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1. Agenda. Section Project Background / Charter Review OEMP Summary Lessons Learned / Critical Success Factors Next Steps. 2. JBSA Energy Working Team. Anthony Matinez – USAF CIV (US) OEMP Project Lead John Kain - HQ AETC Garland Scott - HQ AETC Bruce Nadler - HQ AETC

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  1. 1

  2. Agenda • Section • Project Background / Charter Review • OEMP Summary • Lessons Learned / Critical Success Factors • Next Steps 2

  3. JBSA Energy Working Team • Anthony Matinez – USAF CIV (US) OEMP Project Lead • John Kain - HQ AETC • Garland Scott - HQ AETC • Bruce Nadler - HQ AETC • Joe Haltaman - Randolph AFB Energy Manager • Ruben Ramos - Randolph AFB Utility Engineer • Bruce Dschuden - Randolph AFB Resource Efficiency Manager • Andres Hinojosa - Lackland AFB Energy Manager • Elias Abdulahad - Lackland AFB Utility Engineer • Dennis Seegar - Lackland AFB Resource Efficiency Manager • Monico Luna - Energy and Utilities Chief Lackland AFB • John Gonzales - Fort Sam Houston Utility Engineer • Frank Thomas - Randolph AFB Resource Efficiency Manager • Erik Hanson - BAH Engineer • David Pratt - BAH Engineer 3

  4. Project Charter Summary • Objective:Provide project management support to JBSA to facilitate an environment of open dialogue and information exchange whereby the following commitments can be met: • Construct an Energy Strategic Management Plan that ties all of the JBSA activity to EO, legislation, QDR, OSD policy, etc. down to the objectives, activities and metrics being reported: • a. Strategic Energy Management Plan will incorporate and show clear linkages to DOD Leadership guidance and include Goals, Objectives, Projects/Tasks planned to achieve plan • b. Construction of Energy metrics that are reported by month (as lagging indicators) to serve as leading indicators by quarter. • c. Ensure submission of AFCESA-funded project cases present solid business cases complimenting the overarching strategic energy management plan of JBSA • Construct JBSA -wide project plans that will connect the vast amount of SEMP activity, enable visibility and drive execution. Meter Installation Plan, Metrics/Measures and Reporting, Asset Identification & Replacement Mgt, Capital/Savings Investment Ratio Analysis, New Construction/Renovation Project Planning, Marketing and Education Plan 4

  5. OEMP Milestone Summary Performance Improvement Milestones Define Measure Analyze Improve Control 4Q /1Q Working Sessions 1Q Working Sessions & SEMP Development 2Q Working Sessions & OEMP Development 2Q + Working Sessions & OEMP Implementation Lessons Learned • Accurate and consolidated Baseline Models are critical • Leverage best practices for JBSA , Military Services and Private Sector for OEMP • Utilize pilots and beta projects to increase first hand knowledge and scalability • Provide JBSA standards for SIR determination and funding sources/acquisition • Implement metering and closed loop control systems for consumption visibility • Implement productivity projects to optimize the overall efficiency of energy conservation • Standardize governance model and resource infrastructure for speed of implementation • Utilize standard operational model with roadmap for continuous process improvement 5

  6. OEMP Summary 6

  7. Contents of the OEMP 7

  8. Introduction The Joint Base San Antonio - Operational Energy Management Plan (OEMP) is designed to align with legislative goals and targets and simultaneously focus on the current dynamic requirements of our mission. The OEMP ties all of our energy management activity to executive and legislative authorities while adhering to the spirit and intent of the Department of Defense Strategic Management Plan, the Air Force Energy Plan 2010 and The US Army Energy Strategy for Installations. It links these laws, directives and instructions from the National level, Department of Defense (DOD) and Military Departments to our goals, objectives and tasks. As the Vision of the Air Force Energy Plan 2010 states, “Making Energy a Consideration in All We Do” succinctly encompasses the practicality of the energy management effort locally here at JBSA. 8

  9. OEMP Framework for CPI A six step operational model is used to determine the best way forward for JBSA to attain its energy goals. The model is based on best practices from leading constructs in Energy Management, LSS, Decision Theory and Risk Management. OEMP Framework 9

