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ZYX COMPANY HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY. The XYZ Company is committed to a proactive health and safety program aimed at protecting our staff, our property, our clients, the general public and the environment from injury or loss.
ZYX COMPANYHEALTH AND SAFETY POLICY The XYZ Company is committed to a proactive health and safety program aimed at protecting our staff, our property, our clients, the general public and the environment from injury or loss. Employees at every level are responsible and accountable for the company’s health and safety performance. Active participation by everyone, every day, is necessary for the safety excellence this company expects. Management will set an example and provide leadership in the health and safety program. Management will develop safe work procedures along with the help and input from the employees. Management will provide training and equipment appropriate for the tasks. Management is responsible to monitor and enforce the company policies as described in the Health and Safety Program and Disciplinary Policy. Workers at every level are to be familiar with the requirements of Alberta Human Resources and Employment Occupational Health and Safety Legislation as it relates to their work process. Workers are responsible for following all procedures, with an awareness of health and safety, and cooperating in achieving improved health and safety conditions at the work sites. Our goal is to be a leader in loss control management in our field and provide a healthy, injury free work place for all workers. By working together, in all elements of this program we will achieve this goal. ___________________________ __________________ General Manager Date A1
Corporate Policy on Health and Safety Safety is an integral part of our company’s work. It is part of our operations and is there to protect our employees, visitors, clients and company property, the environment and the public. There are many costs to accidents and unsafe work practices. The greatest costs are human costs. By protecting our employees we are also protecting their friends, families, fellow workers, management, the public and the environment from the far-reaching effects of serious accidents. We are also protecting our ability to continue doing business and employing people. Everyone employed by this company (employees, contractors, sub-contractors) is responsible for maintaining the safety program by understanding their assigned responsibilities. It is the responsibility of all employees to ensure a visitor to their work site is aware of the hazards and assisting them in following all safety rules and regulations. All workers have the right and responsibility to refuse unsafe work. Every employee of the company shall be aware of and understand the legislative requirements, industry standards and company policies and procedures that apply to their work sites. Our goal is a healthy, injury free workplace. Through personal commitment and active participation we can achieve this goal. ________________________________ __________________ Senior Officer Date A2
CORPORATE HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICYSTATEMENT XYZ COMPANY is committed to promoting safe and healthy working conditions within the company, therefore: It shall be the responsibility of MANAGEMENT to establish and maintain acceptable standards for the work sites, premises, operations and equipment to ensure that physical and health hazards are guarded against or eliminated, and to develop work procedures that will achieve optimum productivity levels without accidents and industrial diseases. Management is responsible to monitor the employee performance. It shall be the responsibility of every SUPERVISOR to ensure that employees are trained in proper work procedures to obtain optimum productivity levels without accidents and industrial disease, and to ensure the observation by employees of proper work procedures and all pertinent rules and regulations. It shall be the responsibility of every EMPLOYEE to follow proper work procedures, to perform duties in a safe manner, to observe all rules and regulations, and to cooperate in creating a safe, healthy and productive working environment. It is the responsibility of EVERYONE to know and understand all legislative requirements as they apply to their work site and job tasks. TOGETHER we will reach these goals. ___________________________________ ____________________ Chief Executive Officer Date A3
Assignment of Responsibility and Accountability for Health and Safety Management: • will set an example and provide leadership in the health and safety program; • will provide information, instructions and assistance to all supervisory staff in order to protect the health and safety of all our employees; • will understand and enforce the accident prevention policy as well as the OH&S Legislation as it applies to all areas of the company operations; • will provide all supervisory staff with proper, well maintained tools and equipment as well as personal protective equipment as may be required; • will provide ongoing health and safety training as required by legislation and industry; and • will monitor all departments and projects and will hold them accountable for their individual safety performance. Supervisors: • will know and apply the company’s safety policies and procedures and OH&S legislation; • will ensure all employees are trained and educated to company standard and requirements, which included use and care of personal protective equipment; • will advise employees of potential hazardous situations as they relate to their job tasks; • will arrange for medical treatment as required, including appropriate transportation for treatment; • will report all accidents/incidents/near misses/health concerns to senior management immediately; • will take the lead role for accident investigations in their area of responsibility, working with the Safety Coordinator and JWHSC Representative; and • will perform, or ensure a designate performs regular inspections as required in their area of responsibility A4a
