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Learn the difference between capital and revenue expenditure, how they impact financial statements, and examples of each. Enhance your financial management skills today.
Capital and Revenue expenditure(資本性支出 / 收益性支出)
Capital and revenue expenditure (資本性支出 / 收益性支出) Capital expenditure Buy fixed assets or Add to the value of an existing fixed asset Revenue expenditure Running the business on a day-to-day basis.
Capital Expenditure • Spent on : • Acquiring fixed assets. • Bringing them into the frim. • Legal costs of buying buildings. • Carriage inwards on machinery bought. • Any other cost needed to get the fixed asset ready for use.
Revenue expenditure • e.g. • To buy a motor van is capital expenditure. • To pay for petrol to use in the motor van is revenue expenditure.
Exhibit • Buying motor van Capital • Repairs to motor van Revenue • Putting extra headlights on motor van Capital • Electricity costs of using machinery Revenue • Painting outside of new building Capital • We spent $1,500 on machinery.$1,000 was for an item added to the machine:$500 for repairs. Capital $1,000 • Revenue $500 • Three years later-repainting outside of building Revenue
Joint expenditure • A builder was engaged to tackle some work on your premises, the total bill being for $3,000. If one-third of this was for repair work and two thirds for improvements. • $1,000 should be charged in the profit and loss account as revenue expenditure, and $2,000 identified as capital expenditure and, therefore, added to the value of premises and shown as such in the balance sheet.
Purchase of an extra motor van • Capital • Cost of rebuilding warehouse wall which had fallen down. • Revenue • Building extension to the warehouse. • Capital • Carriage costs on bricks for new warehouse extension. • Capital • Carriage cost on purchases. • Revenue