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Join the WSDC Debate Workshop in Bandung, West Java, to learn about the art of debate - speaking, listening, and respecting differences. Understand the WSDC format, roles of speakers, motions, and adjudicators. Improve your argumentation skills with practical tips and guidelines. Don't miss this opportunity for students to excel in debating! ###

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  3. DEBATE IN GENERAL • Debateis a clash of arguments • Debate is about speaking, listening, and respect differences • Debate is to give your opinion about several issues, pros-cons • Debate is using a system, unless it will be “debat kusir”

  4. WSDC FORMAT • There are 2 teams, Government/Affirmative andOpposition/Negative with 3 debaters each • Substantial speech:8 min, reply speech: 4 min • 1stAff 1stNeg 2ndAff 2ndNeg 3rdAff3rdNeg Reply Neg Reply Aff • The opposing team may givePoints of Information (POI)to the speaker. • POIs allowedbetween the 1st and 7th. • No POIs in a reply speech. • The speaker has authority to accept or reject

  5. A time keeper shall signal the time. • One knock at the 1st and 7th minute, to signal time for POI. • Two knocks at the 8th minute to signal that delivery time for the speech has ended. • Speaking before 7 minutes:undertime • Speaking after 8 minutes 20 seconds:overtime • Both case, his/her points could be reduced • Reply speeches, one knock at the 3rd minute, and two knocks at the 4th minute

  6. Every team is given 30 minutes preparation time (casebuild) after the motion is released and before the debate begins • During this time, teams are not allowed to get help from anybody (e.g: coaches, teachers, parents or friends) or using laptop, PDA, or any communication devices • Printed materials are allowed in casebuilding time, but not allowed during the speech

  7. Debateis judged by an odd number of judges • There is no draw in the result of a debate • Tabulation: 1. Victory Points 2. Judges Points 3. Team Scores


  9. MOTION & DEFINITION • Motions a.k.a topics, are a statements that determine what a debate shall be about • Government team must defend/support the motion, Opposition team must oppose it • Every motion must be define, to have a clear understanding of what the motion means • The right to give a definition belongs to the Government team (in the 1st speaker)

  10. Unreasonable Definition: 1. Truistic(True by nature) • Tautological (Self-proving) • Squirreling (No logic and clear link) • Time and Place Set Unfairly • Such case, negative may challenge it. • Definitional Challenge is highly discouraged, Only if it’s Undebateable (Truistic and Tautological), orUnfair Time and Place Setting

  11. CASE • Case is the whole arguments brought by the Government or Opposition team • Case has to touch the issue and spirit of the motion • Has boldstance • Opposition has own stance that in line with their rebuttals (negate the idea of Government). Rebuttals and arguments should be distinct.

  12. ARGUMENTS • Good arguments are logical and relevant to the point being proven • Structure of argument: 1. Assertion– the statement which should be proved 2. Reasoning– the reason why that statement is logical 3. Evidence– examples/data that support the assertion and reasoning above 4. Link Back – the explanation of the relevance of this argument to the motion

  13. Arguments also show in form of rebuttals. Rebuttals are responses towards the other team’s arguments • Philosophical or Practical argument?? In WSDC system, Philosophical arguments are more favorable E.g: THW Ban Demonstration Traffic Jam vs. Freedom of Speech

  14. Point of Information (POI) • Stand up and say “On that point, Sir/Mam..” • Content of POIs: Fact, Data, Question, Argument, etc. • Done in maximum 15 seconds • Be polite, no barraging • Not given or accept any POI, do barraging will be penalized


  16. WHO’S ADJUDICATOR? • Adjudicator is an average reasonable person, with: • Average reasonable knowledge (read newspaper everyday) • Average Intellectual logic • Expert knowledge of debating rules

  17. FUNCTION OF ADJUDICATOR • To evaluate and assess the debate from the beginning until the end, • To decide which team has won the debate, • To reflect their assessment in the adjudicator’s sheet, • To provide reasoning for the decision they have reached, • To give constructive criticism and advice to the debaters.

  18. DON’Ts • Use your personal right or expert knowledge (Step in into the debate) • Has preconceived opinions on issues • Judging based on personal likes/dislikes • Award victory to a team because they have same belief/opinion with you • Act as if you know nothing and accept any illogical arguments and wrong general facts

  19. HOW DO YOU ASSESS A DEBATE • Clashes (in relations to which clash is prioritized) • Burden of proof • Which teams manage to grasp the center issue of the motion • Responses (including POIs) • Minor things : time management, minor contradictions, inconsistencies, gradual explanations

  20. Clashes • The idea that negated each other • Usually found in form of rebuttal • E.g: THW Legalize All Drugs • Aff: Right of self determination • Neg: Government’s obligation to protect Society’s health • See how the debate goes, weight which arguments is more proven, more important, more significant to the issue