Assignment of Responsibility and Accountability for Health and Safety Employees: • are responsible to read, understand and comply with XYZ Company’s Health and Safety policies and safe work practices; • are responsible to wear the appropriate personal protective equipment and clothing for their tasks; • are responsible to report any unsafe, unhealthy condition to their immediate Supervisor immediately; • are responsible to report any near miss, injury, equipment damage accident to their immediate Supervisor immediately and complete the required reports; • are responsible to take every reasonable precaution to protect the safety of themselves, other workers in their area and the general public; • are responsible to attend safety meetings and actively participate in the Health and Safety Program. Contractors, Suppliers and Visitors: • are required to cooperate with XZY Company representative in all areas of the Health and Safety Program; • are responsible to report to their contact immediately upon arrival at the work site; and • contractors and visitors will be held accountable to comply with all prescribed safety procedures while at XYZ Company work sites. Sub-contractors: • any person or organization hired to perform work on behalf of XYZ Company is required to complete a sub-contractor orientation; • all sub-contractors and their employees are required to understand and follow XYZ Company Health and Safety Program. A4a
Specifically, senior management/owners are responsible for: • Providing a company safety policy and committing to it; • Ensuring all established policies and procedures are enforced; • Providing information, instruction, and assistance to all supervisory staff; • Providing ongoing training and education programs; • Monitoring departments and projects and holding staff accountable for their individual performance; • Assisting all supervisors with an understanding of accident prevention as well as relevant OHS legislation; and • Setting a good example. A4b
Supervisors within an organization are responsible for, but not limited to: • Knowing and applying the company policies and relevant OHS legislation; • Ensuring all workers are educated to work in a safe manner and that all protective devices and procedures are utilized; • Advising employees of any potential or actual dangers, how to isolate, prevent and/or remove them; • Arranging for medical treatment of injured employees as required; • Recording and investigating accidents, potential losses and property damage; • Advising management and safety committees on how to prevent similar accidents/incidents in the future; • Becoming involved in safety inspections and carry out on-going inspections within area of responsibility; • Setting a good example and performing work in a safe manner; and • Enforcing all established safety regulations and work methods. A4b
Employees are responsible for: • Carrying out work in a manner that will not create a hazard; • Assisting the Health and Safety Committee by volunteering to be a member; • Working with the supervisor to help create a safe working environment by making safety suggestions; • Reporting any accidents, incidents, near misses, injuries and/or occupational health concerns immediately to the area supervisor; • Following the company medical and first aid procedures; and • Using the safe work procedures and setting a good example. A4b
OBLIGATIONS OF EMPLOYERS AND WORKERSUNDER THE ALBERTA OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT 2(1) Every employer shall ensure, as far as it is reasonably practicable for him to do so, (a) the health and safety of (i) workers engaged in the work of that employer, and (ii) those workers not engaged in the work of that employer but present at the work site at which that work is being carried out; and (b) that the workers engaged in the work of that employer are aware of their responsibilities and duties under this Act and the regulations. (2) Every worker shall, while engaged in an occupation, (a) take reasonable care to protect the health and safety of himself and of other workers present while he is working; and (b) cooperate with his employer for the purpose of protecting the health and safety of (i) himself; (i.1) other workers engaged in the work of the employer; and (ii) other workers not engaged in the work of that employer but present at the work site at which that work is being carried out. A5
EMPLOYEE EVALUATION FORM NAME: _______________________________________________________________ Review Date: ______________________ Last Review Date: __________________ Position/Location: ______________________________________________________ Supervisor: ____________________________ Review Rating: _________________ • Punctuality and time management – consistently arrives at work in time to be dressed and ready to start work on time. Avoids personal business on Company time (telephone, visitors, friends, day dreaming, salesmen,etc.). 1 2 3 4 5 • Displays a positive, polite, cooperative attitude towards management and co-workers. Contributes to the overall positive morale of the workplace. 1 2 3 4 5 • Can be called upon in high pressure situations (overtime, evenings, weekends, holidays). 1 2 3 4 5 • Low frequency of “come backs” on work performed. 1 2 3 4 5 5. Places safety (property, equipment, vehicles, self, others) and proper use of safety equipment as a top priority. 1 2 3 4 5 • Conversant with Company policies and/ or procedures. 1 2 3 4 5 A6
Demonstrates stress tolerance and anger control. 1 2 3 4 5 • Demonstrates interpersonal skills – disseminates clear, accurate information to supervisor. 1 2 3 4 5 • Satisfactory attendance record. 1 2 3 4 5 • Ability to effectively troubleshoot and address problems in the assigned area of responsibility. 1 2 3 4 5 • Displays satisfactory work ethics including maintaining a clean, orderly and organized work area. 1 2 3 4 5 • Willingly accepts instruction, suggestions, or direction. 1 2 3 4 5 • Willingly assists co-workers. 1 2 3 4 5 • Participates in staff meetings, offers ongoing constructive suggestions to maximize shop efficiency, improve policies, procedures, etc. 1 2 3 4 5 • Avoids taking excessive liberties such as extended coffee and/ or lunch breaks. 1 2 3 4 5 • Demonstrates a genuine concern for, and promotes a positive Company image and reputation (co-workers, inspectors, public). 1 2 3 4 5 A6
Completes documents accurately and within appropriate time frames. 1 2 3 4 5 • Demonstrates respect, care and concern for company property and equipment. 1 2 3 4 5 • Produces the quality of work expected by the Company for this position. Pays attention to detail – ability to recognize, evaluate, comprehend and prioritize and make rationale decisions with limited supervisory guidance. 1 2 3 4 5 • Produces the quantity of work expected by the Company for this position. 1 2 3 4 5 Supervisors comments and Goals for Next Review: A6
