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PREX Issues

PREX Issues. Outline. New issue: souce systematics and Aug. 07 run. Update on old issues. Progress at SU. Running With Other Halls. Helicity-correlations with beam position much worse with high current operation in other halls. Possible causes: Cathode (Hall B and C).

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PREX Issues

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PREX Issues

  2. Outline • New issue: souce systematics and Aug. 07 run. • Update on old issues. • Progress at SU

  3. Running With Other Halls • Helicity-correlations with beam position much worse with high current operation in other halls. • Possible causes: • Cathode (Hall B and C). • Cross-talk in the linac (Hall C only) • Depends on Laser set-up. • Need realistic test to dermine of PREX must run alone

  4. 10 Day test run in Aug07 • Study cross-talk issues. • Compton tests (Integration) • Noise test with LUMI, 18 bet ADC’s, etc. • Detector (Use Moller spectrometer as test beam.

  5. Compton-Biggest Issue • New Hardware • Green laser • New photon and electron detectors • Data analysis • Rewrite code in C++ style • Understand systematics • Integration and Low energy • Achieve good systematics (<1) with integration.

  6. Recent Compton Progress • See later talks • Observed Compton peak with FADC. • Work at SU (see below).

  7. Integration test with IR light • Need to take extended Compton data with electron analysis, conventional photon analysis, and integrated Compton analysis and ahcieve agreement better than 1%.

  8. Plan for 850 MeV Compton • Assume that some of the time the electron analysis will work: need to get near enough beam to get half of spectrum • Demonstrate linearity of photon detector response with coincidence data. • Compute linearity with MC-effect of GDR neutron production? • Show that integral and electron agree on good days.

  9. Warm Septum • Plan A • NSF MRI: Request submitted to SU, approved at Smith (Smith and SU will build the magnets). • Plan B • Build at JLab if proposal not funded. Open issue: Can the new magnet use the old Vacuum system?? Other issues? Needs Focus at JLab.

  10. Need 100 ppm pair noise • 18 bit ADC’s have arrived. • Can/should we use Qweak electroncs? • Do we have difficult ground-loop problems? • What is our pedestal noise with the new setup? • Critical test: <100 ppm noise with LUMI.

  11. Target • This spring, a 1/3 thickness Pb target with diamond cooling will be used in a Hall A experiment. • This will test radiation damage of diamond cooling, radiation, etc. • Is this a good opportunity for a LUMI test? • Check cavity-stripline agreement?

  12. Detector • Only option: thin quartz. Same as Qweak. • Need to show narrow response to single electrons: earlier test failed. • Quartz PMT? More light, less neutrons.

  13. Other Issues (see memo) • High Field Moller (Compton Cross-check) –Eugene • Detector Linearity • Pole-tip Monte Carlo • Management of large transverse beam asymmetry • Angle measurement • Low current running issues

  14. Compton analysis at SU • Fix bugs • Understand goofy runs • Study line-shape systematics

  15. Fits to spectra look good Tails now under control

  16. Difference between polyand dual exponential Spike shows up where Dual exponential Has discontinuity in 2nd derivative

  17. Noise in FADC • To integrate, we must add 6x106 samples without adding too much noise. • Following data looks promising, but issue is not trivial. • Is there more noise running in the hall?

  18. Bin half of one window Pedestal noise Is not statistical. The χ2 gets Worse the longer The window

  19. Fanout adds noise

  20. Cavity Monitors: Work in Progress • Show great promise: Resolution at least as good as stripline. (Redundancy). • Gossip: G0 had excellent performance;10 ppm pulse pair width?? • Problems isolated • Cross talk • Oscillation

  21. Difference between cavity and stripline position for one slug See oscillation In time (beat Frequency) See the same In the current

  22. Frequency of noise not stable Plot every fourth point to slow observed frequency and see long times

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