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Developing a multi-thread product -- Introduction

Explore transitioning GPS development from ASIC/Processor to FPGA/DSP, focusing on software radio for cost-effective customization. Understand GPS principles and structure for efficient signal processing using algorithms and TigerSHARC processors.

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Developing a multi-thread product -- Introduction

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  1. Developing a multi-thread product -- Introduction M. Smith Electrical Engineering, University of Calgary Smithmr @ ucalgary.ca

  2. References • Understanding GPS Principles and Applications, 1996, Elliott D. Kaplan • Digital Signal Processing – A Practical Approach, 1993, Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W. Jervis • ADSP-TS101 TigerSHARC and Blackfin Processor Programming References, Analog Devices • Articles submitted to Circuit Cellar magazine by M. Smith, March 2004

  3. Introduction • GPS traditionally done with ASIC/Processor combination • Looking at FPGA/DSP combination for low end GPS receivers • Technological interest in software radio • Cheaper, quicker development cycle. • Customizations for special applications • From a talk by Darrell Anklovitch for ENEL619.23

  4. What is GPS? Global Positioning System 24 satellite (SV) constellation Orbiting 20,000 km from the surface of the Earth in 12 hour cycles Orbits are set-up to give global coverage 24 hours a day Need at least 4 satellites in view to calculate a position (1)

  5. GPS Positioning Concepts • For now make 2 assumptions: • We know the distance to each satellite • We know where each satellite is • Require 3 satellites for a 3-D position in this “ideal” scenario • Requires 4 satellites to account for local receiver clock drift. (1)

  6. GPS Signal Structure • Each satellite transmits 2 carrier frequencies referred to as L1 (1575 MHz) and L2 (1227 MHz) • Each carrier frequency is BPSK modulated with a unique PRN (pseudo random number) code • The PRN code on L1 is called CA code (coarse acquisition), The PRN code on L2 is called P code (precise) • CA code takes 1 ms for full PRN transmission at 1MHz chip (bit) rate. P code takes 1.5 s for full PRN transmission at ~10MHz chip rate • Also modulated on each carrier is 50 Hz data that includes the current position of the satellite

  7. Determining Time • Use the PRN code to determine time • Use time to determine distance to the satellite distance = speed of light * time (1)

  8. Algorithms to Find PRN Phase • Time-domain Cross correlation: 1/N∑x1 (n) * x2(n) • Coding equivalent to FIR filter, but need to filter N sets of data, each shifted by one data point – looks like a final exam question to me. • Correlation of perfectly matching signals gives a maximum value • Correlation of 2 random data sequences tends to 0 • PRN code from different satellites are designed to correlate to 0. • Frequency domain correlation: 1/N F-1[X1(k)X2(k)] where F-1 is the inverse Discrete Fourier Transform and the X’s are the Discrete Fourier Transforms of two sequences D

  9. Timing • Frequency Domain 1/N F-1[X1(k)X2(k)] • 1024 point FFT (2 * NLOG2N) • 1024 MULTS (N) • 1024 point INV FFT (NLOG2N) • Time Domain 1/N∑x1 (n) * x2(n) • n = 0 • 1024 MACs (N) • 1024 Phases (N) 30,000 Complex operations N-1 1,048,576 operations (N2)

  10. TigerSHARC -- TS101 and TS201 TS101 TS201 Low-cost version $45 / chip Evaluation boards $950 eacheducational price

  11. Implementing a multi-thread systemworking on batch data

  12. Implementing a multi-thread system-- Laboratory 5 concepts

  13. Essentially • Take an audio Talk-through program for loop { Read_a_sample; Perform operation; Write_a_sample; } • Turn into 5-threads running under interrupts • Idle thread • Initialization thread – sets up system, when ready – launches the other threads – then activates the first thread • ReadValueThread, • ProcessValueThread – with simulated Complex Algorithm • WriteValueThread

  14. Initialization Thread – Lab. 5 early

  15. Main Threads – example – Lab. 5 early

  16. Need to investigate and understand system behaviour and limitations Concept of task priority

  17. Lab. 5 – using real-time audio-test

  18. VDK – Status History

  19. Laboratory 5 – Done in “C and C++” • Stage 1 – 30% • Develop and investigate a multi-tasking system where the threads are free-running. Thread tasks are “Sleep(time_task)” • Develop and investigate a multi-tasking system where the threads communicate through semaphores to control order of operation • Stage 2 – 55% • Demonstrate and investigate turning an “audio – talk-through program” into a multi-threaded system – one point processed per interrupt • Stage 3 – 15% • Demonstrate a batch processing system as a multi-threaded system • Options • Use SHARC ADSP-21061 boards (40 MHz) – existing audio-libraries – have not attempted • Use Blackfin ADSP-BF533 boards (600 MHz) – existing audio-libraries – have been successful at home, but not here • Use Blackfin ADSP-BF533 boards (600 MHz) – using very simple, no frills, audio-talk though library – surprising simple with 1 to 32 points being processed. Fails with 33 points. Code logic issue, not a timing issue as I can waste 25000 cycles per block at 32 points

  20. Where to start?

  21. Adding the Initialization thread

  22. Making the InitializationThread a “Boot Thread”

  23. Add the thread programming control

  24. Avoid the free-running code

  25. Then add semaphores to control flow

  26. Tackled today • GPS basic concepts • Algorithm can be implemented in either time-domain or frequency domain • Big time advantages in frequency domain for the GPS algorithm (unless add special instructions) • Need to batch data for input, output and processing • VDK is an Analog Devices VisualDSP++Tool for automatically generating the code for a multi-threaded system • Laboratory 5 – First part 30% • Implement a simple multi-threaded system where the threads mainly sleep, and either free run, or communicate through semaphores to control program flow

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