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AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (ACP) 12th MEETING OF WORKING GROUP M Montreal, Canada 16 – 20 June 2008. Agenda Item: xx. Data Communications Program Overview (Presented by: Peter Muraca). Topics. Definition of Program Concept of Operation (high level graphic) Data Comm Timeline

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  1. AERONAUTICAL COMMUNICATIONS PANEL (ACP) 12th MEETING OF WORKING GROUP M Montreal, Canada 16 – 20 June 2008 Agenda Item: xx Data Communications Program Overview (Presented by: Peter Muraca)

  2. Topics • Definition of Program • Concept of Operation (high level graphic) • Data Comm Timeline • System Scope • Program Assumptions (general) • Segments Functionality (services) • Data Comm Capabilities Roadmap • Coordination & Harmonization Venues • WG-M Envisioned Activities in support of Data Comm

  3. Definition of Program • Mission Improve ATO efficiency Enhancing productivity of controllers Increase NAS capacityBY Enabling advanced operations to reduce resource needs Enhance air traffic safety Reducing communications errors related to voice • Data Communications provides: • Two-way data between controllers, automation and flight crews • Safety-of-flight air traffic control clearances, instructions, traffic flow management, flight crew requests and reports • Automation enhancements for ATC message generation and exchange • Communications link carrying data between aircraft and air traffic managers • NextGen requires Data Communications • Necessary to transition Agency from voice based ATC comm system to data centric NextGen

  4. OEP Solution Set Data Communications provides: 1. Trajectory Based Operations - Exchange of 4-d trajectories - Conformance management data - Delivery of automated conflict resolutions - Data delivery of clearances 2. High Density Arrival-Departure - Automated RNAV arr/dep clearances 3. Flexible Terminal & Airports - Surface/taxi automation msgs 4. Collaborative ATM - User interaction, demand mgmt 5. Reduce Weather Impact - Aircraft specific TFM-based re-routes 6. Safety, Security, Environment - Tailored arrivals, reduced OE’s 7. Transform Facilities - Networked/addressed msgs Data Comm is a Key Enabler for NextGen Supports all OEP Solution Sets

  5. Network Data Comm CONOPS Trajectory Based Operations High Performance Airspace ARTCCS TRACONS TOWERS WX Reroutes Clearances Time Based Metering Pilot Downlink Fix Tailored Arrivals / CDA’s ARTCCs VDL-2 VDL-2 User Flight Operations Control TOWER ATCSCC TRACONs Taxi Instructions Digital ATIS Departure Clearance Global Harmonization, Enhanced Safety, Increased Capacity

  6. Equipage/ Airspace Requirements Deployment Complete Data Comm Timeline Key Sites: Investment Analysis Readiness Decision Initial Investment Decision En Route Tower TRACON Final Investment Decision Final Investment Decision Final Investment Decision Major Milestones 2027 10 12 14 17 2008 19 22 Near Term Activities -Complete Service Level Agreements - Develop interface requirements - Complete Safety Assessments - Finalize Requirements Documents - Develop Equipage Strategy - Develop Screening Information Requests (SIR) - Complete JRC 2A, Initial Investment Decision • Release SIR- Receive and evaluate proposals- Mid-term human factors and standards- Finalize Business Case Analyses- Complete JRC 2B, Final Investment Decision • Contract awards

  7. System Scope Program Scope FAA System Scope User System Scope 5.0 6.0 7.0 2.0 Ground 3.0 Ground 4.0 Air- 1.0 Ground Airborne Airborne Airborne Data Message Ground User Message Data User Processing Delivery Message Interface Delivery Processing Interface (GDP) (GMD) Delivery (GUI) Controller Flight Crew (AMD) (ADP) (AUI) (AGMD) • FAA System Scope • Program funds enhancements required to perform data communications in: • Ground User Interface (e.g. ERAM/DSR display software) • Ground Data Processing (e.g. application software to create clearances) • Ground Data Delivery (e.g. wide area networking between ground facilities) • Ground components of A/G Message Delivery (e.g. radio, ground antenna) • User System Scope • Users fund enhancements required to perform data communications in: • Airborne components of A/G Message Delivery (e.g. aircraft radio, antenna) • Airborne Message Delivery (e.g. aircraft networking) • Airborne Data Processing (e.g. app s/w in comm & flight management units) • Airborne User Interface (e.g. cockpit displays & s/w)

  8. Program Assumptions - General • Data comm is required to transition Agency to NextGen Concept of Operations • Transition to NextGen required by 2025 • Large scope requires partition into phases • Functions/services originated from Communications Operating Concept and Requirements for the Future Radio System, (COCR) due to international coordination and buy-in • Not all COCR services implemented • VDL Mode 2 is the subnetwork

