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Preserving Biodiversity through Ecotourism. Preserving Biodiversity via Ecotourism “The last word in ignorance is the person who says of an animal or plant: “What good is it?” - Aldo Leopold. Biodiversity and ecotourism*.
Preserving Biodiversity through Ecotourism Preserving Biodiversity via Ecotourism “The last word in ignorance is the person who says of an animal or plant: “What good is it?” - Aldo Leopold
Biodiversity and ecotourism* • Why is ecotourism considered, when implemented effectively, an ideal solution for preserving biodiversity?
Biodiversity and ecotourism * • Ecotourism begins to holistically address the primary causes of biodiversity loss… • Poverty, irresponsible resource consumption, lack of ecological accountability
Ecotourism and biodiversity * • Successfully implemented ecotourism can: • Provide economic alternatives to consumptive use of resources for vulnerable biodiversity rich hotspots • Engage and empower local communities • Encourage sustainable use of resources • Promote positive social, economic, cultural and environmental partnerships and solutions
Ecotourism • What is ecotourism and have you visited or participated in it? • What is the difference in mass tourism and ecotourism?
Ecotourism Defined * • What is a good definition for ecotourism? • United States Ecotourism Society • “Responsible travel that conserves the environment and sustains the well-being of the local people” • How shall we define ecotourism? • Ecologically sustainable tourism to natural areas which facilitates greater understanding of local culture and environmental conservation through education • The ecotourism phenomenon is complex and while definitions may vary, it consists of local communities, education, environmental conservation and economics
Ecotourism Defined • Origin of ecotourism term • Arguably in 1976 with Budowski’s Tourism and Conservation article, only since the 1980s • Negative impacts of tourism prompted interest • Several definitions of ecotourism list “benefits to local communities” as a requisite characteristic. What constitutes a “local community”? • Ecotourism falls under the umbrella of nature-based tourism • Overlaps with other tourism segments like cultural, adventure, indigenous, agri-tourism
Ecotourism and biodiversity preservation Developing ecotourism to preserve biodiversity in Africa • Ecotourism – mountain gorillas
Ecotourism & Biodiversity in the News • Saving Coral Reefs Becomes a Tourism Priority (NY Times) • Economic impacts of reef based ecotourism • “Australia’s Great Barrier Reef alone draws about 1.9 million visitors a year, supporting a $4.2 billion industry” • “According to the Nature Conservancy, the annual economic value of coral reefs to world tourism is $9.6 billion”
Ecotourism & Biodiversity in the News • The world’s second-largest barrier reef, the Mesoamerican Reef in the Caribbean, is seriously endangered by coastal development, runoff and pollution • “The cruise industry is a particular area of concern, since ships regularly disgorge crowds of passengers into fragile coastal areas that strain to absorb the impact” • “The nonprofit group Conservation International began a program called the Mesoamerican Reef Tourism Initiative, which aims to address the threat that mass tourism poses to the Mesoamerican Reef by engaging hoteliers, developers, cruise lines and local governments in Mexico, Belize and Honduras”
Ecotourism & Biodiversity in the News • Buzzword of the Year: Eco-tourism (NY Times 2006) • “Impressed by the success of countries like Costa Rica and Ecuador a growing number of regions across the globe are turning to eco-tourism as a strategy for economic growth” • “Omar Bongo, the president of Gabon has set aside about 10 percent of the country's landmass for 13 national parks” • Over the last four years, at least 48 countries have created or started to define a national strategy for eco-tourism development • Wisconsin Department of Tourism will begin testing a new certification program designed to encourage hotels and tour operators to reduce their environmental impact – ISSUE?
Ecotourism & Biodiversity in the News • Four Questions on Ecotourism (CNN 2006) • Are the destinations you’re patronizing doing their part to “protect the environment, aid the local community and educate travelers” • As of 2006 – nearly 100 groups offer various "eco" certifications and memberships – ISSUE? • Author encourages vacationers looking to spend time and money in an environmentally conscious manner should ask: • How do you conserve resources? • How do you protect plants and animals? • What do you do to help the community? • What ecotourism activities do you offer?
Ecotourism & Biodiversity in the News • Indigenous Group in Amazon Bans Logging, Mining (FoxNews) • Wai Wai group has 200 members located in remote southern Guyana, near the border with Brazil, on 2,400 square miles of tropical forest and savanna — nearly half the size of Connecticut • The Wai Wai group in Guyana, backed by government decree and a U.S.-based conservation organization, has banned miners and loggers from its section of the Amazon jungle” • “Pursue an economic strategy based on ecotourism, research and traditional crafts” • “It is habitat to rare animals including the jaguar, blue poison frog, and scarlet macaw”
Ecotourism & Biodiversity in the News • 1 million dollar trust set up by Washington based conservation International (TREND) • The Wai Wai were the first indigenous group to receive ownership of traditional lands through a government program in the former Dutch and British colony • Native groups now hold a total of 93 titles, accounting for 14 percent of Guyana's land mass, said Carolyn Rodrigues, the country's minister of Amerindian affairs • The Wai Wai became the first group to declare their territory a Community Owned Conservation Area, as recognized by government legislation
Ecotourism Concepts • How is ecotourism different from nature-based tourism? • Why are benefits to local communities an essential characteristic of ecotourism? • Experiential degradation • Can cause the loss of novelty, seekingnew areas • What is the Recreation Opportunity Spectrum?
Issues in Ecotourism * • How will global warming affect the ecotourism industry, and vice versa? What responsibilities do we have as ecotourists with regard to minimizing our carbon footprint? • ISSUE – The very act of ecotourism can harm the biodiversity it seeks to protect • Do you see the proliferation of the ecotourism industry in ecologically sensitive areas (i.e. Antarctica) as a troubling trend? Why?
