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EU eInfrastructure project initiatives FP6-EGEE Fabrizio Gagliardi EGEE Director

EU eInfrastructure project initiatives FP6-EGEE Fabrizio Gagliardi EGEE Director. Dublin, Ireland, 15 April, 2004. EGEE is proposed as a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833. EGEE: the partners.

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EU eInfrastructure project initiatives FP6-EGEE Fabrizio Gagliardi EGEE Director

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  1. EU eInfrastructure project initiatives FP6-EGEEFabrizio GagliardiEGEE Director Dublin, Ireland, 15 April, 2004 EGEE is proposed as a project funded by the European Union under contract IST-2003-508833

  2. EGEE: the partners • An EU Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) project formed by 70 leading institutions in 27 countries (from EU and elsewhere), federated in regional Grids Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 2

  3. EGEE: the activities 24% Joint Research 28% Networking • JRA1: Middleware Engineering and Integration • JRA2: Quality Assurance • JRA3: Security • JRA4: Network Services Development • NA1:Management • NA2:Dissemination and Outreach • NA3: User Training and Education • NA4:Application Identification and Support • NA5:Policy and International Cooperation 32 M Euros EU funding (2004-5), O(100 M) total budget. Emphasis in EGEE is on operating a production grid and supporting the end-users. 48% Services • SA1: Grid Operations, Support and Management • SA2: Network Resource Provision Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 3

  4. EGEE: the applications • EGEE Scope : ALL-Inclusive for academic applications (open to industrial and socio-economic world as well) • The major success criterion of EGEE: how many satisfied users from how many different domains ? • 5000 users (3000 after year 2) from at least 5 disciplines • Two pilot applications selected to guide the implementation and certify the performance and functionality of the evolving infrastructure: Physics & Bioinformatics • Grid infrastructures need a fully committed community to develop and validate basic services Application domains and timelines are for illustration only Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 4

  5. EGEE and LCG EGEE builds on the work of LCG to establish a grid operations service • LCG (LHC Computing Grid): large international collaboration of institutes involved in the CERN particle physics experimental programme for next CERN accelerator LHC • Mission: • Prepare and deploy the computing environment that will be used by the experiments to analyse the LHC data • Strategy: • Integrate thousands of computers at dozens of participating institutes worldwide into a global computing resource • Rely on software being developed in advanced grid technology projects, both in Europe and in the USA Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 5

  6. Grid operations • Create, operate, support and manage a production quality infrastructure • Offered services: • Middleware deployment and installation • Software and documentation repository • Grid monitoring and problem tracking • Bug reporting and knowledge database • VO services • Grid management services Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 6

  7. Resource Allocation Policy • The EGEE infrastructure is intended to support and provide resources to many virtual organisations • Initially HEP (4 LHC experiments) + Biomedical + training • Each RC supports many VOs and several application domains (as in project such as LCG, EDG and CrossGrid) • Initially must balance resources contributed by the application domains and those that they consume • Maybe specifically funded for one application • In 1st 6 months sufficient resources are committed to cover requirements • Allocation across multiple sites will be made at the VO level • EGEE will establish inter-VO allocation guidelines • E.g. High Energy Physics experiments have agreed to make no restrictions on resource usage by physicists from different institutions • Resource centres may have specific allocation policies • E.g. due to funding agency attribution by science or by project • Expect a level of peer review within application domains to inform the allocation process • eIRG could play an important role in promoting international policy guidelines and standards Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 7

  8. Resource allocation Policy (II) • New VOs and Resource centres will be required to satisfy minimum requirements • Commit to bring a level of additional resources consistent with their requirements • The project must demonstrate that on balance this level of commitment is less than that required for the user community to perform the same work outside the grid • The difference will come from the access to idle resources of other VOs and resource centres • This is the essence of a grid infrastructure • All compute resources made available to EGEE will be connected to the grid infrastructure • Significant potential for sites to have additional resources • A small number of nodes at each site will be dedicated to operating the grid infrastructure services • Requirement on new middleware to provide mechanisms to implement/enforce quotas, etc • Identification of new VO/RC via application group (NA4) • In accordance with policies designed and proposed by the eIRG (NA5) Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 8

  9. Security: areas to be addressed • Basic Security Policy and Incident Response • CA Trust • VO Definition, Rights Delegation, and Scalability • Web services security and site service access • Control and auditing • Site Usage Control and Budgeting • Secure Credential Storage Biomedical applications have important security requirements (e.g. confidentiality) that need to be addressed. Requirements gathering is on-going via the applications group (NA4) Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 9

  10. EGEE Middleware Activity • Hardening and re-engineering of existing middleware functionality, leveraging the experience of partners • Activity concentrated in few major centers and organized in “Software clusters” • Key services: • Data Management (CERN) • Information Collection (UK) • Resource Brokering, Accounting (Italy-Czech Republic) • Quality Assurance (France) • Grid Security (Northern Europe) • Middleware Integration (CERN) • Middleware Testing (CERN) Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 10

  11. VDT EDG . . . LCG-1 LCG-2 EGEE-1 EGEE-2 AliEn LCG . . . Globus 2 based Web services based EGEE EGEE Implementation • From day 1 (1st April 2004) Production grid service based on the LCG infrastructure running LCG-2 grid mware • In parallel develop a “next generation” grid facility Produce a new set of grid services according to evolving standards (web services) Run a development service providing early access for evaluation purposes Will replace LCG-2 on production facility in 2005 Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 11

  12. EGEE Networking Activity • Dissemination and outreach • Lead by TERENA • User training and induction • Lead by University of Edinburgh (NeSC) • Application identification and support • Two pilot application centers (for high energy physics and biomedical grids) • One more generic component dealing with longer term recruitment and support of other communities • Policy and International cooperation • Support EU Grid policy forum • Coordinate relations with other projects (EU and beyond) map points indicate federations and are not geographically precise Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 12

  13. What EGEE offers user groups • Access to large-scale infrastructure Thousands of processors and petabyte-range of online data storage • Production ready grid middleware More than 3 years of large-scale testing/deployment experience • Grid expertise Small team of technically competent people ready to help applications get up and running Training Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 13

  14. Training • The success of EGEE is measured by the impact it has on collaborative European science • The goal is to support communities of users • Therefore induction and training have a high priority from the outset Initial Training Opportunities • Training courses (based on previous EU DataGrid tutorials) will be available from July 2004 • International Grid school near Naples, Italy 18-30 July 2004: http://www.dma.unina.it/~murli/GridSummerSchool2004/ Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 14

  15. Where do we stand today? • EU contract signed by CERN (with accession forms from 69 partners, in 3 original copies!!!) • The EGEE federation structure works • Project officially started on April 1st (as originally planned!) • Activity already ramping up since last Summer (as committed by the partners in the project proposal) • First kick-off conference in Cork next week (as originally planned) • Followed by a joint conference with DEISA in the Netherlands 22-25 November 2004 (good coordination and synergy with the other complementary EU major infrastructure project) Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 15

  16. Further Information To know more on EGEE: Public lecture tonight & Come to the first EGEE conference in Cork (18-22 April) also EU EGEE – www.eu-egee.org Dublin , April 15, 2004 - 16

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