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DIALOGUE WITH CERVIX CANCER PATIENTS IN GRIEF. MS. IVA ATHAVIA Cancer Patients Aid Association Mumbai,India. Email: ivathavia_17@yahoo.co.in www.cancer.org.in. Introduction ----------Care for the family and bereavement follow-up is considered part of good palliative practice.
DIALOGUE WITH CERVIX CANCER PATIENTS IN GRIEF MS. IVA ATHAVIA Cancer Patients Aid Association Mumbai,India. Email: ivathavia_17@yahoo.co.in www.cancer.org.in
Introduction ----------Care for the family and bereavement follow-up is considered part of good palliative practice. “ A Man’s Dying Is More The Survivor’s Affair Than His Own.” --- Thomas Mann.
Service With the Cervix Cancer Patients in Grief It provides understanding and compassion for patients with advanced illnesses and their loved ones
The Goal of our Service With the Cervix Cancer Patients To relieve suffering and improving the quality and quantity of life of the patients
MEANING OF GRIEF • GRIEF: Is the feeling of reaching out to the departed one. • MOURNING GRIEF: Rites and Rituals which follow death. • ANTICIPATORY GRIEF: Sense of loss before death. • ABNORMAL /PATHOLOGICAL GRIEF: Extended grief in different issues.
Risk Factors of Cervical Cancer Patients • Having sex at an early age • Multiple sexual partners • Sexual partners who have multiple partners • Women whose mothers took the drugs during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage …………..2
Weakened immune system Infections with genital herpes Chronic chlamydia infections Poor economic status (may not be able to afford regular Pap Smear) Long-term use of birth control pills.
Psychosocial Issues Faced by Cervix Patients • Lack of awareness • Anxietyandsadness • Guiltand Regret for not going to the doctor earlier • Angerdirected at doctors for mismanaging their treatment • Fearof the future for family specially children • Early marriages and Child birth …………2
Stress and Fear of social boycott • Sexual problem on post treatment • Differences with the spouse attitude • Extra marital affairs or remarriage of their husband • Suicidal attitude.
MARITAL PROBLEMS WITH CERVIX CANCER PATIENTS(Grief questionnaire among 126 Cervix patients) • Domestic abuse - 54% • Abandonment - 37% • Material support only - 21% • Infidelity - 95% • Suicidal - 11%
Factors Influencing on Cervix Cancer Patients • Duration of cancer illness • Age of the deceased • Extent of physical suffering • Lack of support from the family ….….2
Depletion of resources Guilt feelings Feelings of social isolation.
The Best Primary Support to CERVIX Cancer Patients in Grief 1) To Understand & Be Available during their grief 2) Offering friendship / A listening ear / Companionship. 3) COUNSELING: Identifying - Physical / Psychological / Social / Emotional needs.
Possible Reasons For Abnormal Grief. • Dependent relationships • A history of unresolved grief • Guilt feelings • Idealization of the deceased ……………2
Creating a shrine Fear of the disease Negative Personality Trait Sudden and unexpected death.
Stages Of Grief 1) Initial Reactions of grief:-
2) Grief:- Common Emotions & Experiences
3) Despair:- Loss Of Meaning In Life For Survivor - Nil 4) Adjustment:- Acceptance: The Road Ahead - Total
Reactions To Cervix Patients at Home visit -Enriching And Fulfilling Experience Social Maintenance / Need Help - 32 %
Conclusion 1) Local Situations different to those in the West 2) Financial / Social Help Needed 3) Not much Abnormal Grief found
God hath not promised skies always blue, Flower-strewn pathways all our lives through; God hath not promised sun without rain, Joy without sorrow, peace without pain. But God hath promised strength for the day, Rest for the labor, light for the way. Grace for the trials, help from above, Unfailing sympathy Undying Love. ……………………………………….. A ROLE PLAY
Data has been collected from the following Hospitals B.Y.L. NAIR Charitable Hospital Mumbai, India. & Cama & Allbless Hospital Mumbai, India.