Ecotourism on the Ground • Problems facing ecotourism • Promotes preservation of natural resources but also “threatens to destroy the resources on which it depends” • Greening of the marketplace • Is sustainable ecotourism possible? • Will access to fragile natural areas eventually be prohibitedto preserve the ecological integrity of a region?
Ecotourism on the Ground • What is the problem with successful ecotourism? • Will ecotourism be a cure-all for preserving biodiversity in developing countries?
Ecotourism on the Ground • Global tourism struggles to shrink environmental footprint (Fox) • Tourism executives are urgently trying to shrink tourism's oversized environmental footprint • International travelers are expected to nearly double to 1.6 billion by 2020 • By 2020, International travel will spawn 2.5 billion tons of carbon dioxide, the main "greenhouse" gas blamed for global warming up from 506 million tons in 1990 • "Voluntary initiatives don't work," said Anita Pleumaron with the Bangkok-based Tourism Investigation and Monitoring Team. "Governments will have to take responsibility and enforce regulations."
Ecotourism on the Ground * • Lessons from Ni’ihau • Where is Ni’hau • deep ecotourism – very tightlycontrolled • Retained culture • Sustainable, only leave island for medical treatment • Endangered species of plants and animals
Biodiversity and ecotourism * • Ecotourism begins to holistically address the primary causes of biodiversity loss… • Poverty, irresponsible resource consumption, ecological accountability • Remember the components of ecotourism… • People (operators, local community, tourists) • Environment (preservation, sustainability, management) • Economics (profitable, shared, local investment) • Educational (instill conservation ethic in stakeholders)
Good * • Alternative to ecologically consumptive activities • Raises conservation awareness in local community • Economic infusion of foreign revenue • Money over ecological carrying capacity • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeynzQz4SXk • Ecotourism may play a critical role in biodiversity and habitat preservation via education
Bad * • Unregulated nature tourism leads to overexploitation of resources • Unsustainable destination practices • Perceptions – fear loss of land • Leakage – foreign capital bankrolls infrastructure and • Exploitation of local workforce, poor paying jobs • Tourism can be unstable • War, crime, recession, terrorism, disease • Greenwashing • Affects on indigenous cultures • Commodification of culture
Ecotourism – pros v. cons * • How could the development of ecotourism in the Amazon create impacts in the following categories? • Economically • Environmentally • Culturally • Socially
Ecotourism – cons * • Economically • Leakage – foreign capital, money leaves area • Exploitation of local workforce, poor paying/menial jobs • Tourism can be unstable (can be unstable source of income) • War, crime, recession, terrorism, disease, natural disaster • Uneven distribution of benefits • Environmentally • Unregulated - leads to overexploitation of resources • Money over ecological carrying capacity • Unsustainable destination practices – green, local • Greenwashing
Ecotourism – cons * • Culturally • Commodification of culture, loss of language • Affects on indigenous cultures – loss or dilution of authenticity • Acculturation • Homogenization of cultures (increased cultural globalization) • Locals continue previous resource consumption activities (could be in economic and environmental as well) • Socially • Perceptions – fear loss of land, takeover by tourists • Conspicuous consumption • Distribution of benefits (not everyone participates) • Community strife (classes, money)
Ecotourism – cons • Are indigenous cultures being taken advantage of in ecotourism scenarios? • Is the demise of cultural identity inevitable or the fault of ecotourism or is it inevitable?
Ecotourism – pros * • Economically • Infusion of foreign revenue • Employment, actual money • Provides other economic opportunities – purchase power, ability to sell wares, other financial opportunities, entrepreneurship • Environmentally • Protects habitat, ecosystems, BIODIVERSITY • Slows down deforestation, fragmentation • Alternative to ecologically consumptive activities • Raises conservation awareness in local community, tourists • Altruism
Ecotourism – pros * • Culturally • Places a value on the preservation of culture, language, customs • Community and cultural pride • Socially • Education, health care, opportunities • Gain status in community • Provide for family, ease hardships of day-to-day existence • Develop infrastructure (buildings, roads, electricity)
Ecotourism and biodiversity • Do you think most developing countries aspire to have the way of life of developed countries?
Ecotourism examples • Cavo Sidero, Crete
Ecotourism examples * • Cavo Sidero, Crete – $1.6 billion “Eco Lodge” • 6000 acres of pristine island coast, year-round resort • 5, five star hotels (approx 2,500 beds), 474 villas495 townhouses and apartments • 45-hole golf complex, water sports facilities athletics stadium, tennis and equestrian centers, Theatre and arts complex, retail facilities, conference and exhibition facilities Independent restaurants • 2 million Euros on an environmental study • desalination and wastewater treatment plants • golf courses will be filled with local grasses
Ecotourism examples • Greek government strongly supports the project, • Built environment minus the trails, nature areas and 3 golf courses will only take up 1% of the 6000 acres • Scientists say Greece's water reserves could dwindle by a quarter by 2030 because of rising temperatures and a decrease in rainfall • Situation is especially sensitive in Crete, which faces chronic droughts and where half of the island is at risk of desertification • Is there confusion of ecotourism vs. green practices • How do we determine eco-authenticity of destination? • http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9505E4DC163FF93AA2575BC0A9619C8B63&sec=travel&spon=&pagewanted=2
Ecotourism examples • Example of successful implementation of an ecotourism scenario - Next lecture…
Things to Remember • The ecotourism phenomenon is complex and while definitions may vary, it consists of local communities, sustainability, environmental conservation and economics • Ecotourism may play a critical role in biodiversity and habitat preservation via education
Any Questions? • “Humanity is exalted not because we are so far above other living creatures, but because knowing them well elevates that very concept of life” - E.O. Wilson