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“Summary” of Calorimetry Sessions (or, what’s new). R. Frey U. Oregon Representing the American Calorimeter Working Group UT Arlington, Jan 11, 2003. Outline. Sessions/participants Overall R&D Scene Simulations are “getting there” What’s new (a lot) Detector R&D What’s new (a lot).
“Summary” of Calorimetry Sessions(or, what’s new) R. Frey U. Oregon Representing the American Calorimeter Working Group UT Arlington, Jan 11, 2003
Outline • Sessions/participants • Overall R&D Scene • Simulations are “getting there” • What’s new (a lot) • Detector R&D • What’s new (a lot)
Prevailing paradigm: Implementing Energy Flow requires separating charged/neutral with dense, highly-segmented (in 3-d) calorimetry (An “Imaging Calorimeter’’) →σ/ E = 30% / Ejet or better Figures of merit: • ECal: BR2 / Rm large • Transverse seg.~ Rm • X0 / Ismall • HCal: highly segmented →→+o
Summary from NIU Workshop and PragueS. R. Magill Workshop on simulation, energy-flow algorithms, and software for the Linear Collider November 7 – 9, 2002 Physics and Detectors for a 90 to 800 GeV Linear Collider:Third Workshop of the Extended ECFA/DESY Study Prague, 15th-18th November 2002
Simulation/Analysis Tools Highlights • Working towards - GEANT4 for everyone • In the spirit of 1 Linear Collider • -> 1 G4 executable worldwide? • What is needed to achieve this : • Common input format from generators • Output compatible with analysis packages • –> interfaces for existing packages - JAS, ROOT, etc. • Common Geometry description package • -> all existing detectors, new designs, easy modifications to existing models • Common data definitions • -> E-Flow record
Event Reconstruction Ties Behnke, SLAC and DESY Event Reconstruction in the BRAHMS simulation framework: The BRAHMS framework Tracking Reconstruction (a brief reminder) Calorimeter Reconstruction The Goal: • Reconstruction of all 4-vectors in the event (charged and neutral) The Method: • Use information from all available subdetectors (tracker, calorimeter, etc) • Currently implemented in BRAHMS: • Tracker • ECAL, HCAL (tile option) • Muon system still missing (under development)
Calorimeter Reconstruction The Goal: Reconstruct the 4-momentum of all particles (charged and neutral) in the event Particle / Energy Flow in this context does not deal with event properties but only with particles Event properties are part of the analysis tt event at 350 GeV, no ISR
Final Reconstructed Particle Objects Output of BRAHMS with SNARK: Reconstructed particle 4-vectors 3-momentum px, py, pz Energy E particle ID hypotheses link to track(s) used link to cluster(s) used • The user works with these objects: • Build jets • Find vertices • Calculate event properties • .... The system does work: (see talk (V. Morgunov) in top session on top reconstruction: Under development: common data model for all simulation and reconstruction systems (US, EU, J(?), ...) Fully hadronic top decay (6 jets), full background
e+e– W+W–at s = 800 GeV After reconstruction e+e– W+W–at s = 800 GeV Classified as charged pads Simulation,visualisation MOKKA, FANAL Classified as photon’s pads Just to recall the reason of the choice
Electron ID in jets ALL VALUES in % Photon ID in jets ZH at 500 GeV Z in , H in jets Jets at 91 GeV Hadron MISID Electron ID Photon energy GeV Particle momentum GeV 250 GeV ± → • → and • → ID Jet mass
Summary • We need to improve the calorimeter designs by making them more realistic. • Far-forward calorimetry missing! • Tools are available to study backgrounds. • Many reconstruction & analysis efforts ongoing, challenge is to integrate them into common framework. • Many projects ongoing, plenty of places to plug in and contribute!
Calorimetry Simulations Norman A. Graf for the SLAC Group January 10, 2003
New Functionality • Ganging of calorimeter cells during analysis. • Simple (NN) clustering across EM-HAD. • User-defined neighborhood size for clustering. • Cone algorithm + HMatrix for EM showers. • Neural Net applied to ClusterID. • ReconstructedParticle definitions arising. • Integrated Eflow package being developed. • T Detector implemented for comparison.
The LCDG4 detector simulation package(M. Arov, R. McIntosh, V. Zutshi, D. Chakraborty, NIU/NICADD) • A GEANT4-based simulation program • Not tied to any specific platform (ROOT/JAS/PAW) • XML description of detector geometry • Needs structural improvements for better generality • Reads input data in STDHep format • SIO/ROOT/ASCII output • S(erial)IO compatible with JAS-based analysis code • LCDG4 can write and JAS can read ROOT files • Beta release imminent • 2 known problems fixed during the NIU workshop • The plan is to merge LCDG4 and MOKKA into a single package that combines the best of both.
Decoupling the simulator from Root • LCDG4 is adapted from LCDRoot (M. Iwasaki, T. Abe), • Root internal classes replaced by STL, CLHEP, • Now a standalone simulation program, not tied to any other application/analysis environment, • I/O compatible with the SLAC/HEP.LCD library & JAS, • Root output capability is preserved as an option.
