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Yo Mamma. Vocabulary Set 1. Yo momma’s so vociferous, she melted her braces!. Vo cif er ous { vuh SIF uhr uhs } or { voh SIF uhr uhs } Adj. Loud and forceful
Yo Mamma Vocabulary Set 1
Yo momma’s so vociferous, she melted her braces! • Vo ciferous {vuh SIF uhruhs} or {voh SIF uhruhs} • Adj. Loud and forceful • Vociferous people emit a constant and loud stream of noise. It’s overpowering. Bobby Knight, one of the most successful college basketball coaches in history, talks to referees vociferously. That is, he yells at them, often in the form of many loud curses, one after another. The Hollywood image of military drill sergeants is one of demanding vociferousness, constantly berating soldiers and intimidating them by shouting insults.
Yo momma’s pits are so fetid, she slowed down speed stick! • Fet id {FET id} • Adj. Having an offensive odor • Let’s see, she also made Right Guard turn left and made Secret go public. What else? She made Old Spice die. And, uh, she made Sure reconsider. Those are all the deodorant jokes I’ve got. Fetid means foul-smelling, malodorous.
Yo momma is so succulent, she creates her own au jus when she sleeps! • suc cu lent {SUK yoo lent} • Adj. Juicy and tender • Perhaps it’s more dangerous to utter yo momma compliments than insults. One does not like to think of a mother as “succulent.” Unless that “one” is Oedipus. Succulent means “juicy,” though we have yet to see a pair of low-riding sweat pants with the word “succulent” across the butt. Give it time. More generally, succulent can mean delectable, rich in desirable qualities. Meats are often described as succulent, which is another reason that you want to be careful to whose momma you attribute succulence.
Yo momma’s hands are so turgid, she uses a hoola hoop as a pinky ring! • Tur gid • Adj. swollen • Things that are turgid: • Uh…body parts that you should cover up! • A bladder….varicose veins… • A swollen broken hand • Certain celebrities’ egos • What else?