  10. Key Drivers for Energy Conservation Target Attainment Implement Tier 1 High Energy Conservation Return HVAC projects across all JBSA facilities.Buckets included: No Cost Constraints Target MBTUs saved = 325,112 Estimated Project Amount = $34,000,000 (20 year cost) Estimated Annual Return = $3,200,000 The initial HVAC project was successfully implemented in 2009. Key lessons learned from the implementation of these systems include: Studying chilled water connections, physically or virtually connect units to eliminate smaller units and make larger units more efficient. Compliance in this area provides for closed loop control over major energy consumption equipment. Implement Tier 2 Energy Conservation projects across all JBSA facilities using scoring model priorities. Buckets included: Next Best Tier of High Energy Projects Strategy and Metering These projects include: envelop/insulation, lighting and individual room energy savings devices Target MBTUs = 436,939* Estimated Project Amount = $31,168,000 Estimated Return = TBD (* PA data missing for some projects) *Additional 878,701 MBTUs can be saved in Tier 2 that currently lack project amount estimates These projects are consistent with the Dept of Energy guidelines and Air Force Best Practices. Compliance in this area yields conservation benefits in new construction as well as historic preservation. 10

  11. Key Drivers for Energy Conservation Target Attainment Implement Level 3 Low Cost – High Impact Conservation projects and methods across all JBSA facilities using scoring model priorities.Buckets included: Technology, Incentives and Awareness, MBTU Calculations, and Alternative Work Methods These projects include: single room usage detection devices and focus on individual soldier and civilian behavior that reside and work in JBSA. Target MBTUs = 1,246,025* Estimated Project Amount = $7,000 Estimated Return = TBD (* PA data missing for some projects) *Additional 36,900 MBTUs can be saved in Tier 3 that currently lack project amount estimate As these projects focus on behavior and culture change, they can provide significant MBTU reduction for minimal cost Implement Closed-Loop Metering Systems that Enable Policy & Contingency Compliance Enhance the current metering plan and investments to account for all major energy systems in JBSA and ensure closed loop control capability exist. Resources trained to properly operate equipment and program controls will also be required. 11

  12. Key Drivers for Energy Conservation Target Attainment Utilize Rapid Deployment Teams to Drive Standardization & Rapid Continuous Improvement Tiger Teams that specialize in SIR Proposals, project implementation areas and equipment installation and maintenance are recommended to implement / replicate projects across all bases vs. base specific teams. This best practice will accelerate implementation learning and overall savings. Once implemented, formal recognition systems will be implemented to highlight best practices among individual and team contributors. Streamline & Optimize Project ID, Funding, Contract Award & Implementation Current Funding Steps may take up to 33 months and cover 30 steps across multiple stakeholders. One of the key requirements of the JBSA energy conservation effort will be to provide the data required to identify projects that will help meet the energy conservation goals, have available capable resources for full implementation and provide data to begin to count actual energy conservation in a timely manner. 12

  13. Key Drivers for Energy Conservation Target Attainment • Alter the assumption/rule that projects must be in place for a full year prior to the actual realization of MBTU savings. This is not a best practice in industry and essentially reflects a notion that when one turns off power in an unused building, that building must be turned off for a full year before the conservation savings can be counted. The alternative and more accurate way to account for these savings would be to collect verification data on a real time, monthly or quarterly basis. Bases are encouraged to conduct in-depth discussions regarding conservation savings in this regard as it will result in a more realistic and favorable indication of the timeliness of actions taken and achieve targets faster. 13

  14. Key Drivers for Energy Conservation Target Attainment • Explore and Deploy New Technology Beta Projects • Several new and best practice ideas are introduced for beta projects for JBSA energy conservation analysis to include: • Solar panels for large scale fields • Solar based materials for windows • Electric cars • Individual room detection devices • Other 14