Employees comments and Goals for Next Review: Supervisor Signature: __________________________________ Date: __________ Employee Signature: ___________________________________ Date: __________ A6
GENERAL HEALTH AND SAFETY RULES AND ENFORCEMENT POLICY All staff are expected to comply with all health and safety rules as well as all of Alberta’s Occupational Health and Safety Regulations. Supervisor’s are expected to set an example and enforce the rules. SPECIFIC RULES: No smoking in fuel area or any designated areas. Safety reflective vests must be worn by all road repair crews, water and sewer line crews and park maintenance crews. Respirators must be worn where any toxic vapors or particles are involved, as per OH&S Regulations and company policies and procedures. Eye protection is to be worn where potential eye hazards exist as per OH&S Regulations and company policies and procedures. Hearing Protection must be worn where required as per OH&S Regulations and company policies and procedures. Hard hats must be worn where there is a risk of head injury as per OH&S Regulations and company policies and procedures. ENFORCEMENT POLICY: Violations of XYZ Company policy, procedures and rules will result in disciplinary action as follows: FIRST OFFENCE: Verbal warning. SECOND OFFENCE: Warning and recorded on employee file THIRD OFFENCE: Three days suspension without pay. FOURTH OFFENCE: Termination NOTE: Use of or reporting to work under the influence of illegal drugs and/or alcohol at the work site will result in immediate dismissal. A7
HEALTHY AND SAFE WORK ENVIRONMENT It is the intent of XYZ Company to provide a healthy and safe work environment for all job tasks that are to be performed. Proper hazard identification and controls will provide employees with proper direction in the safe performance of their duties. All XYZ Company employees required to perform hazardous tasks will receive appropriate instruction and training. Written copies of safe work procedures will be accessible and available to all employees. Whenever a new job task or piece of equipment is implemented or acquired, a written procedures and proper training will precede the performing of the new task or use of the new equipment. A hazard assessment will be completed which will assist in the development of adequate controls. The Supervisors and JWHSC will assist in the hazard assessment and development of the controls. Written procedures will be prepared or revised when any of the following occur: • When new Regulations are implemented that affect a specific written procedure. • Inspection reports indicate changes. • Incident investigations indicate changes • New specifications are implemented. • First aid records indicate a trend and need. • Employee suggestions are received and valid. • Safety committee requests changes. • Hazard assessments indicate the need for change. Supervisors must ensure that all appropriate procedures are available to the workers in their area of responsibility. Workers are expected to follow all applicable procedures and inform supervisors if they have a concern about a procedure. B1
HAZARD IDENTIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT POLICY This element requires all job tasks within the XYZ Company to be identified, all hazards associated with those tasks identified, then analyze and risk rate each job task. A hazard is defined as anything that places a person’s health and/or safety at risk. Each job task will then be prioritized to determine which job task is the most critical. Once all job tasks have been risk rated and prioritized the appropriate controls must be identified to eliminate or minimize the risk. This formal assessment is to be reviewed and updated annually. The annual Hazard Assessment will be completed as follows: 1. The lead role is taken by the Supervisor for each area , working with the employees under his supervision. 2. Using the assessment forms the team will identify each job task for their area and the hazards associated with those tasks. 3. Risk evaluation will be completed through quantitative measurement using the risk rating guide provided. 4. Each job task risk ratings will be totaled to provide prioritization of the tasks from highest to lowest risk level. 5. Finally the appropriate controls will be identified for each job task which will eliminate or minimize the risks associated with the task. 6. Upon completion of the assessments, the Supervisors will submit to the Safety Coordinator to enable the Health and Safety Program to be updated annually. On-going hazard assessments will be completed as needed on the Hazard Report forms provided and submitted to the area Supervisor when completed, when the hazard has been effectively dealt with the Supervisor is responsible to submit to the Safety Coordinator with supporting documentation showing how the hazard was controlled. All hazard reports must be recorded on the Hazard Control Plan and will be kept on file by the Safety Coordinator. B2
JOB TASK INDENTIFICATION ANDHAZARD ASSESSMENT POLICY We believe that compiling a job task inventory and identifying the hazards associated with the tasks is an important and necessary part of our Health and Safety program. The tasks will be rated according to how hazardous they are by using a risk rating system. The rating system we will use is 1 – 5 with 1 being remote and 5 being extreme. Any task with a total rating of 25 or more will have a job procedure written and implemented. The hazard analysis should be completed by the employees performing the tasks, with assistance from their supervisor. If a job procedure needs to be written, it should also be written with input from the employees. The company will provide leaderships in the process and assist in the writing of the procedures. The complete job task and hazard analysis will be reviewed annually to ensure changes to the operation and new tasks are adequately assessed and updated. All employees are encouraged to participate in this process. ___________________________________ ___________________ Senior Officer Date B3
