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Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results

Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results. “Village Center Customer Survey” sent with July 2008 Light Bills; 234 surveys returned (234/2800 = 8.36% response rate) Question #1: “For what purposes do you visit the Ashburnham Village Center? Multiple responses allowed

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Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results

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  1. Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results “Village Center Customer Survey” sent with July 2008 Light Bills; 234 surveys returned (234/2800 = 8.36% response rate) • Question #1: “For what purposes do you visit the Ashburnham Village Center? Multiple responses allowed • 89% said “Shopping” -- 37% said “Dining” • 3% said “Work” -- 42% said “Services” • 40% said “Event” -- 27% said “Healthcare” • 4% said “Never” • Question #2: “What businesses do you patronize in other areas that you would like to see in the Village Center?” (2/3 of respondents answered this question) • #1 Restaurant-related, 65 responses • #2 Bookstore, 24 responses • #3 Gas Station, 13 responses • #4 Bank/Credit Union, 13 responses • #5 Another Grocery Store/Supermarket, 11 responses • #6 Fitness Club/Gym, 5 responses

  2. Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results • Question #3: “How often do you use the services in the Village Center?” • 7% indicated “Every day” • 40% indicated “3-5 times per week” • 31% indicated “About once a week” • 10% indicated “2-3 times per month” • 6% indicated “About once a month” • 5% indicated “Rarely/Never” • Question #4: “How do you most frequently get to the Village Center?” multiple responses were recorded • 9% Walk • 1% Bike • 90% Drive • 1% Ride with someone

  3. Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results • Question #5: “Please rate how well the current businesses in the Village Center meet your needs….Rate how well existing businesses meet your needs” • Please see Filled in Survey Word Document with Results of each business type.

  4. Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results • Question #6 “Approximate how many times per month do you eat the following meals in a restaurant in general? • Average 2.11 meals/month for “breakfast” (158 responses) • Average 4.05 meals/month for “lunch” (173 responses) • Average 3.64 meals/month for “dinner” (198 responses) • Question #6(b) “What percentage of your dining out is at a restaurant within the Village Center?” • 8.16% was the average of 177 received responses

  5. Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results • Question #7 “What most keeps you from shopping in the Village Center? (Multiple Responses were received)” • 68% indicated “Selection” • 20% indicated “Quality” • 32% indicated “Price” • 13% indicated “Parking” • 3% indicated “Safety” • 14% indicated “Other” • Question #8: Please give us your opinion on the following characteristics of the Village Center. Please see Filled in Survey Word Document with Results of each type of characteristic. • Question # 9: Do you work in the Village Center? • 4% indicated “Yes” • 94% indicated “No”

  6. Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results • Question #10 (Gender of Respondents): • 35% were Males -- 65% were Females • Question #11 (Age Range of Respondents): • 1% were between 15-19 years old • <1% were between 20-24 years old • 8% were between 25-34 years old • 15% were between 35-44 years old • 27% were between 45-54 years old • 15% were between 55-59 years old • 10% were between 60-64 years old • 15% were between 65-74 years old • 6% were between 75-84 years old • 1% were 85+ years old

  7. Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results • Question #12 (Household Income of Respondents): • 1% were less than $10,000 • 3% were between $10,000 - $14,999 • 3% were between $15,000 - $24,999 • 6% were between $25,000 - $34,999 • 10% were between $35,000 - $49,999 • 18% were between $50,000 - $74,999 • 15% were between $75,000 - $99,999 • 21% were between $100,000 - $149,999 • 7% were $150,000 or more

  8. Ashburnham Resident Village Center Customer Survey Results • Question #13: What would you change in the Village Center District? • Open ended question with three (3) categories: • Change • Keep • Eliminate • Results not complete at this time.

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