  15. Key Drivers for Energy Conservation Target Attainment Adopt Disciplined Use of Asset Management & Work Order Systems and Methods • Analysis of current asset & maintenance management systems (AMMS) indicate that several hundred structures are maintained in JBSA. An updated AMMS will assist stakeholders to indentify key areas of square footage, use, age, energy consumption, energy standard, and overall audit/LEED status. • Standardized Work Order Systems should be utilized to track equipment reliability and identify opportunities for predictive maintenance, spare part contracts and preferred supplier data. • Additional data fields, user friendly reporting capabilities should be added to maximize visibility of all assets related to the JBSA Energy Conservation Program. 15

  16. Key Drivers for Energy Conservation Target Attainment Implement Conservation Communications for All Stakeholders Analysis reveals that approximately 12 stakeholder groups exist with JBSA and DOD that can positively influence the direction of energy conservation at JBSA. Best practices in large scale transformation indicate that success is achieved when all key stakeholders are involved in the target changes and that they understand their respective roles in the change. Assign Energy Conservation Targets to All Stakeholders Once all stakeholders are identified for the energy conservation effort, it is imperative that specific targets be identified and tracked. An example for this area would be the exclusion of Wilford Hall Hospital. Although plans currently exist to transition out of this facility, until the full transition occurs the approximately 878,700* MBTUs are being consumed annually in this structure. *based on 2010 data 16

  17. Productivity Initiatives E-billing - move from hardcopy and individual bills provided by the utility company that require manual signature to electronic individual billing with electronic signature verification and data analysis capability. This process improvement project will save approximately 1 -2 days per month for each energy manager per base, postage, facilitate more timely payables and enable user friendly visibility to data captured via meters. Individual bills from home and businesses would also be generated from this project. The visibility provided to base command relative to high consumption energy users is a cornerstone of the awareness campaign underway at JBSA. Estimated implementation time is 2-3 months depending on reporting complexity. E-Workflow tools – transition from manual paper flow to allow for near real-time monitoring of project transaction status. Process dashboards can be established to provide multi-level status reports on billing, project funding and energy life cycle implementation. “Electronic Triggers” and business rules can be established within the workflow tools for reminders, alarms and user math based decisions and business rules. Estimated implementation time is 2-3 months depending on complexity. Figure 4.1: Example of Workflow Tool to Collect Project Status, Measure Results, and Status Reporting 17

  18. Productivity Initiatives Project identification, Funding, Award and Implementation Cycle Analysis – Transition from up to 33 month cycle time to 50% improvement Leverage industry best practices in the JBSA environment to further streamline the overall project life cycle to include the following: review all contracts for standard terms and conditions as well as unique requirements to streamline the overall contract and related processing cycle. Revisit/Change current accounting rules that require 1 full year of implementation prior to counting energy savings. Implement meter based savings verification. Contract Terms and Condition Rationalization and Standardization Contract Allocation and Volume, Rate Table and Pricing Analysis 18

  19. Productivity Initiatives Temperature and Thermostat Analysis and Setting Controls Utilize data analysis of JBSA temperature trends to identify thermostat settings and establish related guidelines for temperature control systems. Utilize data analysis of JBSA temperature trends to identify thermostat settings and establish related guidelines for temperature control systems. From the charts below, the following initial observations were made by the Energy Working Team: Data analysis indicates that climate has not historically changed for the JBSA region. However, climate could be a factor in affecting how individuals, business owners and command CEs should align thermostat settings in line with recommended government setting for various seasons during the year. Investigation should be conducted to minimize extreme temperature adjustments while actual temperatures fluctuate by month. Specific control systems, such as EMCS, would reduce the temperature fluctuations and therefore lower stress on HVAC systems and related O&M costs. Awareness campaigns should align with these thermostat guidelines and should include alternative approaches for personal comfort level. Average Temperature in San Antonio 19

  20. Productivity Initiatives Energy Conservation Continuous Process Improvement Disciplined use of best practice project and program management techniques will be practiced to fully realize the target conservation reductions identified in the JBSA OEMP. The diagram to the right illustrates the full life cycle of the DMAIC process that focuses on the disciplined use of data, measurements and project management to help guide priority project selection, resource utilization and ensure actual benefits are realized. The overall goal of the JBSA framework, operating model and governance structure is to ensure that all target projects reach a control phase of implementation. It is the Control Phase of the continuous process improvement effort that will provide the project outcome reliability to justify project replication, training, resource allocations and overall audit ability to meet 2015 energy conservation targets. 20

