discussion and how to configure the netscaler application switch for load balancing is helpful. While some detail is provided in this presentation, it is not intended to be a comprehensive technical introduction.
The Virtual Server is where client connections arrive, also termed the VServer.
The Services are bound to the VServer and represent the services running on the servers on the back-end
A Monitor is bound to each service to verify the health of the service running on the back-end server.
The outcome of the health check determines whether the service stays in the load balanced rotation.Thanks Dave.
Before we dive into how to perform health checks for citrix services, an overview of the terms used in this discussion and how to configure the netscaler application switch for load balancing is helpful. While some detail is provided in this presentation, it is not intended to be a comprehensive technical introduction.
The Virtual Server is where client connections arrive, also termed the VServer.
The Services are bound to the VServer and represent the services running on the servers on the back-end
A Monitor is bound to each service to verify the health of the service running on the back-end server.
The outcome of the health check determines whether the service stays in the load balanced rotation.
9. What is a VServer?
An IP that receives client connections / requests
Distributes client requests among bound services
Traditionally a public IP, but can also be private IP if a device upstream performs NAT
Can be used internally to improve fault tolerance
10. Creating a LB VServer
11. What is a Service? Network endpoint
Server IP
Server Port
Services are bound to a VServer
In our examples a Service will represent:
A server running Web Interface
A server running as a dedicated XML Broker
12. Creating a Service
13. Monitors What is a Monitor?
Periodic probe of a server or service
What does it do?
Checks the health of the service it’s bound to
Provides feedback to NetScaler kernel
Two Types:
Kernel Monitor
Advanced Monitor
Also termed as:
Scriptable monitor
User Monitor
Monitors are Bound to Services
14. What is a Kernel Monitor? A basic high-performance probe
originates from the kernel
Several Types:
Based on Protocol
ECV (Extended Content Verification) monitor is used for verifying content in HTTP, TCP, or UDP payload
Limited by:
One request/response
127 characters in probe request
Only first 24K of probe response is parsed ping
Response time is the time difference between the ICMP ECHO
Response time is the time difference between SYN and SYN+ACK.
Response time is the time difference between http request (after tcp
connection is established) and the http response. Here till we get the
http response code.
Response time is the time difference between time data is sent (send
string) and time you receive the data(recv string).
For a tcp-ecv monitor without a send and a receive string would
again be treated as a mis-configuration because we are trying to
measure the time since the send string and the receive string, so
both not been given is a mis-configuration where the response
timeout ~0.
Response time is the time difference between time data is sent (HTTP
request) and the time response data is received.
monitor Response time is the time difference between time data is sent (send
string) and the time data is received.
string with no receive is a mis-configuration.
dns monitor Response time is the time difference between dns query and dns
Response time is the time difference between SYN and ssl handshake
Response time is the time difference from the time the user name is
sent and user authentication is completed.
This is the same as http monitor.
This is the same as http-ecv monitor.
Response time is the time difference between a HTTP POST request
to the dispatcher and the corresponding HTTP response.ping
Response time is the time difference between the ICMP ECHO
Response time is the time difference between SYN and SYN+ACK.
Response time is the time difference between http request (after tcp
connection is established) and the http response. Here till we get the
http response code.
Response time is the time difference between time data is sent (send
string) and time you receive the data(recv string).
For a tcp-ecv monitor without a send and a receive string would
again be treated as a mis-configuration because we are trying to
measure the time since the send string and the receive string, so
both not been given is a mis-configuration where the response
timeout ~0.
Response time is the time difference between time data is sent (HTTP
request) and the time response data is received.
monitor Response time is the time difference between time data is sent (send
string) and the time data is received.
string with no receive is a mis-configuration.
dns monitor Response time is the time difference between dns query and dns
Response time is the time difference between SYN and ssl handshake
Response time is the time difference from the time the user name is
sent and user authentication is completed.
This is the same as http monitor.
This is the same as http-ecv monitor.
Response time is the time difference between a HTTP POST request
to the dispatcher and the corresponding HTTP response.
15. Health Checking the Web Interface Kernel Monitor
-send “GET /Citrix/MetaFrame/auth/login.aspx\r\n\r\n”
-recv “Set-Cookie” When a Service is created, default monitors are bound to it. The protocol determines what default monitor is bound. For instance, a Service of a protocol type TCP gets a TCP-Default monitor…This monitor merely verifies that the host is available on the network and that the port is reponding, but it doesn’t verify that the Service running on that port is responding properly to client requests. A Service of protocol type gets a HTTP-Default monitor which verifies that the response code from the web server is 200 OK. While this is an improvement, there are other response codes that are acceptable like 302 redirect, 100 Continue, and 206, etc. What we’re more interested in verifying is that the code behind the web application is functioning correctly, and one way to do this for Web Interface is to verify that the Set-Cookie header is being returned. This implies that the web server has correctly processed the request and has successfully initiated the web application code that prepares the Web Interface for a new user session. Here we have our send request, and the recv string is simply the string “Set-Cookie”.When a Service is created, default monitors are bound to it. The protocol determines what default monitor is bound. For instance, a Service of a protocol type TCP gets a TCP-Default monitor…This monitor merely verifies that the host is available on the network and that the port is reponding, but it doesn’t verify that the Service running on that port is responding properly to client requests. A Service of protocol type gets a HTTP-Default monitor which verifies that the response code from the web server is 200 OK. While this is an improvement, there are other response codes that are acceptable like 302 redirect, 100 Continue, and 206, etc. What we’re more interested in verifying is that the code behind the web application is functioning correctly, and one way to do this for Web Interface is to verify that the Set-Cookie header is being returned. This implies that the web server has correctly processed the request and has successfully initiated the web application code that prepares the Web Interface for a new user session. Here we have our send request, and the recv string is simply the string “Set-Cookie”.
