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Nora Jones. Lionel Richie. Des´ree Weeks. Who has ever been a __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __?. LEAD. SINGER. FILE 1. 1 C. 1 A. 1 B. Grammar. Vocabul . Grammar. Vocabul . Vocab . Grammar. Questions. Illness and treatment. - Norah´s and Lionel´s text - Speed dating text
Nora Jones Lionel Richie Des´reeWeeks Who has everbeen a __ __ __ ____ __ __ __ __ __? LEAD SINGER
FILE 1 1 C 1 A 1 B Grammar Vocabul. Grammar Vocabul. Vocab. Grammar Questions Illness and treatment • -Norah´s and Lionel´stext • -Speeddatingtext • -Relationships -Auxi. Verbs -the…the… (comparative) • Psychics • -Personalityadjectives PresentPerfect simple and Continuous Phonetics Phonetics - /ı / , / i: / // , / a: /, ᵆ
TRANSLATE 1.How much do youearn? 2.Are youtired? 3.How longhaveyoubeenlearningEnglish? 4.What do prefersmalltownsorbigcities? 5.How often do yougotothecinema a year? 6.How much do youweigh and howtall are you? 7.What´s yourreligion? 8.Would youliketohavechildren? 9.What kind of music do you listen to? 10.What advice do you listen tomost? 11.Have youeversaid “I loveyou” butyoudidn ´t mean it? 12.Who didyou vote for in thelastelections? 1. ¿Cuánto ganas? 2.¿Estás casado? 3.¿Cuánto tiempo llevas aprendiendo inglés? 4.¿Qué prefieres las ciudades pequeñas o las grandes? 5.¿Cuántas veces vas al cine al año? 6.¿ Cuánto pesas y cuánto mides? 7.¿Cuál es tu religión? 8.¿Te gustaría tener niños? 9.¿Qué música escuchas? 10.¿Cuál es el consejo que más escuchas? 11.¿Has dicho alguna vez “te quiero” pero no lo sentías? 12.¿A quién votaste en las últimas elecciones?
QUESTIONS TYPES Accordingtotheiranswers are … Accordingtotheirstyle are … Accordingtothesubject of thequestion are … a Yes-No questions Direct Subject Do youspeakEnglish ? Yes, I do Do youspeakEnglish ? Whobrokethewindow? b Wh - questions Indirect Object Do youknowwhere Mr. Sousa is? Whydidyou break it ? Where do youlive? In San lorenzo
Questionsstructure Infinitive/ … object subject Questionword Auxiliaryverb/ modal verb Type of question objects subject Inf. Gerund participle Yes-no Auxiliaryverb/ modal verb YOU HERE? DO LIVE … subject WH- Questionword Auxiliaryverb/ modal verb Inf. Gerund participle Verb ( any tense) Questionword object Subject Q. Inf. Gerund participle subject Auxiliaryverb/ modal verb Prep Questionword PrepositionalQuestions Question word Normal order for Affirmative sentences IndirectQuestions Can youtell me … if Normal order for Affirmative sentences
Types of questions Whattype of question do thesenteces in thepreviousslidebelongto? • Yes- No questions • Wh- (or Information) Questions • Subject/Object Questions • Indirect Questions • Prepositional Questions • Question Tags • 2, 8, • 1,3,4,5,6,7 • ---- • ---- • 9,10,12 • ----
Imagine you´re preparing an interview with a famous singer. Write the questions. • 1. When / write / first song _____? • 2. How many records / sell last year______ ? • 3. Go on tour last summer? ______ ? • 4. ever take drugs? ______________ ? • 5. What / make you sack / the manager last week? _ ? • 6. Why / cancel / last concert ________ ? • 7. who / new boyfriend ____________ ? • 8. plan / get married _________ ? • 1. When did you write your first song? • 2. How many records did you sell last year? • 3. Did you go on tour last summer? • 4. Have you ever taken drugs? • 5. What made you sack the manager last week? • 6. Why did cancel last concert ? • 7. who is your new boyfriend • 8. Are you planning to get married
Change the questions in the previous slide to indirect questions • 1. When did you write your first song? • 2. How many records did you sell last year? • 3. Did you go on tour last summer? • 4. Have you ever taken drugs? • 5. What made you sack the manager last week? • 6. Why did you cancel last concert ? • 7. who is your new boyfriend? • 8. Are you planning to get married? • 1. Can you remember _____ ? • 2. Can you tell us _____ ? • 3. Do you know _______ ? • 4. Can you tell your fans ____ ? • 5. Do you mind telling us ____ ? • 6. Could you tell us _____ ? • 7. Would you mind telling us____ ? • 8. Can you tell our readers __ ? • 1. Can you remember when you wrote your first song ? • 2. Can you tell us how many records you sold last year ? • 3. Do you know if you went on tour last summer ? • 4. Can you tell your fans if you have ever taken drugs? • 5. Do you mind telling us what made you sack your manager ...? • 6. Could you tell us why you cancelled last concert? • 7. Would you mind telling us who your new boyfriend is? • 8. Can you tell our readers if you are planning to get married ?
