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Chapter 22

Nationalism a nd Realism. Chapter 22. Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III). POLITICAL FACTOIDS. -likes National Assembly  -when they refuse to allow him to  run for another term he stages a coup d'etat and dismisses the  assembly  -2nd empire: his regime allows

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Chapter 22

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  1. Nationalism andRealism Chapter 22

  2. Louis Napoleon (Napoleon III) POLITICAL FACTOIDS -likes National Assembly  -when they refuse to allow him to  run for another term he stages a coup d'etat and dismisses the  assembly  -2nd empire: his regime allows  only limited opposition until the  1860s  -he also gives the Assembly more  power

FACTOIDS -public 
works projects  -believes gov't. has  obligation to 
provide  jobs, aid economic  growth  -workers gain right 
to  unionize, strike  -his regime marked 
with  construction of 
railroads;  new investment 

  4. THE END OF NAPOLEON III  -his liberal policies do  strengthen government  -Foreign policy miscues doom  Napoleon  -Franco-Prussian War marks  the end of his regime

  5. Baron Houssmann -city planner of 
Paris -trees -sewers -aqueducts -electric 
streetcars Better planning makes 
the city a good place 
to live and work.

  6. The Crimean War ...fought by different nations, for different reasons Russia has religious bonds with 
Orthodox Christians in SE Europe. They want to expand their influence Britain and France want 
commercial opportunities 
and naval bases in the 
Eastern Mediterranean Fear Russia becoming 
the major power in 
Eastern Europe Did not ally itself with Russia Austria wants more land in the 

  7. The Crimean War -proves that Russia has 
fallen behind the rest of 
Western Europe


  9. FAILURES! Mazzini Gioberti -wants republic 
with universal 
liberties -seems too far-
fetched and 
unlikely to 
Italians -wants federation 
of states with the 
pope serving as 

  10. PIUS IX Just say NO to 
NATIONALISM! Control of Italy is divided; much of it 
split between the Pope and Austria Italians want to begin quest for unified 
Italy; Sardinia embodies nationalistic 

  11. Garibaldi and Count Cavour UnifyItaly!

  12. Count Cavour prime minister of Piedmont, a 
liberal favors constitutional gov't allys with Napoleon III--coerces 
Austria into attacking Sardinia, 
Nap. III comes to Sardinina's aid; 
when faced with war criticism, 
Napy abandons the Sardinians  Cavour resigns

  13. Nationalism saves 
Cavour's plans... war in 
north vs. Austria, in 
Central Italy, 
nationalists drive out 
their rulers -they call for fusion 
with Sardinia -Greater Sardinia, or a 
northern Italian state is 

  14. GARIBALDI -Escaped after being 
sentenced to death for 
a Genoa uprising in 
1834 -Wanted a "New Italy, the Italy of all the 
Italians" -1848: Returned to fight in 1848 -Cavour secretly supports his plan -His 20K man army takes Palermo -After winning Sicily, he moves to 
mainland Italy to attack Rome...  Cavour feared Garibaldi's popular  appeal + attack on Rome would bring  war with France... -Garibaldi did not oppose Cavour, his 
handshake with Victor Emmanuel 
sealed the unification of Italy... a new 
Consitutional monarchy under 

  15. ...a hero? OTTO VON BISMARCK ...a villan? German Unification

  16. well read, well educated 
noble served as Prussian 
ambassador to Russia, which 
gave him experience of 
gauging rulers' motives as well 
as knowledge of general 
European politics Practiced Realpolitik: 
politics based on practical 
benefit, not blind ideology guided Prussia's unification 
of Germany Otto

  17. Austria RIVALRY Prussia Bismarck was a nationalist... 
wants Germany to unite through 
"blood and iron" Bismarck pursuades Austria to join Prussia and 
declare war on Denmark. After victory, Schleswig and 
Holstein are surrendered to Prussia and Austria 
respectively Bismarck tried to minimize friction with Austria following 
the annexation of these territories but this served only to 
isolate Austria Ausgleich: Austria's compromise with Hungary 
which set up a dual monarchy, while giving 
Hungary it's own constitution

  18. Austro-Prussian 
War -Denmark attempts to annex 
Schleswig-Holstein  -Prussia allys to fight Denmark 
 in '64, and then Austria in '66  -Prussia leads new North  German Confederation  -Austria withdraws from  German affairs  -Prussia has now expanded

  19. Franco-Prussian 
War -War fought with little meaning, but 
did stir up nationalism in Germany  -southern Germany joins the  union against France -Europeans see this as a Darwinian struggle for survival  -nationalism and militarism 
 triumphs over  liberalism in uniting 

  20. Росси́я 
modernization Russian leaders see 
European nationalism as a 
threat to Russia...  -Russia must modernize  -Russia is still mired in  serfdom... Serfdom will be abolished by Alex II following the Crimean War  -collective land ownership  -local assemblies called zemstvos  -legal system reform

  21. zemstvos: given 
authority to tax and 
provide services... 
BUT... bureaucratic 
big government 
thwarts efforts at true 
self government Росси́я 
industrialization -Railroad Construction -Economic Reform -Protective Tariffs -Factories built... 
development of coal, steel, 
and petroleum. Trans-
railway Sergei Witte: 
minister of 
carries out 

  22. Tory Government 
changes... By the 1820s, Tories (and Parliament leader, 
Benjamin Disraeli) moved in a direction of economic liberalism, aid to the 
poor, civil equality for Catholics.

  23. GreatBritain David Lloyd George  -"tax the rich"  -revenue used  for old age,  unemployment  insurance, health  care.

  24. MARXIAN SOCIALISM Marx's points... -classism has 
always existed, 
will always exist -proletariat is always being 
exploited by 
bourgeoisie -profits were 
stolen from workers -violent revolution 
is necessary to 
affect change

  25. Marxism/Socialism  -becomes  influential  -rapid growth of  socialist parties "Second International"--
large scale Socialist party 
that had great 
psychological impact (it shows up in CH 23)

  26. They're 
blinding us 
with science! As science progresses, 
society becomes more 
secular, giving science a 
new prestige and 
generating good feelings 
about future progress.

  27. Other Scientists Darwin: theorizes 
"struggle for survival" of 
species, natural selection Spencer: applies Darwin's 
logic to society... "Social 

  28. Bacterial Revolution Louis Pasteur says: "Diseases are caused by germs. 
Vaccines are the answer!" Miasmatic theory--
previous belief that 
bad odors caused 

  29. Joseph Lister Uses Carbolic Acid 
to sterilize wounds (That burning 
sensation is 
germs dying.) Bacterial 
decline in 
mortality rate

  30. Realism: the literary style stressing 
heredity and environment were the 
shapers of people and society  -mid/late 1800s  -replaces romanticism  -glorifies everyday life Balzac, Flaubert, Zola Evans, Hardy, Tolstoy, Dreiser

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