HAZARD IDENTIFICATIONRISK RATING TABLE LIKELIHOOD: is the probability of a loss when the hazardous event does occur. Five (5) Occurs under normal operating conditions Four (4) Occurs in unusual operating conditions Three (3) May occur if worker is inattentive or equipment poorly maintained Two (2) Only likely in abnormal conditions (ie. Loss of power; incapacitated worker; malicious damage; emergency conditions) One (1) Not likely to happen – remote possibility- only in extreme conditions EXPOSURE: is how frequently the hazardous event presents itself. Five (5) Continuous – on/two times per day Four (4) Frequent – one/two times per week Three (3) Possible – once per month Two (2) Some chance of occurring One (1) Note likely to happen – very remote possibility CONSEQUENCE: is the outcome or result of the hazardous event. Five (5) Catastrophic/disaster – numerous fatalities, chronic health effects, extreme property/equipment damage. Four (4) Very serious – severe injury, serious health effects, damage to equipment/property. Three (3) Serious injury – time loss, medical aid Two (2) Injury – temporary disability, first aid injury, minimal damage. One (1) Insignificant – noticeable, no lost time, recorded. B4
Risk Rating Values: OVERALL LEVEL OF RISK 5 Extreme - very high riskconsiderchanging or eliminating operations. 4 High - immediate correction required. 3 Medium - substantial risk, controls/correction needed. 2 Low - Risk is acceptable with controls. 1 Remote - not much chance of happening. To calculate risk and determine a risk factor you need to add Likelihood + Exposure + Consequence. The resulting figure is then divided by 3 to determine the risk rating for each hazard associated with each task. L + E + C = RISK RATING To determine the overall level of risk applied to the task, add all the risk ratings for each hazard divide the total by the number that make up the total. i.e. if the sum equaled 30 and it was summation of 10 numbers, 30 divided by 10 = 3 which would assign an overall level of risk for the task at Medium. B4
HAZARD IDENTIFICATION REPORT Date of Report: ________________________________________________________ Time of Report: ________________________________________________________ Name of Identifier: _____________________________________________________ Reported to: ___________________________________________________________ Date and Time: ________________________________________________________ Hazard Description: _____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Name of Witnesses: _____________________________________________________ Additional Comments: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Corrective Measures and Date: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Copies to: Safety Committee YES ( ) NO ( ) Initials ________ Area Supervisor YES ( ) NO ( ) Initials ________ Originator YES ( ) NO ( ) Initials ________ Is this a re-evaluation of a hazard? YES ( ) NO ( ) If YES, why ___________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ B5
Process for Developing Safe Work Procedures Safe work procedures are step by step instructions for doing work the right way. A safe work procedure identifies the materials and equipment needed, and how and when to use them. Safe work procedures usually include: • Regulatory requirements. • Personal protective equipment requirements • Training requirements • Responsibilities of each person involved in the job. • A specific sequence of steps to follow to complete the work safely. • Permits required. • Emergency procedures. Safe work procedures are generally prepared for jobs that: • Are critical (high risk jobs where accidents have or could result in severe injuries). • Are hazardous and where accidents occur frequently. • Are new or have been changed. • Have had new equipment added. • Require many detailed tasks. • Involve two or more workers who must perform specific tasks simultaneously. • Are done infrequently. An easy way to develop a procedure is to break the task into small steps. For each step, determine the hazards and ways to correct them. Some hazards to think about include: • Being struck by moving equipment. • Coming in contact with hazardous substances. • Hitting obstructions or other workers. • Becoming caught in machinery. • Falling. • Being struck by objects falling from above. • Suffering from exposure to toxic gases, insufficient oxygen or extreme temperatures. C1
You can then use the breakdown of hazards and corrective measures to prepare a written safe work procedure. Consider using the following process to develop your safe work procedures. • List all jobs on your work sites. Concentrate on those which have potential for: • serious injuries • frequent injuries • severe property damage • significant interruptions to production • public liability • government intervention • Put the list of jobs in order of the degree of hazard they present and the frequency they are performed. • Analyze each job by observing and interviewing workers. Record the following information: • job name and location • each step of the job and its hazards • roles of each worker involved • special equipment required • applicable regulatory requirements • Determine the measures needed to control job hazards, such as: • engineering controls to eliminate or isolate the hazards • worker training • personal protective and safety equipment • hazard markings • safety meetings If engineering controls or worker training can be used to permanently eliminate or reduce the impact of hazards, implement them. Prepare your safe work procedure by listing, in order of occurrence, each: • step of the job • control measure required (excluding one-time measures such as engineering controls and development of training). C1
Also describe: • regulatory requirements • special equipment required • specific training requirements for workers (e.g. journeymen ticket, H2S) • Test the procedure in the field to ensure it: • is accurate • meets regulatory requirements • is understandable to workers • Finalize the written procedure and place it at appropriate work site. • Train workers to follow the procedure. • Include in the orientation of new hires. C1
MAINTENANCE POLICY All tools and equipment shall be properly maintained to reduce a risk of injury to employees or damage to property. Preventative maintenance is an important part of the maintenance program. To ensure this program is enforced and documented the following apply: • All mobile heavy equipment will be serviced every 150 hours of operation and documented in the maintenance logs. • All vehicles will have a pre-trip inspection report completed daily and documented. • Light vehicles will be completely serviced every 5000 km. And documented in the maintenance log. • Tools (hand and mounted) will be inspected monthly to determine deficiencies. Any tool needing repair will be promptly taken out of service and replaced or repaired. It is the responsibility of the employee assigned the tools and equipment to ensure these procedures are followed. _______________________________ __________________ Signature Date C2