Read the sentences and respond with a short question (question + preposition) then write the whole question. • 1. What about?. What are you thinking about? • 2. Where to?. Where are you going (to)? • 3. Who to?. Who are you writing it to? • Whatfor?. What do youneedthemoneyfor? • 5. Who from?. Who did you get that birthday present from? • 6. Who with?. Who did you go out with? • 7. How long for?. How long are you going to be for? • 8. Who by?. Who was he murdered by? • 1. I´m thinking._______ ? _______ ? • 2. We´re going away for the weekend? __________ ? _______________ ? • 3. I´m writing a very important letter. ______ ? ________________ ? • 4. I need some money _______ ? ____________ ? • 5. This ring was a birthday present _________________ ? _______________________________ ? • 6. I went out last night ___________________ ? _____________________________ ? • 7. We´re going to India for a holiday ______________ ? _________________________________? • 8. I think he was murdered ___________________ ? __________________________________
Norah´s and Lionel´s vocab. choice Half-sister edit overuse childhood publish despise Feelguilty trust Avoidanswering recently A waitressingjob Break up egotistical embarrasing pan Farewell Proud of Chat up Nightshift
Gotta be • Listen as your day unfolds • Challenge what the future holds • Try and keep your head up to the sky • Lovers, they may cause you tears • Go ahead release your fears • Stand up and be counted • Don't be ashamed to cry • You gottabe • You gotta be bad, you gotta be bold, you • gottabe wiser • You gotta be hard, you gotta be tough, • you gotta be stronger • You gotta be cool, you gotta be calm, you • gottastay together • All I know, all I know, love will save the day • Herald what your mother said • Reading the books your father read • Try to solve the puzzles in your • own sweet time • Some may have more cash than you • Others take a different view • My oh my, heh, hey • Don't ask no questions, it goes on • without you • Leaving you behind if you can't stand • the pace • The world keeps on spinning • You can't stop it, if you try to • This time it's danger staring you in the face
SPEED DATING VOCAB. dating Popular worldwide Somethingout A partner Evolvewith time Thecenturies Couples Underthewatchfuleye of a grown-up Music People Involvesdoing … Dating It in turns Type And smart Nervously A badge Eyecontactwith Yourarms A grimace • Popular worldwide • thecenturies • People • A grimace • Dating • Nervously • It in turns • Yourarm/eyebrows • (Under)´-eye of a grown-up • Involvesdoing … • Somethingout • Eyecontactwith • Evolvewith time • Couples • Music • And smart • Dating • Type • A badge • Speed • Become • Try • Find • Rituals • Over • Young • Watchful • Deafening • Busy • The idea • Frenzied • Take • Be your • Fashionable • Giggle • Wear • Make • Raise • make
Quick dating / Allovertheworld / Checkout / Look for a mate Develop / Allthrough / Twopeople Inquisitive Tooloud/quiet Hard-working require crazy Oneevery time Youlikesomeone elegant Type of laughter Anidentificationcard look Lift/put up Make a face
VOCABULARY 1. RELATIONSHIPS 1 W R R W R W R R W R 2 Classmates I can´t stand her They´rePartners They´ve fallen out He´shavinganaffair
Geton Eyetoeye Up To Elderly Repelled Split Acquaitance idolise fiancée 3 4 Look downon Ex Junior Wordship a close Can´t Fellout Madeit up Havinganaffair Getonwell Elderly Turns me on 5
PART 1-B TRANSLATE SIGNATURES 1.Your signatureispart of yourhandwritingand itsays a lotaboutyourpersonality. It´s quite normal tochangeitduringyourlifetime as it shows howyouevolve as a person 2. Ifyourfirstnameisprominentimplies/requiresthatyouhave positive feelingsaboutyourchildhood and yourprivateselfis more mportantthanyourpublicself 3. A legible signature shows thatyou are a personwithclear ideas. The more illegibleyoursignatureis, thelessconfidentyou are as a person and you´ll try toavoidconflicts 4. thereare horizontal signatures, rising and descending. Ifitrises/goes up meansthatyou are optimistic and ambitious, ifitdescends , itmeansthatyou are insecure and you try toavoidfacingproblems. A horzontalonesuggestsstability and balance 5. ifthesignatureisbigthatmeansthatyouhave a highopinion of yourself. Ifit´s mal meansthatyouhavelowself-steem 1. Tu firma es parte de tu escritura y dice mucho de tu personalidad. Es normal cambiarla durante tu vida porque refleja cómo evolucionas como persona 2. Si tu primer nombre es prominente implica que tienes sentimientos positivos hacia tu infancia y tu yo privado es más importante que el yo público. 