Energy Flow Studies Steve Kuhlmann Argonne National Laboratory for Steve Magill, Brian Musgrave, Norman Graf, U.S. LC Calorimeter Group
Hadronic Z Decays at s = 91 GeV Total Photon Candidate Energy Total Hadron Level Photon Energy (GeV)
EF with simple multi-particle states Vishnu V. Zutshi NIU/NICADD
“Density” • Need a hierarchy in the absence of an energy measurement • Clumpiness of the surrounding • A simple-minded realization of this used here: di = S (1/dRij) where dRij is the angular distance between cell ‘i’ and cell ‘j’
S+ np+ n EMCal HCal
Prototypes overview Global view of the test beam setup VME/PCI/… ECAL general view HCAL 2nd structure (2×1.4mm of W plates) 3rd structure (3×1.4mm of W plates) 180 mm BEAM ECAL Beam monitoring Movable table VFE 370 mm 1st structure (1.4mm of W plates) 370 mm Detector slab Silicon wafer
Front End electronics Shielding Transverseview PCB Silicon wafer (0.525 mm) PCB (8-10 layers) ( 2 - 2.5 mm) Al. Shielding Silicon wafer (Cfi / W) structuretype H 7.3 mm Composite structure(0.15 mm / layer) Tungsten (1.4 mm, 2×1.4 or 3×1.4 mm) Detector slab
4” high resistivity wafers • 525 microns thick – 5Kcm • tile side: 62.0 + 0.0 • - 0.1 mm • scribe line: 100 m • scribe safety zone: 200 m • guard ring width: cca 750 m • (cca 1.5 * wafer thickness) ECAL prototype silicon wafer description Dead zone width is only 1mm First test production with 25 wafers 24 good (<10nA leakage) Wafer book keeping information
Conclusion The prototype design is almost fixed The prototype construction will begin soon Ready for a first test beam in 2004 The R&D on the large scale detector are in progress In both case, collaboration with US labs. is welcomed
SD Si/W • 5x5 mm2 pixel 50M pixels • For each (6 inch) wafer: • 1000 pixels (approx) • One readout chip – analog and digital • Simple, scalable detector design: • Minimum of fab. steps • Use largest available wafers • Detector cost below $2/cm2 • Electronics cost even less • A reasonable (cheap?) cost M. Breidenbach, D. Freytag, G. Haller, M. Huffer, J.J Russell Stanford Linear Accelerator Center R. Frey, D. Strom U. Oregon V. Radeka Brookhaven National Lab
Electronics…New: Timing • Dynamic range: MIPs to Bhabhas • 500 GeV Bhabha/MIP ≈ 2000 (1 pixel) • Want to maintain resolution at both ends of scale • Timing: What do we need? • NLC: 270 ns bunch trains – Do we need to resolve cal. hits within a train? • Bhabhas: 15 Hz for >60 mrad at 1034 • What about 2-photon/non-HEP background overlays? • Exotic new physics signatures Can try to provide timing for each pixel Is ≈10 ns resolution sufficient ?
Design of calorimeter • W + scintillator • There are half size offsets layer by layer to improve position resolution. • The tile size is about 4×4cm2 at the inner radius (~200cm).
Benefit of CU geometry • CU design gives better resolution than normal design.
Collaboration Argonne National Laboratory I Ambats, G Drake, V Guarino, J Repond, D Underwood, B Wicklund, L Xia Boston University J Butler, M Narain University of Chicago K Anderson, E Blucher, J Pilcher, M Oreglia, H Sanders Fermilab (M Albrow), C Nelson, R Yarema, (A Para, V Makeeva) Europe et al. France, Korea, Russia
Signal: streamer mode • Gas: Freon/Argon/IsoButane at 62:30:8 • High Voltage: 7.5 KV or above • Multi-streamer may occur • Gives ~10pc/streamer at 8.0 KV
Goals ‘Short term’ Develop technology for HCAL Chamber design Readout schemes ‘Long term’ Prototype HCAL section: 40 layers of 1m2 1cm2 lateral segmentation 1m3 with 400000 readout channels Prototype chambers Prototype readout Tests in CERN particle beams in 2004
Study of a Scintillating Digital Hadron Calorimeter Prototype (status and plans) Alexander Dyshkant for NICADD Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL 60115)
Study of a Scintillating Digital Hadron Calorimeter Prototype (status and plans) Alexander Dyshkant for NICADD Northern Illinois University (DeKalb, IL 60115)
A NEW DESIGN OF SCINTILLATING CELL THE SAME PATERN AS EXTRUDED CELL A non full circle sigma groove is cut from the top to the bottom surface of a cell (the depth of the groove is the same as the thickness of scintillator). A WLS fiber needs to be glued inside the groove as a spiral. The mirrored end of the fiber needs to be glued in the bottom of the groove.
A NEW DESIGN OF READOUT FIBERS Clear KURARAY fiber 2 m long (round 0.94 mm outer diameter) Ferrule Thermal splicing 25 mm long tube Al mirror WLS Y11 KURARAY fiber 125 mm long (round 0.94 mm outer diameter)
Simulation Study of Digital Hadron Calorimeter Using GEM Venkatesh Kaushik* University of Texas at Arlington Introduction GEM Geometry Implementation in Mokka GEM Single Pion Studies Conclusion *On behalf of the HEP Group at UTA
Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) Large amplification CERN-open-2000-344, A. Sharma • Exploring the possibility of using GEM in hadron calorimetry • GEM DHCal Progress and Plans, A.White (Session IV, Jan 11, 8:30-10:00)
GEM Measured Energies for 100 GeV Pion • Complete fit range for data • Limited fit range to 3s for resolution