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Can You Believe you are Seniors? Life after NW …

Can You Believe you are Seniors? Life after NW …. Senior Orientation Class of 2015. Credits Required for Graduation: Are you on track?. Regents Exams Required for Graduation. Advanced Regents Diploma with Honor. An AVERAGE of 90% or Higher on the following Regents exams ELA US History

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Can You Believe you are Seniors? Life after NW …

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  1. Can You Believe you are Seniors?Life after NW… Senior Orientation Class of 2015

  2. Credits Required for Graduation:Are you on track?

  3. Regents Exams Required for Graduation

  4. Advanced Regents Diploma with Honor • An AVERAGE of 90% or Higher on the following Regents exams • ELA • US History • Algebra • Geometry • Algebra II/Trig • Top 2 Science Regents Exams • LOTE (If student earned a LOTE sequence)

  5. Post High School Options…What are your plans? • 2 year college • 4 year college • Vocational or technical training • Employment • Military/ Armed Services • “Gap Year” (tutoring, volunteering, travel, AmeriCorps, PeaceCorps, adventure programs… • “I don’t have a clue!” (see your school counselor or Mrs. Reed ASAP )

  6. Senior Year College Process Begins Now!!!

  7. Completing Your List of Schools • Visit schools (over nights) • See Admission Representatives that visit NW • Internet • Talk to Alumni • Find out about programs and majors • Does your list contain Reach, Realistic and Safe Schools? • Always remember…your school counselor and Mrs. Reed in the Career Center are here to help!

  8. Three Tier Method • Reach Schools • College may be a stretch from your current academic profile • Target Schools • Colleges in which the characteristics and academic history match the student’s academic profile • Safe Schools • Colleges in which your academic profile places the student in the top third.

  9. Top Factors in College Admissions Decisions (National Association of College Admissions Counseling, 2008)

  10. Admissions Plans • Early Decision- Generally applications are due by 11/1, 11/15 or 12/1. • Students are LEGALLY BOUND to attend that college and must retract all other applications to schools once accepted. • Make sure: • Have I talked to a financial aid advisor to get an estimate of college costs to find out how Early Decision could affect my aid package? • Have ruled out other schools at first choice • Visited all • Extensive research and conversation • Hopefully multiple visits • Do not look at it as the easiest way to get in • Early Action- Similar to Early Decision, although students are not obligated to attend that college • Rolling Admissions- No deadline or cut off date. Decisions are based on a rolling date. First in- first out. • Regular Admissions- Deadlines run from 1/1, thru 3/15 and sometimes later. The admission letter will often not come out until March or April. • One Deadline Date • Open Admissions- Open acceptance of students • For example, NCCC or ECC

  11. College VisitsWould you buy a car without shopping and test driving? • Call the admissions office in advance • Meet with an admissions counselor • Bring an unofficial high school transcript • Read up on the college and think about questions to ask • Get the facts: college cost, financial aid opportunities, academic programs available • Take a campus tour (yes… even local schools) • Talk to students and faculty

  12. Completing and Submitting Applications • Again… BE AWARE OF DEADLINES to both colleges and to the counseling office! • Follow directions carefully! Read applications THOROUGHLY • Role of NW counseling office: • Transcript request forms • Standardized tests • When completing your application online, you MUST print out ANY forms your high school must complete such as: Secondary School Reports, Mid-Year Reports, Counselor Recommendation Forms, Final Transcript • Let counselor know EVERY school you have applied to so we know to send in your transcripts.

  13. Applications • Three ways: • Common Application: www.commonapp.org • Make your life easier!! • SUNY Applications: www.suny.edu/student • Individual college websites

  14. Essay Writing • Good way for college to know you • Do not reiterate information that is already on the application • Follow directions and guidelines • Demonstrate good writing skills • Share more in depth information, how or why something has impacted you. • Own work • Be yourself • Unique • Passionate • Work with English teacher/ have it proof-read • Spend the time… colleges look at them very seriously

  15. Letters of Recommendation • Check to see how many the school requires • Student’s responsibility to ask teacher (ask early) • Teacher has the option to: • send into school by envelopes provided by the student or; • Teacher gives to counseling office **Don’t forget to fill out the “Background Sheet” for Letter of Recommendation!!**

  16. Other Information for Application • Supplemental Applications • Schools want more info • Additional essay(s) • Writing Sample • SAT subject test? • Midyear Reports • Final/End of Year Reports

  17. Top 10 College Application Mistakes Senior year is hectic, but don't let that affect the quality of your college applications. Take your time, pay attention to detail and plan ahead so you can meet the deadlines. The most common mistakes on college applications that counselors and admissions staff see are:

  18. Top 10 College Application Mistakes • Misspellings and grammatical errors—This is a big pet peeve of admissions people. Misspellings on something as important as the application shows that either you don't care or you aren't good at spelling. Some students even misspell their intended major. But don't stop with a spell check. Proofread for grammatical errors, too. • Applying online, but the application isn't actually submitted—If you apply online, you should receive confirmation that the college or university received it. Confirmation could be an email message, a Web page response or a credit card receipt. Follow through and make sure that your application has been received

