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Microsoft Foundation Class Library Version 6.0. CObject. Application Architecture. Classes Not Derived from CObject. File Services. Graphical Drawing. Arrays. CCmdTarget. user objects. CFile. CDC. CArray (template). Internet Server API. Support Classes. CDocument. CWinThread.

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  1. Microsoft Foundation Class Library Version 6.0 CObject ApplicationArchitecture Classes Not Derivedfrom CObject File Services Graphical Drawing Arrays CCmdTarget user objects CFile CDC CArray (template) Internet Server API Support Classes CDocument CWinThread Exceptions CMemFile CClientDC CByteArray CHtmlStream CCmdUI CWinApp COleDocument CException CSharedFile CMetaFileDC CDWordArray CHttpFilter COleCmdUI COleControlModule COleLinkingDoc CArchiveException COleStreamFile CPaintDC CObArray CHttpFilterContext CDaoFieldExchange user application COleServerDoc CDaoException CMonikerFile CWindowDC CPtrArray CHttpServer CDataExchange CDocTemplate CRichEditDoc CDBException CAsynchMonikerFile Control Support CStringArray CHttpServerContext CDBVariant CSingleDocTemplate user documents CFileException CDataPathProperty CDockState CUIntArray CFieldExchange CMultiDocTemplate CDocItem Run-Time ObjectModel Support CInternetException CCachedDataPathProperty CImageList CWordArray COleDataObject COleObjectFactory COleClientItem COleTemplateServer COleDocObjectItem CMemoryException Graphical Drawing Objects arrays of user types CArchive COleDispatchDriver CSocketFile COleDataSource CRichEditCntrlItem CNotSupportedException CStdioFile CGdiObject Lists CDumpContext CPropExchange COleDropSource user client items COleException CInternetFile CBitmap CList (template) CRuntimeContext CRectTracker COleDropTarget COleServerItem COleDispatchException CGopherFile CBrush CPtrList Simple Value Types CWaitCursor COleMessageFilter CDocObjectServer Item CResourceException CHttpFile CFont CObList CPoint Typed TemplateCollections CConnectionPoint user server items CUserException CRecentFileList CPalette CStringList CRect CDocObjectServer CPen list of user types CSize CTypedPtrArray Window Support CRgn Maps CString CTypedPtrList CWnd Dialog Boxes Controls Views Frame Windows Menus CMap (template) CTime CTypedPtrMap CDialog CAnimateControl CFrameWnd CView CMenu CMapWordToPtr CTimeSpan OLE Type Wrappers CCommonDialog CButton CMDIChildWnd CCtrlView Command Line CMapPtrToWord Structures CFontHolder CColorDialog CBitmapButton user MDI windows CEditView CCommandLineInfo CMapPtrToPtr CCreateContext CPictureHolder CFileDialog CComboBox CMDIFrameWnd CListView OBDC Database Support CMapWordToOb CMemoryState Ole Automation Types CFindReplaceDialog CComboBoxEx user MDI workspaces CRichEditView CDatabase CMapStringToPtr COleSafeArray COleCurrency CFontDialog CDateTimeCtrl CMiniFrameWnd CTreeView CRecordset CMapStringToOb CPrintInfo COleDateTime COleDialog CEdit user SDI windows CScrollView user recordsets CMapStringToString COleDateTimeSpan COleBusyDialog CHeaderCtrl COlePFrameWnd user scroll views CLongBinary maps of user types COleVariant COleChangeIconDialog CHotKeyCtrl CSplitterWnd CFormView DAO Database Support Internet Services Synchronization COleChangeSourceDialog CIPAddressCtrl Control Bars user form views CDaoDatabase CInternetSession CMultiLock COleConvertDialog CListBox CControlBar CDaoRecordView CDaoQueryDef CInternetConnection CSingleLock COleInsertDialog CCheckListBox CDialogBar CHtmlView CDaoRecordset CFtpConnection COleLinksDialog CDragListBox COleResizeBar COleDBRecordView CDaoTableDef CGopherConnection COleUpdateDialog CListCtrl CReBar CRecordView CDaoWorkspace CHttpConnection COlePasteSpecialDialog CMonthCalCtrl CStatusBar user record views Synchronization CFindFile COlePropertiesDialog COleControl CToolBar CSynhObject CFtpFindFile CPageSetupDialog CProgressCtrl Property Sheets CCriticalSection CGopherFindFile CPrintDialog CReBarCtrl CPropertySheet CEvent CGopherLocator COlePropertyPage CRichEditCtrl CPropertySheetEx CMutex CPropertyPage CScrollBar CSemaphore CPropertyPageEx CSliderCtrl Windows Sockets user dialog boxes CSpinButtonCtrl CAsynchSocket CStatic CSocket CStatusBarCtrl CTabCtrl CToolBarCtrl CToolTipCtrl CTreeCtrl

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