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Learn about context clues and how they help us figure out difficult words. Create a sentence with a fake definition for the word "skittlish" using context clues. Share and discuss your sentences and definitions.
Bell Ringer: September 16/17 • Tell your neighbor what a context clue is and how it helps us figure out hard words. • Make up a fake definition for the word “skittlish” 3) Using the word “skittlish”, create a sentence for your neighbor to guess your definition by using context clues. 4) Be ready to share some of your sentences/definitions. EX: After I looked in the skittlishthis morning, I could tell that I had not received enough sleep. (Skittlish = mirror) Thank you for putting your phones in the VAULT
Empirical So, what does it mean based off of context clues? In order to get the best data, I did an empirical study of the best ice cream shops around by visiting every one instead of just taking the reviews as evidence.
Inherently So, what does it mean based off of context clues? There are some people who I believe are inherently evil and they will never change their ways since they seem unable to do good.
Pilfer So, what does it mean based off of context clues? Some people have the desire to pilfer things like pens, pennies, and other small objects rather than larger items.
anglophile So, what does it mean based off of context clues? She was such an anglophile that she decided to only listen to the Beatles, to purposely make her teeth crooked, and to serve the Queen Mother.
paltry So, what does it mean based off of context clues? I earned such a paltry wage that I could barely cover my rent, let alone food and utilities.
incremental So, what does it mean based off of context clues? They say it is better to lose weight incrementally than to drop it quickly or else your body will struggle to keep it off.
tetrahedron So, what does it mean based off of context clues? Some of the Egyptians were buried in tetrahedron-shaped structures since they were seen as an amazing symbol that could be seen from afar.
cavernous So, what does it mean based off of context clues? I do not have a cavernous mouth, so when I go to the dentist he has a tough time seeing all of my teeth and being able to work on my molars.
Text Structure Types Matching Game • Your group will receive 50 cards. • Distribute cards evenly (or as evenly as you can) • When I say go, put each card in one of the 5 piles (write these on the top of the desks so I can see them): • Chronological (9) • Cause and Effect (7) • Problem/Solution (8) • Compare and Contrast (9) • Descriptive (9) • Sequence (9) • When you think your group has ALL of them correct , call me over. I will check. You will keep fixing until you have them ALL CORRECT!