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LITERATURE. INTERDISCIPLINARY WORK. ARTS. HISTORY. LAWS AND BUSINESS . Leonardo da Vinci: Female portraits. Titolo. Role of woman in Leonardo's time.
Role of woman in Leonardo's time During his time woman had neither social nor political power. However, he presented a woman in his portraits and drawings that was intelligent and equal to man. Her external beauty is the expression of her inner beauty
Quattrocento conventional portraits The vast majority of female portraits were commissioned on marriage. Wedding portraits tend to be made in pairs. Women were usually portrayed in profile. They wore jewelry and fine costumes, with multiple rings on their fingers when their hands were shown. Hair was bound rather than free-flowing. They are all visible signs of their newly married state.
Leonardo's Ginevra de' Benci Young Leonardo was an innovator. He placed Ginevra in an open setting at a time when women were shown within the walls of their family homes. The three–quarter pose is among the first in Italian portraiture, for either sex. Ginevra is beautiful, but austere; she does not smile and her look, seems indifferent probably because she did not want to get married.
Lady withanermine • Itisconsidered the first modernportraitbecauseitisnotstatic. Itshows a senseofmotion. • Leonardo depictsher in a relativelysimpledress, and notexpensivenecklacebecausesheisnot a noblewoman and hewantstoglorifyhersimplicity and innocence. • Cecilia wasrenownedforher beauty, herscholarship, and herpoetry.
Mona Lisa • This painting is a perfect example of how Leonardo never followed traditions. • Never before Leonardo in Italian portraits, a female sitter looks directly into the eyes of the viewer. • He abandoned the usual poses, and depicted her without jewellery, with her hair smooth, her hands free of rings.
Conclusions • Leonardo changed the vision of the ideal woman. Heshowed the women’s beauty, their wide inner world, and theirwonderfulsmiles. He wanted to express his love for women. • Heloved and respected women.
vs SABA DIFFERENCE BETWEEN WOMAN IN 1300s, AND WOMAN IN 1900s MONTALE DANTE DONNA IDEALIZZATA DONNA REALE A woman whohas no realcharacteristics A woman whois a realhumanbeing
IDEAL WOMAN Celebrationof Beatrice: • VITA NOVA: Itexpresses a newconceptof woman, anangel, fromGreek (άγγελος). Shehas the powertomake man's soul noble. Sheis a link between man and God. • DIVINE COMEDY: Beatrice guides Dante throughHeaven. Sheis a symboloffaith. Virgil, the voice ofreason, isnotenoughto complete theirjourneytowardsGodcontemplation Beatrice and Dante
Tanto gentil e tanto onesta pare • Tanto gentile e tanto onesta parela donna mia, quand'ella altrui saluta,ch'ogne lingua devèn, tremando, muta,e li occhi no l'ardiscon di guardare. • Ella si va, sentendosi laudare,benignamente d'umiltà vestuta,e par che sia una cosa venutada cielo in terra a miracol mostrare. • Mostrasi sì piacente a chi la mirache dà per li occhi una dolcezza al core,che 'ntender no la può chi no la prova; • e par che de la sua labbia si movaun spirito soave pien d'amore,che va dicendo a l'anima: Sospira.
"So gentle and virtuoussheappears" So gentle and virtuoussheappears, My lady, whengreetingother people Thateverytonguetremblinglygrowssilent, And eyes do not dare gazeuponher. Shepassesby, hearingherselfpraised, Graciouslyclothedwithhumility, And sheappearstobe a creature whohas come Fromheaventoearthto show forth a miracle. Sheshowsherself so pleasingtoherbeholders, Thatshegivesthrough the eyes a sweetnessto the heart, Which no one can understandwhodoesnotfeelit; And itappearsthatfromherlipmoves A tender spirit full of love, Whichsaysagain and againto the soul: "Sigh."