  19. Top 10 College Application Mistakes • Forgotten signatures—Make sure you sign and date the form. Often students overlook that part of the form if it's on the back. Check that all spaces are completed. • Not reading carefully—For example, if the form asks what County you live in, don't misread it as Country and write United States

  20. Top 10 College Application Mistakes • Listing extracurricular activities that aren't—Those that make the list include sports, the arts, formal organizations and volunteer work. Talking on the phone and hanging out with friends don't make the cut. Make sure your activity information is accurate. Colleges may check with your high school. • Not telling your school counselor where you've applied—Let your counselor know which colleges you're applying to, and ask him or her to review your high school transcript before sending it to colleges. Sometimes transcripts have errors.

  21. Top 10 College Application Mistakes • Writing illegibly—First impressions count, so take your time and use your best handwriting. It will make a better impression. • Using an email address that friends might laugh about, but colleges won't—Select a professional email address. Keep your fun address for friends, but select an address using your name for college admissions.

  22. Top 10 College Application Mistakes • Not checking your email regularly—If you've given an email address, the college will use it. You don't want to miss out on anything because you didn't read your email. • Letting Mom or Dad help you fill out your application—Admissions people know if your parents help, whether you have two different styles of handwriting or your admissions essay sounds more like a 45-year-old than a 17-year-old. It's fine to get advice, but do the work yourself.

  23. BE AWARE OF DEADLINES Senior Year is all about DEADLINES– for college apps, financial aid & scholarships, changing courses, ordering your announcements, and completing all your requirements to GRADUATE!

  24. Comparison Chart

  25. SAT/ACT Dates in the Fall of 2014 * SAT and Subject Tests and ACT exams that are located at Niagara Wheatfield High School

  26. SAT and ACT reporting • Check to see if schools need them officially reported • Use six digit school code (335028) • www.Collegeboard.org • www.Act.org • Compare ACT and SAT scores • Check to see if SAT subject test is required for some colleges and universities.

  27. College Visit Dates • September 22 Onondaga CC 12:00 • September 23 SUNY Potsdam 10:15 • September 24 RIT 10:00 • September 25 Cazenovia 10:30 • September 25 Houghton 12:30 • September 30 Alfred University 1:00 • October 1 WNY Consortium (LMC) 11:00 • October 8 Gannon University 11:00 • October 8 Keuka College 11:30 • October 10 Clarkson University 9:30 • October 23 D’Youville 8:30

  28. College Visit Dates OCT 29 ST JOHN FISHER 8:30am HILBERT COLLEGE 11:45am NOV 4 ALFRED UNIV 12:30pm NOV 5 ST BONAVENTURE UNIV 11:00am NOV 6 VILLA MARIA 10:00am

  29. College Visits Cont’d • October 23 St. John Fisher 9:30 • October 23 Medaille College 10:30 • October 27 SUNY Geneseo 10:30 • October 30 Mercyhurst College 11:00 • November 5 St. Bonaventure 12:30 • November 12 U of Pitt- Bradford 9:00

  30. NCCC/ECC • Students interested in applying to NCCC or ECC must apply ONLINE! There is no longer a paper application.

  31. You have many resources! • Search for colleges: • www.collegeboard.org • www.petersons.com • www.collegeview.com • www.usnews.com • www.bridges.com • Financial Aid and Scholarships • www.fafsa.gov • www.finaid.org • Choices program available in the Career Center • NW Counseling and Career Center • www.nwcsd.k12.ny.us

  32. Other Resources • Listen to the morning announcements • Read the counseling website • It is a great place to find Scholarships! Check NW counseling website regularly, new scholarship opportunities are added weekly! • Visit the Career Center  • Talk with: Teachers/family/friends/counselor

  33. Due Dates • Counseling Office Due Dates • Applications due in counseling office by October 31st. • We process over 1,500 applications! • Keep in mind, we need at least ONE WEEK advance notice to process transcripts

  34. NCAA Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse • Division 1 & 2 must meet eligibility • NCAA: www.eligibilitycenter.org • Fee • Request your transcript • When do I register? • You can register anytime after you compete 6 semesters of high school. Most students will register at the beginning of their senior year • How do I qualify to participate in sports at a D I or II school? • Complete minimum of 16 core courses • Take your SAT or ACT • Eligibility is determined by sliding scale • You MUST have your SAT or ACT scores sent to NCAA directly from collegeboard or ACT. Scores on a high school transcript will NOT be accepted • NCAA code is 9999

  35. Yearbook Information • Log on to www.replayit.com to post pictures for Yearbook staff • Senior Pictures Due to Mrs. Halleen or Mrs. Lindamer no later than October 31st • Remind Parents to send in their Parent Ad

  36. Final Thoughts • Relax… you’re almost there! • Work Hard-don’t catch Senioritis • Enjoy the journey! • Be Balanced • It’s your senior year… Make Memories!!! and remember…. Once a falcon, always a falcon!

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