3. Una firma legible implica que eres una persona con ideas claras. Cuanto más ilegible, menos seguro como persona eres e intentarás evitar conflictos 4. Hay firmas horizontales, ascendentes y descendentes. Si sube eres optimista y ambicioso. Si baja eres inseguro y evitas enfrentarte a los problemas. La horizontal sugiere estabilidad y equilibrio 5. Si la firma es grande es que tiene una alta opinión de si mismo y si es pequeña significa que baja autoestima
VOCABULARY 2: DESCRIBING CHARACTER Vain Conscientious open.-minded insincere Eccentric Calm Well-balanced Stubborn assertive Cheerful Self-confident insecure Ambitious Loyal Wise Easy-going Possessive Reserved Immature Impulsive Bad-tempered Arrogant Optimistic funny
Strange/unfriendly A goodperson Insensitive annoying
Cuanto más… , más … The + comparative (earlier/more money) + Subject + verb …, the + compartive+ subject + verb … Theolder he is, thesillierhe becomes
PSYCHICS Flatteryou I ________ H______ • inherited • However • Role • Grew up • Like and what´s he like? • Professor • Fits • Watchout • Plasticsurgery • End up • Dyslexic • Join in • lecture • Sheitfromhergrandmother • Hernextpredictionrathersurprised me • Play a in herlife • I there • Whatdoes he look and … • A = type of teacher • Ifitthedescription= (pega con ) • Youhavetoforthis= (vigilar) • Youmustnever be temptedto • He mightworkingfor … =(terminar) • They are both = ( disléxicos) • Shewasinvitedto =(apuntarse) on a = (clase) tour in Australia R______ G______ U __ L______ P ______ F ____ W __ O _ P ____ S ___ E __U_ D ____ J ____ I __ L ____
PSYCHICS TRICKS OF THE TRADE A ____ T __ H______ • All-time • However • Role • Grew up • Like and what´s he like? • Professor • Fits • Watchout • Plasticsurgery • End up • Dyslexic • Join in • lecture • Herfavourite • Hernextpredictionrathersurprised me • Play a in herlife • I there • Whatdoes he look and … • A = type of teacher • Ifitthedescription= (pega con ) • Youhavetoforthis= (vigilar) • Youmustnever be temptedto • He mightworkingfor … =(terminar) • They are both = ( disléxicos) • Shewasinvitedto =(apuntarse) on a = (clase) tour in Australia R______ G______ U __ L______ P ______ F ____ W __ O _ P ____ S ___ E __U_ D ____ J ____ I __ L ____
Auxiliaryverbs Do / does/ did/ don ´t… Help lexical verbstomakequestions and negativesentences and … Be Help lexical verbstomakethecontinuousforms and … Help lexical verbstomaketheperfectforms and … Have Short answers Doesshelike Fernando?. Yes, shedoes Foremphasis shedoeslike Fernando To show surprise shelikesFernado! doesshe? Toavoidrepeating a verb por phrase I don ´t knowifshelikeshimbut I do
Auxiliaryverbs Are Am Do Aren´t Did Are A: Hello B. Are you here for an interview too? A: Yes. They say it´s a good company to work for, ________ they? B: Yes, they _______________. Let´s hope we´re lucky A: I´m Adam Mateijko B: That´s a Polish name, _______________ it? A: Yes, I live in Cracow B: __________ you?. I´ve got a friend who lives there. Anyway, I´m Blanca Cuéllar, from Bogotá, In Colombia A: Nice to meet you B: You´re a bit nervous, _________________ you? A: A Little. Don ´t you get nervous before an interview? B: Not really. I __________ get nervous before exams, but not interviews. What´s the time now? A: 11.00. They´re making us wait along time, ___________ they? B: Yes, They ________________. They always _____________ A: I wouldn ´t mind a coffee B: Neither __________ I. Where are you staying, by the way? A: At the hotel Europe. B: Ah, so _________ I. The rooms aren ´t very nice, ______ they? A: No, but I __________ like the restaurant. I had a good meal there last night B: __________ you?. I just had room service. Are you working at the moment? A: No, I resigned last week. B: Didn´t you like the company you were working for? A: I _________ like the company but to be honest I couldn ´t stand my boss!. Anyway, I think I need a new challenge. B: So __________ I. That´s why I´m here. Ah, it´s your turn now. Good luck Later A: You look confident. It went well, ___________________ it? B: Quite well I think A: How many interviewers were there? B: 3 men and a woman. One of the men was a bit unfriendly, and so _________________ the woman. But the other two were Ok. I couldn ´t understand her. A: _________________________ you? Why not? B: She had a really difficult accent. You´re the next, ___________ you? Isn´t Did Do Do Aren´t Didn ´t Do Aren´t was Are Do Couldn ´t Aren´t would