SAFE WORK PROCEDURES TRAFFIC CONTROL: • Ensure all members of the road repair crew are wearing reflective vests and appropriate personal protective equipment. • Stop the first lane of traffic. • Walk to a point where you can be seen by traffic in the oncoming lane • Display the stop sign and your raised free hand maintaining eye contact. • When the first vehicle is stopped walk to a position where you can be seen by traffic coming up behind the stopped vehicles. • Keep the stop sign held high maintaining eye contact and keeping your free hand raised with the palm facing traffic. • Allow construction activity to proceed after it is safe to do so while maintaining a safe distance from the equipment. • When it is safe for traffic to proceed, walk in a straight line back to the side of the road. • If there is more than one lane stopped release one lane at a time as you move towards the curb. • Turn the paddle to display the slow sign to the stationary vehicles and with your free arm wave the traffic through. • Do not wave the Stop/Slow paddle. C6
SAFE WORK PROCEDURES CONFINED SPACE ENTRY: Sewer, Manhole or Vault Entry : • Every worker is responsible for the health and safety of himself and other workers in the work area. • The employer will supply personal protective equipment to ensure safe entry. • Each entry must be pre-planned using the “WORK CHECKLIST” and must include the following: A. Classification of the Confined Space – High, Moderate or Low Risk B. Identify Hazards – a) Oxygen Deficient b) Explosive Atmosphere c) Toxic Atmosphere d) Difficult Rescue C. Isolation requirements a) determine need for blinding/blanking or lockout/tagout D. Testing Equipment requirements – - gas detector - particulate contaminate - oxygen detector E. Determine Lighting needs F. Communication – - Inside/Outside - radios - phones - alarm system - beepers - signals G. Signage – - appropriate signs marking access and egress must be in place - open manholes must be adequately barricaded H. Atmosphere Control and Ventilation - powered blowers used as required - appropriate breathing apparatus available and used • Workers designated to work in confined spaces or act as standby or rescue personnel, must have experience, appropriate training and qualifications which will be provided by the company. C7
SAFE WORK PROCEDURES Defective Tools: • Defective tools can cause serious and painful injuries. • If a tool is defective in some way, DON’T USE IT. • Be aware of problems like: - chisels and wedges with mushroomed heads - split or cracked handles - chipped or broken drill bits - wrenches with worn out jaws - tools which are not complete, such as files without handles To ensure safe use of hand tools, remember: 1. never use a defective tool; 2. double check all tools prior to use; and 3. ensure defective tools are repaired. Air, gasoline or electric power tools, require skill and complete attention on the part of the user even when they are in good condition. Don’t use power tools when they are defective in any way. Watch for problems like: - broken or inoperative guards; - insufficient or improper grounding due to damage on double insulated tools; - no ground wire (on plug) or cords of standard tools; - the on/off switch not in good working order; - tool blade is cracked; - the wrong grinder wheel is being used; or - the guard has been wedged back on a power saw. *Always check the OH&S Regulations to ensure proper use. C8
SAFE WORK PROCEDURES Fire and Use of Fire Extinguishers: General Good housekeeping is essential in the prevention of fires. Fires can start anywhere and at any time. This is why it is important to know which fire extinguisher to use and how to use it. Always keep fire extinguishers visible and easy to get at. Fire extinguishers have to be properly maintained to do the job. Where temperature is a factor, ensure that care is taken in selecting the right extinguisher. Types of Fires: Class A: These fires consist of wood, paper, rags, rubbish and other ordinary combustible materials. Recommended Extinguishers: Water from a hose, pump type water can, or pressurized extinguisher, and soda acid extinguishers. Class B: Flammable liquids, oil and grease. Recommended Extinguishers: ABC units, dry chemical, foam and carbon dioxide extinguishers. Class C: Electrical Equipment Recommended Extinguishers: Carbon dioxide and dry chemical (ABC Units) extinguishers. Fighting a Fire: Use short bursts on the fire. When the electrical current is shut off on a Class C fire, it can become a Class A fire if the materials around the electrical fire are ignited. • For further information check the appropriate OH&S Regulations. C9
SAFE WORK PROCEDURES Use of Portable Ladders Ladders can be used safely if they are given the respect they deserve. Before using any ladder, make sure that it is in good condition and is the right ladder for the job task to be done. • When setting up a ladder, secure the base and “walk”the ladder up into place. • The ladder should be set at the proper angle of (1) horizontal to every four (4) vertical. • Before using a ladder, make sure it is secured against movement. • When in position, the ladder should protrude one (1) metre above the intended landing point. • Workers shall not work from the top two rungs of a ladder. • Don’t overreach while on a ladder. It is easier and safer to climb down and move the ladder over a few feet to a new position. • Always face the ladder when using it. Grip it firmly and use the three-point contact method when moving up or down. • The minimum overlap on an extension ladder should be one (1) metre unless the manufacturer specifies the overlap. • Keep both metal and wood ladders away from electrical sources. *Refer to the OH&S Regulations for further information. C10
