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6 Features to Consider When Buying Industrial Seating | Fast Office Furniture

Industrial seating refers to any chairs which are used in an industrial setting eg workshops, warehouses, factories, manufacturing facilities, or laboratories. By definition, these chairs and stools are robust and built to withstand a more taxing environment than your average run-of-the-mill office.

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6 Features to Consider When Buying Industrial Seating | Fast Office Furniture

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  1. 6 Features to Consider WhenBuying Industrial Seating

  2. About Us Fast Office Furniture is a one-stop online shopping destination to buy the best quality office furniture in Australia.

  3. Factors to Consider 1. What do you need the seating for? 2. How often will it be used? 3. How long will it be used eg each session? 4. What is the environment like where the chair will be located? 5. Will different people be using the same seating? 6. Does your workplace require seating with official accreditation/s?

  4. 1. What do YouNeed The Seating For We offer both static and drafting-style chairs and stools which are suitable for all applications.

  5. 2. How Often will The Seating be Used Determine if the seating is to be used in conjunction with a Sit/Stand Desk or if will it be used in isolation.

  6. 3. Industrial Seating be Used Eg Per Session One that is specifically designed to be used for continuous and regular long periods of time.

  7. 4.Where the Chair/Stool Will Be Located? Fabric seating is usually an acceptable choice in a standard office space.

  8. 5. Will Different People Be Using the Same Seating? Some people require more back support and may prefer a chair to a stool.

  9. 6. Workplace Require Seating with Official Accreditation? It is crucial that you find out what your workplace’s guidelines or policies are when purchasing Industrial Seating.

  10. Contact Us 1300 327 863 www.fastofficefurniture.com.au 133, Queen Street, Cleveland. Qld 4163 Phone: Website: Location:

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