  9. Segment 1 Functionality (2012 – 2017) • Segment 1 Services will include: • Data link logon (DLL) service to provide a unique digital identification of every aircraft • Air Traffic Control clearances (ACL), instructions, and notifications provided in a textual format (data messaging) between controllers and pilots • Departure Clearances (DCL) including revisions transmitted to the aircraft on the ground • Initial use of 4-D Trajectory clearances for continuous descent approaches • Digital Automatic Terminal Information Service (D-ATIS) up-links of airport weather, hazards, and restrictions to the aircraft • Automatic ATC “hand-off” (ACM) data transmitted to aircraft identifying the radio frequency in use by the next air traffic control sector

  10. Segment 2 Functionality (2017 +) • Segment 2 Services will include: • Segment 1 services in TRACONS • Segment 1 services in En Route, plus: • 4-D Trajectory Agreements in Performance Based Airspace, providing conflict-free flight with stable aircraft routing • Conformance Management to ensure aircraft comply with 4-D agreements • Tailored Arrivals/Continuous Descent Approaches and Time-based metering • Arrival Taxi Instructions (ACL, D-TAXI) prior to landing, giving the aircraft detailed guidance from touchdown to gate. • NAS Airport status, delays & constraints, hazardous wx uplinked to the aircrew • Taxi-in / Taxi-out service provides taxi routes for aircraft to follow from the gate to the runway

  11. Data Comm Capabilities Today 2010 2015 2020 2025 Operational Capabilities Enabled by Data Communications DC In Tower Airspace Rule DC In En Route DC In TRACON Red = Terminal Function Black = En Route Function Purple = Cross Domain Function • Original + Revised Departure Clearances, D-ATIS • TRACON Data Comm Including Routine Clearances, Comm Mgmt, 4-D TAP/CDA & Time Based Metering • Clearances • Widespread 4-D Agreements • Complex Clearances & Expanded 4-D • Conformance Management • Comm Mgmt • TFM Reroutes • Time Based Metering • Airport Status, Taxi-In, Taxi-Out • NAS Status / Delays / Constraints / Sequencing & Hazardous WX • Initial 4-D = Tailored Arrival Procedures (TAP) / Continuous Descent Approaches (CDA) to OEP Airports • Widespread Delegated Separation = Merging & Spacing (M&S), Crossing and Passing (C&P), In-Trail Procedures (ITP), Paired Approaches ( PAIRAPP) NextGen Automation Capabilities Integrated with Data Communications Today 2010 2015 2020 2025 • Conflict Probe Integration • Time Based Metering Function • ERAM ICAO Flight Plan Update • En Route Descent Advisor • Extended Conflict Probe • Departure Spacing/Sequencing Function • Conformance Management Monitor • Conflict Resolution Developer • Delegated Separation Automation & Monitor • Trajectory Builder • Closely Spaced Parallel Approach Tool • TRACON Time Based Metering Function • Extended Conflict Probe • Aircraft in Need Determiner • Enhanced Conformance Monitor • Enhanced Conflict Resolution Developer • Enhanced Trajectory Builder

  12. Coordination & Harmonization Venues PARC Performance-Based Operations Aviation Rulemaking Committee AEEC RTCA/EUROCAE • Performance-Based Criteria and Rulemaking Development (Communications Working Group) • Required Communication Performance • Airspace and Aircraft Rulemaking recommendations • Avionics & Services Coordination (DLUF) • Avionics Characteristics Development (e.g., DLK SC, SAI) • FAA/Industry Synchronization (ATMAC R&PWG or equivalent) • Services Validation • Timing & Interrelationship of FAA and Stakeholder Investments • Standards Development (SC-214 / WG-78) • Safety & Performance • Interoperability www.faa.gov/ato?k=sc214 GEIA Gov’t Electronics and Information Technology Association ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization LINK 2K+ SESAR • Inter. Coordination / Harmonization • Aeronautical Communications Panel (ACP) • Data Link Steering Group (DLSG) • Industry Coordination on Infrastructure Acquisition • Coordination / Harmonization