16. Creating a Web Interface Monitor For Web Interface 3.x
> add monitor wi_4.2 tcp-ecv -send "GET /Citrix/MetaFrame/default/default.aspx\r\n\r\n" -recv "Set-Cookie“
For Web Interface 4.x
> add monitor wi_4.2 tcp-ecv -send "GET /Citrix/MetaFrame/auth/login.aspx\r\n\r\n" -recv "Set-Cookie“
For Web Interface 3.x
> add monitor wi_4.2 tcp-ecv -send "GET /Citrix/MetaFrame/default/default.aspx\r\n\r\n" -recv "Set-Cookie“
For Web Interface 4.x
> add monitor wi_4.2 tcp-ecv -send "GET /Citrix/MetaFrame/auth/login.aspx\r\n\r\n" -recv "Set-Cookie“
17. Advanced Monitors What is an Advanced Monitor?
A script or executable that performs a health check from the NetScaler Application Switch
Can be written in different scripting / programming languages
Requirement: Returns 0 for success
Example: Citrix XML Service
18. Why do we need Advanced Monitors for XML Service?
XML Request for Citrix XML Service is >127 Characters
Provide visibility into the upper layers of OSI Stack
Limited only by imagination
More about Advanced Monitors
19. NetScaler Advanced Monitor Process User-mode monitoring process
Called “The Dispatcher”
Invokes Advanced Monitors
Communicates with Kernel over
Runs in 2 modes
Regular: iterative script execution
Keep Alive Scripting (KAS): script put to sleep
20. How nsumond works Kernel sends HTTP request to nsumond on
Name of script to execute
Nsumond invokes the Advanced Monitor
Advanced Monitor executes and passes back exit code
Nsumond sends back HTTP response to kernel
Kernel makes decision based on exit code
21. Advanced Monitor Execution Flow The Kernel is “The Decider”The Kernel is “The Decider”
22. Example: XML Service Monitor Advanced Monitor
Written in Perl
Sends XML Request
Healthy Response Contains:
<TicketTag>, Host ID of LLS
Implies Presentation Farm health because multiple actions must succeed to fulfill request
The XML Service Monitor will be included in future releases of the NetScaler Application Switch
24. XML Request <!DOCTYPE NFuseProtocol SYSTEM NFuse.dtd">
<NFuseProtocol version="4.1">
25. XML Broker Script - Perl The Setup
my $url = "http://" . . ":" . . "/scripts/wpnbr.dll";
my $xml_request = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' .
'<!DOCTYPE NFuseProtocol SYSTEM "NFuse.dtd">' .
'<NFuseProtocol version="4.1">' .
'<RequestAddress>' .
'<Flags>no-load-bias</Flags>' .
'<Name>' .
'<AppName>' . . '</AppName>' .
'</Name></RequestAddress>' .
26. XML Response <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE NFuseProtocol SYSTEM "NFuse.dtd">
<NFuseProtocol version="4.1">
<ServerAddress addresstype="dot"></ServerAddress>
27. XML Broker Script - Perl Finding the string pattern
if ($response->content =~ / /i) {
return 0
else {
return 1;
28. Creating an Advanced Monitor
29. Live Demo How to create a Monitor
How to create Services and bind a Monitor to each
How to create a VServer and bind Services to it
Demonstrate the monitors in action
30. How it all fits together Web Interface Sites are configured to point at XML VIP
User requests are pointed at Web Interface VIP
Monitors control Service membership in LB VServers
31. Configuring Web Interface with XML VIP
32. A Bigger Picture
33. Other Advanced Monitors PNAgent
Custom Monitor
Test Application Enumeration
Custom Monitor
Tests from AG POV
HTTP Response String Validation
34. In Review Introduced Monitors, Services and LB VServers and how to configure them on a NetScaler Application Switch
Showed how to use Monitors to perform health checks
Demonstrated how Monitors can control membership of services in load balancing rotation of a VServer.
Increased fault tolerance of the Citrix Presentation Server Farm
Improved end user experience
35. More Information Whitepaper : Health Checking Citrix Services with Advanced Monitors from the NetScaler Application Switch (CTX111462)
Bino Gopal & Brian Mirrotto’s iForum Session
Session 213
Sunday 4:00-4:50pm, Southern Hemisphere Ballroom II
Monday 2:30pm - 3:20pm , Southern Hemisphere Ballroom V
36. CSEIT SurveyWin an iPod! Here’s your chance to win an iPod!
Please take the time to fill out the CSEIT survey which will be emailed to all attendees
If you complete the survey, your name will be entered to win an Apple iPod
The winner will be announced in November
37. We want to thank… Mike Stringer
Rene Alfonso
Daniel Romano
38. Questions ????