REAL WOMAN : UmbertoSaba In opposition to the ideal woman, Saba's wife (LINA) is an example of real woman, who is compared by her husband to different female animals. Sheis a bridge toGodlike the woman-angelbut in a different way: sheisidealbutisdescribed in herphysical nature
A MIA MOGLIE Tu sei come una gravida giovenca ; libera ancora e senza gravezza , anzi festosa ; che , se la lasci , il collo volge , ove tinge un rosa tenero la sua carne. Se l ' incontri e muggire l'odi , tanto è quel suono lamentoso , che l ' erba strappi , per farle un dono . E' così che il mio dono t ' offro quando sei triste . Tu sei come una lunga cagna , che sempre tanta dolcezza ha negli occhi , e ferocia nel cuore . Ai tuoi piedi una santa sembra , che d ' un fervore indomabile arda , e così ti riguarda come il suo Dio e Signore . Quando in casa o per via segue , a chi solo tenti avvicinarsi , i denti candidissimi scopre . Ed il suo amore soffre di gelosia. Tu sei come la pavida coniglia . Entro l ' angusta gabbia ritta al vederti s 'alza , e verso te gli orecchi alti protende e fermi ; che la crusca e i radicchi tu le porti , di cui priva in sé si rannicchia, cerca gli angoli bui . Chi potrebbe quel cibo ritoglierle? Chi il pelo che si strappa di dosso , per aggiungerlo al nido dove poi partorire? Chi mai farti soffrire? Tu sei come la rondine che torna in primavera . Ma in autunno riparte ; e tu non hai quest 'arte . Tu questo hai della rondine : le movenze leggere ; questo che a me , che mi sentiva ed era vecchio , annunciavi un 'altra primavera . Tu sei come la provvida formica. Di lei, quando escono dalla campagna , parla al bimbo la nonna che l ' accompagna . E così nella pecchia ti ritrovo , ed in tutte le femmine di tutti i sereni animali che avvicinano a Dio; e in nessun 'altra donna Tu sei come una giovane, una bianca pollastra . Le si arruffano al vento le piume , il collo china per bere , e in terra raspa ; ma, nell'andare , ha il lento tuo passo di regina , ed incede sull'erba pettoruta e superba . E' migliore del maschio . E' come sono tutte le femmine di tutti i sereni animali che avvicinano a Dio. Così se l' occhio ,se il giudizio mio non m ' inganna , fra queste hai le tue uguali , e in nessun ' altra donna . Quando la sera assonna le gallinelle , metton voci che ricordan quelle, dolcissime , onde a volte dei tuoi mali , ti quereli , e non sai che la tua voce ha la soave e triste musica dei pollai .
You are like a pregnant heifer, still free, and without heaviness, merry, in fact; who, if someone strokes her, turns her neck, where a tender pink tinges her flesh. If you meet up with her, and hear her bellow, so mournful is this sound that you tear at the earth to give her a present. In the same way, I offer my gift to you when you are sad. You are like a tall, thin female dog, that always has so much sweetness in her eyes and ferociousness in her heart. At your feet, she seems a saint who burns with an indomitable fervor and in this way looks at you as her God and Lord. When you are at home, or going down the street, to anyone who tries, uninvited, to approach you, she uncovers her shining white teeth. And her love suffers from jealousy. You are like the fearful rabbit. Within her narrow cage, she stands upright to look at you, and extends her long, still ear; she deprives herself of the husks and roots that you bring her, and cowers, seeking the darkest corners. Who might take away this food? Who might take away the fur which she tears from her back to add to the nest where she will give birth? Whowouldevermakeyousuffer? You are like the swallow which returns in the spring. But each autumn will depart— you don’t have this art. You have this of the swallow: the light movements; that which, to me, seemed and was old, you proclaim another spring. You are like the provident ant. She whom the grandmother speaks of to the child as they go out in the countryside. And thus I find you in the bumble bee and in all the females of all the serene animals who draw near to God. And in no other woman. To My Wife You are like a young white hen. Her feathers ruffle in the wind, her neck curves down to drink, and she rummages in the earth: but, in walking, she has your slow, queenly step, haughty and proud. She is better than the male. She is like the females of all the serene animals who draw near to God. Here, if my eye, if my judgment doesn’t deceive me, among these, you find your equals, and in no other woman. When evening lulls the little hens to sleep, they make sounds that call to mind those mild, sweet voices with which you argue with your pains, and don’t know that your voice has the soft, sad music of the henyard.
REALE WOMAN for:Eugenio Montale She is represented as a real woman because she was for the poet a guide in his life. He nicknamed his wife Drusilla Tanzi “the fly” because of her shortsightedness, but for him she could “see better than anyone because she could see the inner nature of things. Therefore she is the one who can see «the true eye pupils are yours».
HO SCESO DANDOTI IL BRACCIO Ho sceso, dandoti il braccio, almeno un milione di scale e ora che non ci sei è il vuoto ad ogni gradino. Anche così è stato breve il nostro lungo viaggio. Il mio dura tuttora, né più mi occorrono le coincidenze, le prenotazioni, le trappole, gli scorni di chi crede che la realtà sia quella che si vede. Ho sceso milioni di scale dandoti il braccio non già perché con quattr’occhi forse si vede di più. Con te le ho scese perché sapevo che di noi due le sole vere pupille, sebbene tanto offuscate, erano le tue
I went down, giving you my arm I went down, giving you my arm, at least one million stairsand now, when you are no more here, it’s the void on every step.Also in such way our long journey has been short too.Mine still goes on, and I need no morecoincidences, reservations,traps, the scorns of those who believethat the reality is what you see.I went down millions stairs giving you my armnot just because with four eyes perhaps you see more.With you I went down ’cause I knew that between usthe only true pupils, though such obfuscated,were yours.