  13. WG-M Envisioned Activities in support of Data Comm 1. Data Comm – Application level list of anticipated standards modifications/additions Application standards (i.e., CM, CPDLC, ADS-C) may require changes in support of those services specified within RTCA SC-214 Safety and Performance Requirements, and Interoperability requirements for Data Comm services. PM-CPDLC message changes (as developed within RTCA SC-214, like D-TAXI, etc.) – Target Seg 1, and Seg 2. PM-FIS and PM-ADS-C (like the changes in DOC 9880 for PM-CPDLC) – Target Seg 2 (note, the changes for PM-FIS may be required for Seg 1) It may also be necessary to introduce security requirements within the Air / Ground infrastructure in support of the Data Comm program. Such modifications / additions to the international standards would be accomplished within ICAO ACP WG-M (DOC 9880), and/or RTCA SC-214 SG-XX. – Target Seg 2. 2. Data Comm – Subnetwork level list of anticipated standards modifications/additions Due to changes to the implementation characteristics of VDL Mode 2 within AEEC 631, it will be necessary to bring such changes forward to ICAO ACP WG-M for incorporation and acceptance in the ICAO VDL Mode 2 Technical Manual and VDL Mode 2 SARPS. This harmonization of changes support programs such as Link 2k and Data Comm. – Target Seg 1, and Seg 2 VDL Mode 2 Autotune requirements/characteristics updates - Target Seg 1, and Seg 2. VDL Mode 2 Frequency Support List-based handoffs - Target Seg 1, and Seg 2. VDL Mode 2 Frequency Management for multiple frequencies - Target Seg 1, and Seg 2. VDL Mode 2 protocol cleanup related to above changes - Target Seg 1, and Seg 2. Overall harmonization of AEEC 631 implementation characteristics with ICAO VDL Mode 2 Technical Manual - Target Seg 1, and Seg 2.

  14. BACK-UP

  15. Day In The Life of Data Comm – Segment 1 • Pre-Departure • Logon • ATIS • Departure Clearance & Revisions • Departure Taxi & Take-Off • Departure Taxi • Take-Off via Voice • Departure in TRACON • Voice • En Route • Voice • Data for Routine Clearances • TFM Aircraft Specific Re-Routes • Initial 4-DTailored Arrival Procedures (TAP) Continuous Descent Approach (CDA) • Communications Management • Arrival In TRACON • Voice • Arrival Airport • Voice • Arrival Taxi • Voice

  16. Pre-Departure Logon ATIS Departure Clearances & Revisions CDM Agreements, Slot Times or Sequence, NAS Status Updates Departure Taxi & Take-Off Departure Taxi & Revisions(?) Take-Off via Voice Departure in TRACON Voice Data for Routine Clearances Communications Management Conformance Monitoring En Route Voice - Non-Routine & Tactical Communications Management 4-D TAP / CDA Data as Required Means Day In The Life of Data Comm – Segment 2 • En Route (Con’t) • 4-D Trajectory Based Ops Begin • Conformance Monitoring • Hazardous In-Flight Weather Information • Arrival In TRACON • Voice • Data for Routine Clearances • Communications Management • Initial 4-D TAP / CDA • Conformance Monitoring • Arrival Taxi Instructions(?) • Arrival Airport • Voice • Arrival Taxi Instructions Confirmation via Voice(?) • Arrival Taxi • Voice • Arrival Taxi Instruction Updates(?)

  17. ATS Services Voice or Data ACM, ACL, ARMAND, DCL, D-ATIS, D-FLUP, D-OTIS, D-ORIS, D-RVR, DSC, D-SIGMET, D-TAXI, PPD, SAP Data Only AIRSEP, AMC, A-EXEC, COTRAC, DLL (DLIC), DYNAV, D-ALERT, D-SIG, FLIPCY, FLIPINT, PAIRAPP, URCO, WAKE Surveillance ADS-B, ADS-C, & TIS-B which support: ATC Surveillance, Airborne Situational Awareness, Enhanced Visual Acquisition, M&S, ITP, C&P AOC Services AOCL, OOOI, Free Text, WX Request, NOTAM’s, Position Report, Flight Status, Fuel Status, Gate & Connecting Flight Info, Engine Performance Report, Maintenance Troubleshooting, Flight Plan Request/Response, Load Sheet Request, Flight Log Transfer, Real Time Maintenance, Graphical WX, Real Time WX Report, On-Line Technical Troubleshooting, Technical Logbook Update, Electronic Library Update, Software Loading, Cabin Logbook Transfer COCR Services vs. Data Comm Services

  18. Data Comm required for OEP Capabilities

  19. Acquisition: FAA Life Cycle Management Process

  20. Modular Architecture (A2) Controller Aircrew Ground Message Delivery STARS/C-ARTS Air-Ground Message Delivery Aircraft Message Delivery DCS Apps TRACON Local Message Processing User Interface National Communication Center Local Message Processing Peer Apps ERAM FDP Wx SDP DCS Apps User Int. ARTCC M&C CP Log On Local Message Processing Tower 623 Message Processing User Interface FIS TDLS/TFDM • Allocates the data communications functionality in separate hardware (DCS server) co-located with the ERAM automation platform • Terminal environment will have DCS servers at their own facilities User Interface TOWER Local Message Processing

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