  21. Burden of Proof • Things that both team has to proof to achieve their goal • E.g: THW Ban Smoking • Smoking give significant harm to the Society (Issue) • Government has right to regulate the people’s consumption (Justification) • Ban will solve the problem (Solvency)

  22. Grasp the issue means that the team know what’s the motion should be about, and provide arguments that significant to the issue • Responses show that one team disagree with the opponent’s idea, it shows from rebuttals and POIs • Time management, minor contradictions, inconsistencies, gradual explanations are problems regarding with their strategy. • Fatal inconsistencies might make them lose

  23. IMPORTANT NOTIFICATIONS • One liner argument • Jumping logic • Wrong facts • You may do penalized if : • New matter in third speaker and reply • Undertime or overtime • Not accept or give POI • Barraging

  24. Give penalized doesn’t mean the opposing team win, just affect to scoring • There’s No automatic winning or losing, judge the debate on overall aspect, do not decide based only on one factor • Adjudicator musn’t have any relation with any debaters within both teams to prevent conflict of interest (e.g: family, teacher-student) • Make decision only from what happens in the debate, assess as it is

  25. SCORING Matter– marked 40 out of 100 (40%) Manner– marked 40 out of 100 (40%) Method- marked 20 out of 100 (20%) Penalized will slightly reduce their score from what they should have, especially affect Method’s mark

  26. Matter/Content: • The arguments that are used • Assess the weight of the arguments without being influenced by the magnificence of the orator that presented them • Also include an assessment of the weight of rebuttal or clash • If a team introduces a weak argument, it will not score highly in content even if the other team doesn't t refute it • Elaboration to proof the arguments

  27. Manner/Style: • The way the speakers speak • Clarity, fluency is important • Intonation, speed, volume, accent may differ • Method/Strategy: • Structure (remember the role) and timing • Understanding the issues > different with content (argument is analysis to the issue) • Answer and give POIs, politeness


  29. MATTER/CONTENT (40%)

  30. MANNER/STYLE (40%)


  32. Practically, there’ll be no score 60 and 80 given to any debater • Usually the score will be within the range of 65-75 • The score for Reply speech is half from substantive speech • Range 30-40, with average 35

  33. ADJUDICATOR’S CODE OF CONDUCT • Appreciate the debaters • E.g : No texting, answering phone, chatting, sleeping, make disturbing expression and sound • Take a note • Be polite, respect differences • Go past grammar, accent, style • Adjudicate holistically


  35. STRUCTURE OF VERBAL • Tell the decision • Explain the justifications or reasons behind the decision • Give feedback • To the point • Don’t just repeat what the debaters say, do analyze the clashes, burden, etc

  36. DEBATE EXHIBITION • Try to analyze the debate exhibition, understand the clashes, burden of both teams, etc • You have 10-15 minutes to make decision and structurise your verbal before you deliver it • The ideal verbal time is 5 minutes


  38. WHAT DO WE NEED? • Debate System • Rules and Regulation • Commitee • A-Team and Adjudicators • Participants

  39. DEBATE SYSTEM • World School’s System (WSDC) • Asian Parliamentary System • Australian Parliamentary System • British Parliamentary System

  40. RULES AND REGULATION • Rules about the technicalities to conduct a debate tournament, besides the system • General and specific rules, guideline for commitee, participants, and adjudicators • Cover every aspects • E.g: Forfeit, In case of sick, latency, punishment that may be given if break the rules, chances to be government and negative, match up system, etc. • Adapt with your demand

  41. MATCH-UP SYSTEM • To determine the Government and Opposition Team for every room, there’re two systems: 1. Power Match 2. Break and Slide

  42. 1. Power Match • 1st rank meet 2nd rank • 3d rank meet 4th rank • Odd number: Government • Even number: Opposition

  43. 2. Break and slide • Make bracket of the same VP • Break it into two, slide it • If odd, take one from the top of next VP’s bracket

  44. COMMITEE • Convenor / Project Officer • Tounament Director, focus on tournament, make rules and regulation • Liason Officer, 1 for every team • Gov: chairperson • Opp: timekeeper • Tabulation • Handle the whole tabulation as result of every rounds, match up for the next round • Make the tabulation system

  45. A-TEAM & ADJUDICATORS • A-Team consists of Chief Adjudicator, and Deputi Chief Adjudicators, at least one person (one Chief Adjudicator with no Deputi Chief Adjudicator) • Their job is • to gather adjudicator, allocate them in the room for every rounds • To make the motions for every round

  46. PARTICIPANTS • 3 Persons each teams • Total teams has to be in even number • If not even, make one swing team • Pre-eliminary rounds, eliminary rounds • Number of room needed is half of total participants

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