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Update CQC Learning Disability inspections

Update CQC Learning Disability inspections. Sue Culling –Strategic Commissioning Manager –Learning Disabilities 27 th June 2012. Rationale ……. Following the poor care and abuse found at

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Update CQC Learning Disability inspections

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  1. Update CQC Learning Disability inspections Sue Culling –Strategic Commissioning Manager –Learning Disabilities 27th June 2012

  2. Rationale …… • Following the poor care and abuse found at Winterbourne view – CQC commissioned a team including people with a learning disability , family carers and inspectors to look at 150 services across England including residential and specialist health provision . • There were no visits to East Sussex services – this may have been linked to the selection criteria used by CQC(see report) • Two particular outcomes were looked at : Outcome 4: The support and welfare of people who use services. Outcome 7: Making sure people who use services are safe from abuse

  3. Key Findings • There were lots of services that did not meeting the standards • NHS services were more likely to meet the standards in both of the areas checked than Independent health care services. • Not many care homes met the government standards in both of the standards checked • Just over half assessment and treatment services were meeting the government standards in both of the areas checked. • People are often staying in NHS and Independent healthcare services for too long.

  4. Key Findings…. • Across all care services - people and their families were not always involved in planning their care • Across all care settings - the use of restraint was not always written down in reports and checked. • Services need to check how good their advocacy services are. • Staff and managers sometimes do not know how to use safeguarding laws properly.

  5. Some actions • At national level -there is a timetable of improvements with those organisations identified as requiring special measures • Commissioners, providers and people who use services will be asked to input to local improvement plans and assurances • Locally, we will review current commissioning policy and practice relating to use of physical interventions and support for people with complex needs • We would like to hear your thoughts/ concerns ahead of the next LD Provider Forum so please indicate your interest on the evaluation form or contact suzanne.culling@eastsussex.gov.uk.

  6. Further information available • Easy read version of report available on CQC web site • http://www.cqc.org.uk/public/reports-surveys-and-reviews/themed-inspections/review-learning-disability-services

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