  21. JBSA Energy Conservation Governance Model The Energy Conservation Governance model will provide for: Identification of an Energy Executive Board to set strategic guidance and provide active project support Systematic integration of external technologies and expertise to leverage market and technology breakthroughs Centralized project tracking and support to provide a single POC for all the activities held at Enterprise JBSA level Functionally aligned Rapid Deployment Teams that make use of project replication opportunities within JBSA to ensure project benefits are leveraged to the fullest extent Independent SIR/Proposal Teams that make use of statistical analysis and project delivery best practices to further leverage project benefits Standardize project benefit calculations to include energy as well as operations related benefits thus boosting SIR competitiveness edge Create an updated project and benefits repository that allow a continuous project progress and results information Validate and aggregate results by applying standardized metrics Creation and standardization of End-to-End processes that define the operations model Integrate benchmarking information provided by industry databases Involve external providers in Energy Conservation trends monitoring Ensure continuous improvement by maintaining a closed performance monitoring loop that can sustain a permanent and concerted Energy Conservation effort Develop and coordinate an overall Awareness Campaign 21

  22. JBSA Energy Conservation Governance Model • Monthly Management Review Agenda Items • Review Performance Scorecard Project Status and Metrics • Consolidated JBSA Overall Trend of Actual Conservation attainment vs. Target • Project Identification and Implementation Pipeline Status and Cycle Time • Current Project that must be completed in current month and related issues • Deployment Team Replication Status • Actual vs. Target Implementation, • Cycle Time Trending • Lessons Learned • Actual Project $Amount vs. Target, Projected Project Amount and Sources • % Stakeholder Analysis Action Plan Implemented • % Communications and Awareness Plan Implemented • Best Practice project identification for replication • Recognition and Awards • Commission New Projects • SIR and Scoring Model Analysis • Training Required • SOPs • Who • Status % Complete • Contract $ Allocations and Preferred Status • Action Item Register status review / Next Steps & Owners / Next Meeting Date 22

  23. JBSA Energy Conservation Governance Model Quarterly Management Review Agenda Items On a quarterly basis, the Management Review will be expanded to focus on forecast for the upcoming 2-3 quarters. The additional agenda topics for the quarterly review will include: Long term view of projects in the Project ID and Implementation pipeline New projects for SIR and Scoring Model Assessment Asset Audit Schedules and Compliance Status Identification of Energy Hogs and Conservation Compliance Status Energy Consumption Scorecards by structure Equipment record /reliability Trend Analysis Metering Deployment Schedule Compliance Metering Reliability and Records Utilization Productivity Project Status Actual vs. Target Deployment and related Productivity Realization New Projects and Priorities Figure 5.3: Consolidated Energy Conservation Scorecard Figure 5.4: High Energy Consumption Scorecard 23

  24. Roadmap Implementation Steps for Energy Mgt Plan Target Attainment • A six step methodology will be used to help JBSA attain specific energy conservation goals in a timely and effective manner. The steps utilize a continuous process improvement framework to ensure JBSA actions are aligned with energy legislation, help enable and ensure the mission of JBSA and maintain a ongoing focus of rapid and effective project implementation. • The six steps of the methodology include: • Align Goals with Energy Conservation Legislation • Define Consumption Drivers and Measures • Define, Prioritize and Implement Conservation Reduction Opportunities • Utilize best practice tools and methods including SIR Analysis, Project Energy Scoring Models, Lean Six Sigma and Business Process Management to identify breakthrough projects • Implement Metering and Controls Infrastructure • Define and Implement Energy Contingency Plans • Implement Overarching Awareness and Environmental Integration Campaign 24

