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Los demonstrativos. Los adjetivos. There are three kinds of demonstratives that are used to express position. NEAR FARTHER AWAY AT A GREAT DISTANCE Demonstrative adjectives are used with nouns. They agree in gender and number with the nouns they describe. Los adjetivos - NEAR.
Los adjetivos • There are three kinds of demonstratives that are used to express position. • NEAR • FARTHER AWAY • AT A GREAT DISTANCE • Demonstrative adjectives are used with nouns. • They agree in gender and number with the nouns they describe.
Los adjetivos - NEAR “This” and “These” have “t’s.” este esta estos estas
Los adjetivos - NEAR • Did you see this headline? • ¿Visteestetitular?
Los adjetivos – FARTHER AWAY “That” and “Those” the “t” goes. ese esa esos esas
Los adjetivos – FARTHER AWAY • Can you give me those papers? • ¿ Puedesdarmeesospapeles?
Los adjetivos – AT A DISTANCE Add “aqu” infront of subject pronouns aquel aquella aquellos aquellas
Los adjetivos – AT A DISTANCE • Is that reporter from channel 3? • ¿ Es aquellareportera del canal 3?
Los pronombres ÉSTE ÉSE AQUÉL ÉSTA ÉSA AQUÉLLA ÉSTOS ÉSOS AQUÉLLOS ÉSTAS ÉSAS AQUÉLLAS The pronouns are the same forms as the adjectives… ESTE ESE AQUEL ESTA ESA AQUELLA ESTOS ESOS AQUELLOS ESTAS ESAS AQUELLAS …except they carry an ACCENT on the first “e” that you see. …and they are used WITHOUT the nouns.
Los adjetivos y los pronombres • Did you see this headline? • ¿Visteestetitular? • No, but I saw that one. • No, pero vi ése.
Los adjetivos y los pronombres • Can you give me those papers? • ¿Puedesdarmeesospapeles? • Those? Yes, of course. • ¿Ésos? Sí, porsupuesto.
Los adjetivos y los pronombres • Is that reporter from channel 3? • ¿Es aquellareportera del canal 3? • No, this one is from channel 3. • No, éstees del canal 3.