SAFE WORK PROCEDURES Use of Step Ladders: As with all ladders, make sure that the step ladder is in good condition, and is the right ladder for the job to be done. Step ladders are to be used only on clean and even surfaces. • No work is to be done from the top two steps of a step ladder, counting the top platform as a rung. • When in the open position ready for use, the incline of the front step section shall be one (1) horizontal to six (6) vertical. • The step ladder is only to be used in the fully opened position with the spreader bars locked. • Tops of step ladders are not to be used as a support for scaffolds. • Don’t overreach while on the ladder. Climb down and move the ladder over to a new position. • Only CSA Standard ladders will be used. * Refer to the OH&S Regulations for more information. C11
SAFE WORK PROCEDURES Use of Scaffolds There are various types of metal scaffolds and they all have a right and wrong way to be erected. The misuse of scaffolding is the cause of numerous serious injuries. Every worker who designs or constructs a scaffold should be competent and know what the manufacturer’s specifications are for that type of scaffold. The scaffold type which will be best suited for the job and capable of withstanding the loads to be imposed on it must be determined before the job begins. Ensure that: • the scaffold you intend to use is the correct one for the job; • the location in which the scaffold is to be constructed is level or is capable of presenting secure footing by use of mudsills or some other device; • the scaffold will be erected by a competent worker; • compliance with Legislative and manufacturers requirements occurs; • safe access and egress to both the scaffold and the general work area has been provided; • leveling adjustment screws have not been over extended; • tower scaffolds have outriggers or are guyed and have all component parts secured in place ( I.e. cross braces, pins, lateral braces) • scaffold work platforms have perimeter guardrail – • Horizontal rail – 0.92 metres to 1.07 metres above the platform; • Intermediate rail – horizontal rail midway between scaffold platform and top rail; • Toe board – horizontal member at platform level no less than 140 mm in height above the platform level; • scaffold planks are of number one grade materials with maximum spans of 3.1 metres on light duty and 2.3 metres on heavy duty with a maximum projection beyond the ledger of no more than 300mm. • Refer to OH&S Regulations for further information. C12
GENERAL SAFE WORK PROCEDURES • Eye protection is to be worn in accordance with the Specific Equipment Safe Work procedures. • The shop and storage areas are to be kept clean at all times. • All vehicles are to be kept clean inside and out. • Before each work day an under hood inspection must be performed on each vehicle or piece of mobile equipment. This inspection must include oil and coolant levels, power steering fluid levels, windshield washer fluid level, and inspection of all belts, hoses and linkages. This inspection includes a vehicle walk around and check for loose or missing hardware. • Vehicle first aid kits are to be checked every Monday morning before the work day starts • All injuries are to be recorded in the injury record log book regardless of how minor the injury may appear. • The shop overhead door is to be either all the way up or all the way down. • Place garbage and waste materials in appropriate containers. • All exits and doorways are to be kept clear at all times. • Clean up spills promptly and properly. • In keeping with our Maintenance Program Policy, all vehicles, tooling and equipment shall be inspected for defects before using. All defects will be reported and the device taken out of service. • Hearing protection is to be worn anytime an interference noise is present. C13
GENERAL SAFE WORK PROCEDURES • Proper lifting equipment must be used when loads are to be lifted, are awkward or heavy enough to warrant it. • Protect yourself from back injuries by knowing and practicing proper lifting techniques. • Report to your supervisor all unsafe acts, unsafe conditions and near miss incidents. • Report all injury or damage accidents immediately. • Perform all work in accordance with safe work practices and your supervisor’s direction. • Maintain good housekeeping in your work area. • Operate all vehicles and mobile equipment in accordance with site rules and highway regulations. Prohibitions: The following are prohibited at all times on all company property and work sites: 1. Possession or consumption of alcohol or illegal drugs. 2. Possession of firearms. 3. Fighting, horseplay, practical jokes. 4. Theft, vandalism. 5. Damaging, disabling or interfering with safety, fire fighting or first aid equipment. 6. Arriving for work or remaining at work when ability to perform the job safely is impaired. C13
INSPECTION POLICY Inspections of all places of employment, including buildings, work sites, equipment, tools, machinery and work practices. These inspections will be conducted on a regular basis with a maximum interval between inspections of one month. A Health and Safety Committee representative, Safety Coordinator and one employee from the area being inspected will form the Inspection Team. Inspections will be recorded on the standard inspection form provided and copies will be distributed by the Safety Coordinator to: - Area Supervisors - Management Where unsafe or un-healthy conditions, procedures or practices are found in the course of an inspection, the supervisor shall take action to have the matter remedied without undue delay. The General Manager shall review the inspection reports on a quarterly basis with the Safety Coordinator. Supervisors are responsible to conduct on-going informal inspections in their areas of responsibility to ensure day to day operations maintain the standard. Pre-trip or pre-equipment use inspections must be conducted and documented as stated in the General Safety Procedures. Contractors/Sub-contractors are responsible to conduct inspections in their work areas on a regular basis and forward copies to the Prime Contractor Supervisor. ______________________________ ___________________ Signature Date D1
INSPECTION POLICY It is the policy of this company to maintain a program of safety inspections. The objective of this program is to control hazards in the workplace. All company facilities and job sites shall be included in the inspection program. Inspections of equipment and tools will be conducted according to the maintenance policy. Informal inspections shall be conducted by management on an ongoing basis and may be done in conjunction with other business. Formal inspections involving Management shall be conducted at least quarterly and documented. Supervisors shall conduct regular formal, documented inspections in their area of responsibility, or ensure the inspection is conducted by a qualified designate. ________________________________ _____________________ Signature Date D2
