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Towards a regular assessment & reporting process based on SEIS

Towards a regular assessment & reporting process based on SEIS. UNECE/WGEMA meeting 1-2 November 2012. Ministerial Declaration.

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Towards a regular assessment & reporting process based on SEIS

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  1. Towards a regular assessment & reporting process based on SEIS UNECE/WGEMA meeting 1-2 November 2012

  2. Ministerial Declaration 14. ….’To keep the pan-European environment under review, we decide to establish a regular process of environmental assessment and to develop the SEIS across the region. These will serve multiple policy processes, including MEAs, and include capacity-building of countries in Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and South-Eastern Europe to monitor and assess their environment. We invite EEA and its partners to develop an outline for how these actions could be performed and to present it to the ECE Committee on Environmental Policy.’ … http://www.unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/env/documents/2011/ece/ece.astana.conf.2011.2.add.1.e.pdf

  3. The mandate • Keep the pan-European environment under review • Establish a regular process of environment assessment • Develop a Shared Environmental Information System So that SEIS gradually develops to underpin future environment assessment and review activities

  4. TWO time perspectives • Short-term: 2012-2013 • Medium/Long-term: 2014-2020 and: • Regular monitoring & assessment of the implementation process

  5. SEIS and related EU policy instruments a) SEIS communication 1/2008 c) SEIS staff working paper 6/2012 (EU internal) b) Communication on better implementation 3/2012

  6. SEIS implementation in practice

  7. SEIS implementation short-term

  8. Steps in the process so far • Sept. 2011 –Astana Declaration • Oct. 2011 – WGEMA – first ideas on implementing the Astana mandate • March 2012 – EEA MB – Discussing draft outline prepared for CEP • April 2012 – EU WPIEI – Discussing Astana follow up actions and EU position to CEP meeting • April-Sept. 2012 - Comments and proposals to the draft outline • July- onwards – Dialogue with key partners (MEAs, EU, OECD, UNEP, RECs) • October 2012 - Revised draft outline available for UNECE/CEP and WGEMA

  9. Other SEIS related activities Capacity building • ENP/SEIS - Workshops on SEIS/infrastructure and indicators for both East and South (*) • Caspian sea- Env information system (together with UNEP/Grid) Sept.2012 • Central Asia - Aware project including SEIS national events New SEIS projects • Central Asia – tendering closed on 1 Oct. for FLERMONECA project (including SEIS extension); expected start 2013 • Caspian – new SEIS related project for consideration for EU funding

  10. Relevant SEIS events • SEIS dedicated side event in Rio –June 2012 (attended by UNECE, UNEP, CAREC and EEA members) • Central Asia – EU panel on environment and climate change (Sept. 2012) – SEIS development endorsed as priority for cooperation in new fin. perspective 2014-2020; • ENP/Steering Committee (21-22 Nov. Copenhagen) • Central Asia- EU –high level meeting on env. issues (to endorse the proposed priorities 10-11 Dec. Bishkek, tbc.) • The first Eye on Earth user conference (4-6 March 2013, Dublin)

  11. SEIS Action Plan • Develop the next SOER cycle in a consistent way across region, using the indicators developed with associated assessments , following DPSIR framework • Underpin the indicators used in the next SOER by regular data flows • Streamline the activity of existing networks towards creating building blocks in the MDIAR(K) process for regular reporting

  12. Points for discussion • Role of WGEMA and JTF in the process • Coordination of networks at national level • Planned deliverables and timetable • Contributions to mid term review (2013)

  13. SEIS in action Snapshot of EEA/SEIS activities

  14. Multiple use of information for EEA assessments (Regular) SOER-type thematic assessments (Dedicated) theme-sector specific assessments / reports EEA KnowledgeBase (incl indicators) Integrated environmental assessment reports

  15. SOER2015 SYN A B C Synthesis & Derivatives Thematic SOE summaries Country-levelSOE summaries Global Megatrends Synthesis report 11 GMT fiches 20-30 thematic fiches 39 country fiches 2012 2013 2014 FLIS IMS / CSI SENSE 3 indicator reports & stakeholder workshops SOE Live Dynamic information 8 to 37 indicators 11 to 44 indicators 37 to 200 indicators FLIS ? Reportnet (incl. PDF, ...) Eionet(incl. SERIS) ? Signals 2015 and other derivatives

  16. Data sources (with metadata) Indicator = Specification + assessment IMS relation with other parts of the information system Data visualization (with metadata) Map viewers Maps Graphs Eye on Earth Daviz

  17. AQ e-Reporting ? • A new system for reporting air quality information • A single system for all regulatory & informative reporting • Modernised and standards based, to make full use of computers and the internet to deliver • Automation • Reliability / consistency • Medium to long-term savings • Enhanced information sharing • All existing systems replaced as of 1 January 2014

  18. Overview of the transition to air quality e-Reporting Currently reported and exchange information: New XML-based transmission (all AQ dataflows) XML

  19. AQ stations National/regional public XML-based air quality data reporting and exchange under the current mechanism Initial QA/QC Other European projects National or regional database Up-to-date data transmission 34 countries+ Russia, US EEA database Provisional data O3 summer exceedances calculations Re- transmission Corrected data Current XML reporting EEA’s web pages Eye on Earth Consistency between national/regional and EEA databases!!! Public

  20. Data reporting Data dissemination Networkdirectory Reportingobligations Datadictionary Dataexchange modules EEA dataservices Informationproducts Web forms - - QA/QC - - Aggregators - - Converters - - Data repository Contentregistry Data handling Shared Infrastructures and Tools

  21. Synergies UNEP Live – EEA SOE Live

  22. Synergies UNEP Live – EEA SOE Live

  23. Multi-lingual Thesaurus GEMET

  24. Reportnet Central Data Repository

  25. Reporting Obligations Database

  26. Data Centre Services

  27. Semantic Data Service

  28. State of the Environment Reporting Information System SERIS

  29. Europe's Environment Assessment of Assessments EE-AoA

  30. Indicator Management System

  31. Sharing European and National State of the Environment - SENSE

  32. Forward-Looking Information and Services (FLIS)

  33. EUNIS - Linked env. data and information

  34. EIONET-Forum - infrastructure Interest group Interest group Portal/website Customise Interest group EIONET Forum Enviro Windows CHM Biodiv BISE Toolkits Customise/develop New features CMS Development/use Naaya Content management system ZOPE Application server Application server use

  35. EEA Multimedia Services

  36. Eye on Earth

  37. Open government – Open data Portal ready by end of 2012 Member State portal to be launched in 2013 EEA will share all its environmental data

  38. SEIS ENPI - Cookbook • A set of case studies collected from EEA Member and Cooperating countries and ENPI partner countries. • A SEIS Checklist comprising a set of questions designed to assess the status of SEIS development and identify possible gaps and areas for further enhancement. • Steps to be taken into account when planning SEIS implementation. • Useful links. http://www.seiscookbook.net

  39. List of case studies A Case study: • Gives light on how to translate SEIS principles into practice • Addresses real examples of implementation (currently 25 case studies) • Identifies a series of services/tools that can be (re)used to meet the SEIS principles in a range of contexts • Provides a SEIS barometer to benchmark your system / process

  40. SEIS implementation plan – DG ENV • Inter-service consultation of a EC staff working paper SEIS implementation plan • Publication end 2012 (tbc.) • Introducing SIIFs (Structured implementation and information frameworks) • EEA is supporting pilot SIIFs on: • Air quality • Urban waste water treatment

  41. Thank you ! http://www.eea.europa.eu/

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