  25. Roadmap Implementation Steps for Energy Mgt Plan Target Attainment (S1-S3) Define, Prioritize and Implement Conservation Reduction Opportunities - identify and evaluate Energy Improvement Projects (EIPS) based on SIR and other selection criteria in the Energy Project Scoring Model to attain 2015 Targets Key tasks in this step include: define, document, train and maintain dedicated subject matter resource expertise in SIR analysis and business case preparation best practices. • Develop and deliver standard training modules to ensure that all energy managers (EMs) are current on funding sources and application guidelines. • Implementation of SIR / BIR Prep / Best Practice Teams Utilize the Energy Project Scoring Model to evaluate the relative return of the projects based on actual and expected performance Define and maintain an aggregate listing of all projects by base, Savings Investment Ratio (SIR) intensity, project amount capital cost, implementation duration and resources as required in Form 1391. Implement priority energy conservation projects using Rapid Deployment Teams to optimize lessons learned and implementation best practices for key project categories 25

  26. Overview of Consumption, Targets and Gaps (modeling assumptions provided by JBSA EMs) 26

  27. Roadmap Implementation Steps for Energy Mgt Plan Target Attainment (S4) • Define and Implement Metering Infrastructure Plan • Metering for high energy demand and/or critical energy grid security nodes is recommended. To gain full benefits of central control and feedback, meters should be configured to collect and send data to Energy Management Control Systems (EMCS), as well as receive commands through feedback loops (manual and automated) that enable energy conservation. • Key steps in the implementation plan include: • Define high consumption structures and critical security structures that require metering for electric, water and gas • Define connectivity standards and protocols • Define JBSA-wide contracts for connectivity, interoperability and volume based fees • Define properly skilled resources to be used for deployment • Finalize schedule and track deployment, testing and training • Verify controls are in place and in use via operational audits • Obtain timely billing verification of actual energy reduction from utility companies 27

  28. Roadmap Implementation Steps for Energy Mgt Plan Target Attainment (S5) • Define and Implement Energy Contingency Plans • - Stand-up/ Integrate Security Planning and Energy Coordination • Key tasks with this step include: • Define contingency/back-up emergency energy requirements • Define sources of emergency capacity • Conduct supplier reviews to define energy and security operating procedures • Conduct Readiness Drills and Audits 28

  29. Roadmap Implementation Steps for Energy Mgt Plan Target Attainment (S6) • Implement Overarching Awareness Campaigns – Conduct Stakeholder Information and Communication Plan Analysis. • Build Change Management into the overall Energy Conservation Project Plan consistent with the scale and scope of the Energy Program Transformation • A robust and comprehensive awareness program is recommended to ensure energy plan target attainment. • Items to consider when designing the plan include: • Determination of core messages, expectations and results • Stakeholder analysis and value propositions • Communication plans targeted for each stakeholder group • Recognition and incentives for compliance and exceptional attainment • Visibility of goals, and progress towards goals 29

  30. Roadmap Implementation Steps for Energy Mgt Plan Target Attainment (S6) • “JBSA Saving Energy All Year Around” • JBSA will be instituting a new energy conservation awareness campaign aimed at making all focus on energy and water conservation. JBSA will change by adjusting daily habits in small ways and conservation moves at the larger level. • Savings resulting from items as simple as turning off lights in rooms not occupied. Specifically, ways that will create savings include: • Setting thermostats to 68°F in the winter and 76°F in the summer • Identify and correct inordinate after-hours building energy consumption • Each building set a 10 hour comfort time window • Consolidate appliances like microwaves, refrigerators and coffee pots to central break room • Prohibit space heaters • Control exterior lighting to go off by 2200 hrs • Follow year-round water conservation restrictions • Repair leaky faucets • Buy equipment that is Energy Star compliant • Participate in the JBSA Recycling Programs 30

  31. Energy Project Scoring Model • Energy Savings Unit of measure = MBTs • Criteria Weight Value (CWV) = 35 of 100 • Time to implement the energy project • Unit of measure = months • CWV = 5 of 100 • Savings Investment Ratio (i.e. Return on Investment Ratio) • Unit of measure = % of ROI / intensity value (note: intensity = MBTUs /square feet) • CWV = 20 of 100 • Environmental Impact • Unit of measure = relative performance value for electrical, water and gas projects • CWV = 5 of 100 • Cultural Awareness • Unit of measure = estimated number of individuals impacted directly by the projects • CWV = 10 of 100 • Equipment Maintainability • Unit of measure = relative performance value base reliability and ease of repair upon breakdown • CWV = 10 of 100 • Capability to Produce or Enable Renewable Energy • Unit of measure = relative performance value based on the projects ability to produce or enable energy production vs. renewable vs. non renewable or production capability • CWV = 10 of 100 • Rebates and Incentives that are associated with project implementation • Unit of measure = relative performance value based on the projects ability to generate a range of tangible rebates. • CWV = 5 of 100 31