PART 1-C TRANSLATE Help!. My friendischoking. A libraryassistantwashaving a steak whileshewasswallowing a piece of ititgotstuck in herthroat. Shecouldn ´t breathe. Shestartedtopanic when a chat show presenterrushedtohelpher. Shestoodbehindher and putherarmsaroundherwaist and pulledinwards and upwards and… • iSocorro! Mi amiga se está atragantando. • Una empleada de una librería estaba tomando un filete • cuando se estaba tragando un trozo de carne se le quedó alojado en la garganta y no podía respirar. • Comenzó a ponerse nerviosa y • entonces una presentadora de un programa de debates acudió rápido a socorrerla. • Se puso detrás de ella y puso sus brazos alrededor de su cintura • tiró para adentro y para arriba y …
Grammar 1 2 • Whathavetheybeendoing? Orwhathavethey done?. Writesentences. • 1.he´s beenplayingfootballbut he hasn ´t won thegame • 2. theyhavebeen shopping , theyhaveboughtlots of things • 3.He´s beenrepairingthe car but he hasn ´t finishedyet • 4.She has beenwritingletters.She has justfinished • 5.She has beenhaving a shower and she has washedherhair • 6. He´sbeencleaningthefloor • 7. She´sbeendoingthewashing,she´sjusthangit up • 8.He´s beenrunning • 9.They havebeenfighting • 10. Theyhave ben palyingtennis.Theyhavejustfinished 4 3 6 5 7 8 9 10
PresentPerfect / Continuous We have __________ won a prize • we have _______ won a prize • I have _______ won a prize • I haven ´t won a prize ______ • Have you won a prize _______? • We _____ haven´t won a prize • Have you ______ won a prize? • I have lived in San Lorenzo ___ 4 years • I have lived in San Lorenzo ____ 1995 • Already (aff.) – ya • Just (aff.) – acabo de • Never (aff.) - nunca • Yet (neg.) – todavía • Yet (quest.) – ya • Still (aff./ neg.) – todavía • Ever (quest.) – alguna vez • For + period of time- durante • Since + point in time - desde Already Just Never Yet Yet Still Ever For since
4.Complete the sentences with a verb from the box using Present Perfect and one of the particles in brackets. Break buy finish do go be find lose paint read take • 1. Are they still having dinner?. No, they ______ . (already) • 2.I ___ some new shoes. Do you want to see them?. (just) • 3.Is Tom here?. Yes, he ______ to work. (yet) • 4.Where is your key?. I don ´t know. I _____________________ it ____ . (yet) • 5. ___________ you _____________ the shopping ____ ?. No, I , m going to do it later. (yet) • 6. ___________ you _____________ to the USA?. No, never. (ever) • 7. Look!. Somebody _______________ that window. • 8. Your house looks different. _______________ you ____________ it?. • 9. I can ´t find my umbrella. Somebody _________ it. (just) • 10. Do you want the newspaper?. No, thanks. I ________________________ it. (already). • Havealreadyfinished • Havejustbought • Hasn ´t gone (towork) yet • Haven ´t foundityet • Haveyou done /the shopping) yet • Haveyoueverbeen • Has broken • Haveyoupainted • Has justtaken • havealreadyread
What´swrongwiththem? fever a bandage a plaster a sling sore throat headache a sprain broken bone stiches a bruise spots a cold syringe sneeze a cough acupuncture a scan a X-ray blood test
Syringe • Thermometer • Medicine: tablets- pills • Poison • A plaster • A sling • A bandage • Plaster/cast • Ambulance • Gurney • Stretcher • Wheelchair • Crutches • Walkingstick/cane • An X-ray • IV/Drip • Doctor • Sthetoscope • Surgeon/scalpel • Nurse /matron • Paramedic • Firstaid kit • Dentures/false teeh • psichiatrist
Injuries • A sling • A neckbrace • A sprain • A fracture • A whiplash • A cut • A graze • A bruise • A splinter • A sunburn • A burn • A bite • A sting • A wound • Haemorrhage • A blister • concussion • Poisoning • Anelectrick shock