INSPECTIONS MONITORING OF WORKPLACE EXPOSURES: To protect workers from exposure to dangers at the work site XYZ Company requires monitoring of places of employment, equipment and machinery as follows: Daily and Ongoing: • Chlorine levels at the water treatment and sewage plants. • Ammonia in the machine room at the ice rink • Sewer hazards such as: • Oxygen deficiency • hydrogen sulphide • Carbon monoxide • Methane • Gasoline vapors • Weekly: • All S.C.B.A. equipment will be checked for readiness • Annually: • Noise exposure levels on mobile equipment or any area near noisy machinery • As Needed: • Confined Space Entry monitoring for toxic chemicals, combustible gases and vapors and oxygen levels prior to entry. • Supervisors are responsible to ensure adequate monitoring is conducted. • Exposure to Disease Hazard: • Immunizations are recommended for workers at the water treatment and sewage facility as well as those workers required to enter manholes, vaults or any sewer system. • Recommended immunizations are: • Tetanus-Diphtheria – booster every 10 years • Immunization will be paid for by XYZ Company. D3
WHMIS Inspection Checklist Completed by: ______________________ Position: _________________________ Date: ________________________ Reviewed by: __________________________ D7
When conducting inspections observe the following: GENERAL PHYSICAL CONDITIONS: • Electrical fixtures: wiring, cords, grounds, connections. • Mechanical power transmission: condition and guarding • Machine guarding: nip points, cutting and shear edges, presses, rotating parts and gear devices. • Walking and working surfaces: guarding and conditions • Compressed gas cylinders: segregation in storage, weather protection and restraints. • Flammables: storage and ventilation. • Exits: marked, visibility, lighting, and unobstructed access. • Deluge showers and eye baths: water flow, temperature and drainage. • Ladders and climbing devices: condition, storage and proper use. • Hand tools: condition, storage and proper use. • Materials handing equipment and lifting devices: condition, proper use and storage. • Scrap and refuse: accumulation, removal, storage and disposal. • Aisle ways and storage stacks: accessibility, marking, adequate dimensions. • Tag out and lockout: adequate, used and condition of tags and lockout devices. FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL: • Fire detection and alarm systems: installation, adequate coverage and service testing. • Sprinkler systems: clearance for type of storage, adequate pressure and flow volume of water or chemical supply and maintenance. • Fire evacuation: exit route maps, personnel training and emergency drills. • Portable extinguishers: correct type, mounted correctly, locating of signs and guides, unrestricted access, maintenance. • Fire prevention: adequate housekeeping, waste disposal and flammable material controls. • Fire containment: fire control doors and seals, ventilation controls. • Fire notification: telephone and alternate systems for notification of fire team and outside services. • Fire services: hose outlets, valves, and water supply adequate, compatible with local fire unit equipment and tested for serviceability. • Fire equipment: color coding, signs and access, compliance with government standard. D10
ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH • Caustic, corrosive, and toxic materials: container, labels, storage, disposal, and spill clean-up. • Ventilation: of toxic fumes, vapors, mists, smoke and gases. • Noise exposure: measurement and controls. • Radiation exposure: measurement and controls. • Temperature extremes: measurement and controls. • Hazardous substances: information to affected employees. • Illumination: surveys and controls. • Human factors engineering: surveys and controls. • Personal protective equipment selection, location and compliance. • External environmental protection: evaluations and actions. D10
SAFETY TRAINING POLICY PURPOSE: The purpose of this policy is to ensure that all employees receive adequate safety training. POLICY: The company will provide and ensure that all employees participate in the following safety training: • Orientations for all new hires. • Job specific training as required (on-the-job) • Standard First Aid/CPR – all workers • H2S Alive - sewer workers • WHMIS - all workers XYZ Company holds safety meetings monthly and requires all workers to participate. ______________________________ ________________ Signature Date E1
SAFETY TRAINING POLICY XYZ COMPANY strives to provide the highest of quality services and product while maintaining a safe and healthy workplace. To accomplish this goal we must ensure our workers are adequately trained and qualified. The company will provide and ensure that all employees receive the following training: • Safety orientation the first day of employment • Job specific training as required • WHMIS training • First aid training Employees are required to attend general safety meetings which are scheduled on a regular basis. It is the responsibility of the Supervisor to ensure the training requirements are met, documented and the necessary information given to the Human Resources department. _______________________________ __________________ Signature Date E2
PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT POLICY It is the policy of XYZ Company to enforce the use of personal protective equipment by all employees. The requirements are as follows: • All employee, contractors, and visitors will wear CSA approved boots, hard hats, and any other PPE specific to certain areas. • All PPE used by the company will meet the requirements of OH&S regulations. • All PPE that is damaged, modified or in need of repair will be removed from service. • All PPE that has been removed from service will be tagged “OUT OF SERVICE” and will not be returned to service until repaired and inspected by a qualified person. • All PPE will be worn, used and cared for as per manufacturers instructions. ______________________________________ _________________ Signature Date E3