  32. Energy Project Scoring Model • Benefits of using the Energy Scoring Model • Compares projects based on a wide range of costs, schedule and performance criteria • Rank orders projects based on expected performance to enable priority selection • Helps users define the full expected impact of the project during its life cycle • Helps users focus on those projects that excel in any one of the selection criteria • Helps users identify potential gaps in project deployment capability, training and or scope definition. 32

  33. Energy Project Scoring Model – Initial Rank Order 33

  34. Project Pipeline Analysis – Initial Status The steps below represent the different phases in the implementation process: Stage 1: Identified: Concept documented on a spreadsheet or in ACES—JBSA Stage 2: Being Validated—AETC Stage 3: Validated--AFCESA Plus Up List: If it shows up on the list, rename to “Validated”. Stage 4a: Approved: Ready to Advertise—AFCESA Stage 4b: Not Selected: Move between validated and approved. Add “Return to Installation”—AFCESA Stage 5: Funded: Authority to Advertise—Air Force Headquarters (HAF) Stage 6: Awarded to Contractor:--JBSA/Installation/Contracting Agent Stage 7: Completed—Installation/Contractor/QAE The graph below illustrates the current progress of slated projects through the implementation pipeline, as of the May Working Session at JBSA: 34

  35. Project Pipeline Analysis – Initial Status Projects highlighted in red have high MBTU savings potential and should be accelerated 35

  36. Project Pipeline Analysis – Current Cycle Times To help determine the estimated times when intensity savings would be realized, per year, and based on the 12 to 24 month lead time identified in Table 1, we projected when JBSA would actually realize intensity savings for the current list of 54 projects. Figure 11.1: Estimated Total Cycle Time from Project Identification to Completion by Project Categories

  37. Alternative Strategies to Meet Energy Conservation Goals 37

  38. Additional Opportunities – Solar Solar Panel Energy Savings & Cost Models Solar panels - for one small, medium and/or large structure or home. These PV applications would be evaluated to determine the percent of alternative energy, actual cost and overall decrease in the consumption footprint in water, gas and electric applications that single families could expect to harness in the JBSA region. Estimated cost of these installations would be approximately $25k - $40k based on home size and application. It should be noted that purchase and implementation costs for projects in this area, as well as others, are subject to significant savings based on volume cost discounts. Larger scale projects must be defined and scoped for full impact via Strategy Definition and Planning Diagrams. These will ensure the full end-to-end process issues are addressed and evaluated on a standard basis The key elements of expected return on these projects include reduced demand on existing utility sources, independent back-up energy capability and overall contingency plan enablement. Note that tax and rebate incentives must be evaluated for government applications. 38

  39. Appendix E. High Square Footage– Potentially High Consumption Structures or “Energy Hogs” Top 50% of Square Feet by Building Category Aggregated Square Feet within each Building Type Number of Buildings in Building Category 7115 Report Listing of Largest Square Footage Structures 39

  40. Proposed Next Steps Macro Energy Conservation Project Plan: All key tasks of the energy roadmap will be formulated into a project plan that clearly identifies key tasks, owners, start, stops and interdependencies. Standing Management Reviews will also be indicated in the overall plans. The plans will extend to the full life of the time horizon of the energy goal. Figure 8.4 illustrates a macro level Gantt chart / project plan that will be maintained at the aggregate and base level. These plans will be part of the standard documentation used in Management Reviews. 40