CREATIVE WRITING • “The gift of time” • For you “WOMAN”, prisoner in a dark cage. • Open your eyes and you’ll see light, love and hope • Stand up and you’ll learn to run and even to fly • Speak up and you’ll take on the role of protagonist n your life • Consider the virtues you’ll teach to your children • Be proud of your weakness, and change it to strength • Fight with refined dignity • Hear the sound of silence, and let it be part of your life • Love whoever gives you a smile • Catch the fragrance of life • Imagine the immensity of you being, and make it real • Live your life without an age, and you’ll love the gift of the time • Don’t expect to be loved, or comforted, or helped • YOU can manage on your own!
Women in Resistance Women in the Italian Resistance represented a fundamental component of the partisan movement in the fight against fascism. They left their roles as women and mothers and fought to regain freedom and justice in Italy covering functions of primary importance.
Theirtasks Their tasks were different. They: • founded an emergency response team to help the wounded and the sick • helped in the collection of clothing, food and medicines, • took care of the identification of corpses and assistance to the families of the fallen.
The combatants Some women took up arms and set alongsidemen. In some casestheywerechosenas team leaders and directed the entirebrigade.
Women and weapons • The femalepartisanswithweaponswerewatchedmistrustfully. The best femalepartisanwas the onewhosupported the movement "maternally", whowashed, ironed, sewed. • After the end of the war fightingfemalepartisanswerealsoeyedbytheirown gender rathersuspiciously.
Fightingagainstdiscrimination • The politicalscaleshadbeenchanged and renewed, butsexistattitudesremainedbased on beliefs in traditionalstereotypes. • Therewasalwaysanintentionto confuse their combattive politicalparticipationwithanexpressionoftheirsexualavailability. • Thisisoneof the mainreasonswhymanyfightingfemalepartisanshavenotreceivedanofficialappreciationafter the liberation.
Officialnumbers • 35.000 (of 232.841 fightingpersons) werefightingaspartisans. • 4.600 werearrested, tortured and sentenced • 2.750 weredeportedtoGermany • 623 wereshot or killedwhilstfighting. • 512 women wereplaced in officialfunctions, ascommissioners and commanders • 16 got a goldmedalafter the war ended, 17 a silver medaltohonourthem.
Irma Bandiera Irma Bandiera became a fighter with the nickname "Mimmo". She was captured by the fascists as she was returning home from Castelmaggiore, where she had transported weapons and incriminating documents. For six days the fascists tortured her but she did not say a word, did not reveal the names of her companions so they carried her down the hill of St. Luca and shot her. She obtained the gold medal for military valor on August 14, 1944.
Equalitybetween women and men in Europe By “I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy”
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” Equality between women and men is one of the European Union’s founding principles. It goes back to 1957 when the principle of “equal pay for equal work” became part of the Treaty of Rome. Much progress has been made in getting more women into the workforce. I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” In 1975 Gabrielle Defrenne, an air hostess of Belgian national airline was paid less than her male colleagues who did the same work. She complained that this violated her right to equal job treatment. The case led to the adoption of the first European directives on gender equality. I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” The EU average about job equal treatment is now close to 60%, up from 52% in 1998. The European Commission is aiming for a rate of 75% by 2020. European community data I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Economic independence enables both women and men to exercise control over their lives and to make good choices in their life. To reach this goal there has been progress in the participation of women on the labour market during the last decade. This increased participation has contributed to economic growth in the EU. Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” European community data I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” Women are about 45 % of the people employed across the European Union. Moreover, women are about 56 % of the people with a tertiary education, and represent the majority amongst tertiary level graduates. European community data I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe" Women in economic decision-making in the UE I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
WOMEN AND MEN ON CORPORATE BOARDS IN THE UE WOMEN ON THE BOARDS OF THE LARGEST COMPANIES Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” There is a wide gap between the proportion of men and women at board level in EU Member States. Women enter in the labour market better equipped than men, but their level of representation declines in senior positions. This reveals that, in general, women have fewer opportunities than men to advance in their careers and that women’s skills are not being used to their full potential. European community data I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” MEN AND WOMEN PRESIDENTS/CHAIRPERSONS OF LARGE COMPANIES The indicator of gender representation on corporate boards in the EU shows that the proportion of women involved in top-level business decision-making remains very low. European community data I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe" Gender equality index for the Italian regions I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” In 2011 a report by the Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) portrays an Italy where female unemployment is high, despite increasing levels of education. Italy ranks among the last countries in terms of achievement of gender equality. It occupies the 21st place in the European Community I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” In Italy the division of time between men and women is very unequal. Women are largely underrepresented in socio-economic and political institutions, and large gaps are observed in what concerns employment and income. The gender gap is very marked between the North and South of the country. South of Italy has a slower growth than the rest of Italy. Bank of Italy data I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy
Comenius "Different but equal in Europe” In 2010, the Italian Government adopted a Legislative Decree implementing Directive 2006/54/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council It introduces general prohibitions against discrimination in all sectors, in particular in the sphere of employment In 2010 the Department for Equal Opportunities passed the first National Plan Against Gender- Based Violence and Stalking. I.I.S. Ugo Mursia - Italy