ORIENTATION FOR NEW WORKERS Instruction to Safety Coordinator: • Use this checklist to orient all new employees on the first day of employment. • Only check off each subject when you are sure that the employee fully understands it. • This orientation should take approximately 2 hours. • Once finished have the employee sign the bottom. This is to indicate they have received the orientation. • The Safety Coordinator will also sign the bottom to indicate the orientation has been given. • Once the orientation is completed a copy will go to the appropriate Supervisor and a the original to Personnel for the employee file. Employee Name: ___________________________________ Employee #: _________ Supervisor: _______________________________ Department:__________________ Date of Hire:_______________________ Orientation Date: _____________________ • Orientation Topics: • Health and Safety Policies • Hazard Assessments / Work site specific hazards • Controls and Safe Work Procedures • General Safety Rules • Worker Responsibilities • Employer Responsibilities • Personal Protective Equipment • Emergency Response Procedures • Training Requirements • Enforcement Policy • Right to Know and Refuse • Reporting Obligations for Accidents/Unsafe Acts/ Health Concerns • __________________________________ Safety Coordinator:__________________________ Employee:_________________________________ Date:______________ E4
TRAINING OF WORKERS AND SUPERVISORS Workers will receive adequate specific instructions for new or different work they are assigned. Whenever a worker receives training, such training will be recorded. Supervisors must ensure that employees are trained sufficiently to perform their tasks safely. Supervisor Training: Supervisors will receive specific training and direction, where necessary, to carry out their duties in a responsible manner. Additional training for Supervisor’s will include: • Legal requirements • How to conduct inspections • How to conduct investigations • Proper use and care of personal protective equipment • Emergency response training • How to conduct safety meetings • Supervisory skills and communication _______________________________ _____________ Signature Date E5
ON-THE-JOB TRAINING RECORD FORM Employee: ______________________________ Job Title: ______________________ Tasks to be performed: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Hazards: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Training Provided: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Date(s) of Training: _____________________________________________________ Trainer: _________________________________ Trainee: _________________________________ Comments: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ E7
EMERGENCY RESPONSE It is XYZ Company’s intent to provide Emergency Response Procedures to all employees that are easy to follow and will assist in a quick effective response in the event of an emergency. The plan contains a phone list of contacts and organizations trained and prepared to handle emergency situations. As well, the phone list will include company contacts. The phone lists are to be posted in all facilities beside telephones and in vehicles. The emergency response plan is to be practiced through active drills and/or discussions at safety meetings to ensure a good understanding by all employees. Building Evacuation • If a fire or explosion is evident pull the nearest alarm. • Once the alarm has sounded evacuate through the nearest exit. • Proceed to the assigned meeting area. • Wait at the meeting area for further instructions. Work Crews: This applies to all employees that are at remote locations away from the main shop and town facilities. The following procedures should be followed: • Using the mobile radio, transmit code 001. This means “Emergency, Clear all Radios”. Every one must do this. • The dispatcher will respond. Give your name, exact location, and type of emergency. The dispatcher will notify the appropriate authority. • Try and keep someone near a radio at all times. • Only the dispatcher has the authority to allow normal communications to resume. This will not happen until the emergency situation has been resolved. Supervisors are responsible to ensure that a copy of the Emergency Response plan is at each work site and vehicle. Suggest locating above the visor for easy access. Workers are responsible to check the procedure and radio prior to leaving for location. *Note: All contractors/sub-contractors are expected to follow these procedures. F1
FIRST AID SERVICES AND EQUIPMENT The XYZ Company will maintain first aid stations at the main facility and at the water treatment facility. Vehicles will contain standard first aid kits which meet the OH&S Legislative requirements. All employees will be trained in St. John Ambulance Emergency First Aid/CPR and Supervisors will receive Standard First Aid/CPR training and certifications. Supervisors are responsible: • to ensure all first aid supplies are inspected each Monday morning and replenished as needed. • to ensure first aid records are maintained • to ensure all workers have been trained Records of first aid treatment will be reviewed by the Safety Committee and Safety Coordinator at a monthly meeting to track trends and needs. Suggestions for improvement and prevention of injury will be brought to the attention of the General Manager for final approval and direction for implementation of the necessary changes. All records will be maintained by the Safety Coordinator in keeping with the OH&S Regulations. F2
LIST OF EMERGENCY CONTACTS Emergency Response Phone Number: • Fire ___________________________ • Ambulance ___________________________ • Police / RCMP ___________________________ • Disaster services ___________________________ • Hospital ___________________________ • Doctor ___________________________ • Poison control centre ___________________________ • EUB ___________________________ Company: • Senior manager __________________________ • Safety coordinator __________________________ Alberta Government Agencies: • Workplace Health and Safety __________________________ • Environment __________________________ • Forestry __________________________ • Public Safety Services __________________________ • Transportation of Dangerous Goods __________________________ • Electrical Safety __________________________ • Boilers Branch __________________________ Other: • Power company __________________________ • Telephone company __________________________ • Gas company __________________________ • Local Authorities for evacuation __________________________ F4