  41. Appendix Slides 41

  42. Figure 5.3: Consolidated Energy Conservation Scorecard 42

  43. Stakeholder Information Action Plan Analysis 43

  44. Figure 5.4: High Energy Consumption Scorecard 44

  45. 7115 Report Listing of Largest Square Footage Structures 45

  46. JBSA Energy Strategic Management Plan - Proposal Deliverables – 1Q Notes - BLUF - • Provide Project Management Support to JBSA to complete the following: • Construct an Energy Strategic Management Plan to enable the application and receipt of funding ($250M)that ties all of the JBSA activity to EO, legislation, QDR, OSD policy, etc. down to the objectives, activities and metrics being reported : • Energy Strategic Management Plan will incorporate and show clear linkages to DOD Leadership guidance • and include Goals, Objectives, Projects/Tasks planned to achieve plan • b. Construction of Energy metrics that are reported by month (as lagging indicators) to serve as leading indicators • by quarter. Metrics should reflect : • Activity and effort underway to achieve goals, objectives, and tasks, that will properly indicate starting point baseline, progress trend, milestone way points, and target level • Energy (electric, mogas, and natural gas/propane) consumption rate • Water consumption rate • 2. Construct JBSA -wide project plans that will connect the vast amount of ESMP activity, enable visibility and drive execution. Risk Analysis, Cost Management and Results Sustainability will be conducted as a follow on effort. • Meter Installation Plan b. Metrics / Measures and Reporting • c. Asset Identification & Replacement Mgt. d. Capital / Savings Investment Ratio Analysis • e. New Construction / Renovation Project Planning f. Marketing and Education Plan 46 46

  47. JBSA Energy & Conservation Strategic Management Plan: Process Overview & Deliverables Target ü ü Strategy Framework Framework Strategy Drivers/Goals: EO I Congress I QDR I SMP Targets & Timing: Ex: % Reductions JBSA Application of Strategy Drivers: Gen Patrick 6 Process Owners: Who will implement Task Required to Achieve Strategy Outcome Measures (Ys) Projects aligned to Goals Leads and Resources Control Measures (Xs): Do these things to achieve Ys Authoritative Data Sources Other Strategy Drivers Priority Executive Order 1 Congressional Acts 2 National Security 3 QDR 4 SMP 5 Interagency 6 JBSA 7 Benchmarks 8 • E&C SMP Document: Categories of Content • Vision • Goals • Scope • Benefits and Costs • Budget and Resources • Project Governance • Roles & Standard Operation Procedures • Measures • Market & Communications • Culture Change & Education • Timeline for Plan Implementation • Appendix ü Comprehensive Project Listing1. Completed ‘09 2. Awarded ‘10 3. Approved 4/10 4. Being Valuated 11/10 5. Identified TBD 6. Test / Partner TBD ü Evaluation /Funding Criteria ECIP 1 FY11 ECIP 2 FY12 ECIP 3 FY13 SRM Milcon ü ü ü ü • Energy/Conservation Group • Reduce Consumption • Increase Capacity • Renewable Energy • Risk, Security & Contingency Project Tracking Data Sheets Form 1391 Data Fields Additional Evaluation Criteria E&C SMP Task Plan 2011 - 2013 47 47

  48. Overview of Consumption, Targets and Gaps (modeling assumptions provided by JBSA EMs) 48

  49. Overview of Consumption, Targets and Gaps (modeling assumptions provided by JBSA EMs) 49

  50. Opportunity Statement / Context Need for the OEMP Based on the 2003 baseline and current base square footage, JBSA must consume no more than 2,550,309 MBTUs in 2015 in order to be compliant with the energy conservation target. This target represents a 3% savings each year from its 2003 baseline through 2015. JBSA is currently projected to consume 3,689,983 MBTUs in 2015, which means JBSA must reduce consumption by 1,139,674 MBTUs by 2015 to meet the goal. Currently slated projects are estimated to reduce energy consumption by 334,023 and new strategies that have been developed amount to an additional 1,935,950 MBTUs reduction in energy consumption. Base Command Steering Committees and Energy Working Teams will conduct the necessary project prioritization, selection funding and implementation using a standardized roadmap to reach JBSA objectives, communicate & recognize best practices and drive continuous energy process improvement. 50

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