One of the toughest obstacles that individuals face in a day is getting up at a reasonable hour. If you found this article it could be because you find yourself sleeping in too often, and you're looking for tips and tricks to wake up earlier. Luckily for you, there are many strategies to waking up earlier.
The following is a list of 10 ways to get out of bed earlier and be successful throughout the day. • #1- Set your alarm 10 minutes earlier than the previous day. • If you normally wake up at 8:30 a.m., aiming to get up at 7 a.m. is unrealistic. Even if you were to get out of bed, the chances are you would be cranky and tired all day. By setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier everyday until you achieve your goal, it will give your body a chance to adapt.
#2- Mentally prepare to wake up early. • Before falling asleep at night, take the time to go over your morning routine in your mind. This way you have a plan for the morning. Rather than laying around wondering what to do first, you'll be able to hop out of bed and get started.
#3- Get a reasonable amount of sleep. • You are more likely to wake up quick if you've slept the recommended amount of hours during the night. It will also help you be more productive during your day because you won't be as tired. Doctors state that people with a stable sleep schedule get more done in a day than those with an irregular schedule.
#4- Move your alarm away from your bed. • Even though this could be an annoyance at first, it is a great way to wake up right when your alarm rings. The beeping will force you to hop out of bed to turn it off. If you're disciplined, you'll be able to begin your morning routine since you're already out of bed.
#5- Restrain yourself from checking your cellphone while in bed. • This is one of my personal favorites. Many people use checking their phones as a method of waking up; however, often times people spend a large amount of time on their phones. This can lead to laying in bed and doing nothing, rather than being productive.
#6- Make lifestyle changes. • Eating healthy and exercising are key to waking up early and being successful everyday. Getting in a workout during the day helps people get to sleep at a reasonable time. Thus, making it easier to wake up. Even Obama is known for waking up and getting in a workout before work, if he can do it so can you!
#7- Avoid drinking caffeine in the evening. • Caffeine is a stimulant that blocks sleep-inducing chemicals. Drinking caffeine in the evening keeps the body alert. This leads you to falling asleep later and ultimately being less productive. Being successful is all about productivity.
#8- Take a cold shower. • If you've achieved your goal of waking up earlier but still experiencing drowsiness, take a cold shower. The cold water will lift your blood pressure; which will snap you out of your tired state. This will allow you start to your day properly.
#9- Make a to-do list. • To be successful, you must be organized. Having a list of tasks you want to accomplish throughout the day will enable you to remember everything. Also, it is proven that crossing off tasks from a list makes you feel better about yourself.
#10- Be open to failure. • In both your attempts of waking up early and being successful, it is important to be open to failure. It may take several tries to get into the rhythm of waking up early; however, it is important to understand that failure can be overcome. • If you take the time to implement a few of these strategies into your lifestyle, there is a great chance for success. Be patient and optimistic! Live your life to the fullest everyday.