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Chapter 5 Marine Unicellular Protists & Plantlike Organisms

Chapter 5 Marine Unicellular Protists & Plantlike Organisms. Primary Producers. Organisms that make their own food Carbon fixers Autotrophs. Prokaryotes. Simple cells No internal membranes No Organelles No Nucleus. Bacteria. Prokaryotic cells found in large numbers everywhere

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Chapter 5 Marine Unicellular Protists & Plantlike Organisms

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  1. Chapter 5Marine Unicellular Protists & Plantlike Organisms

  2. PrimaryProducers

  3. Organisms that make their own food • Carbon fixers • Autotrophs

  4. Prokaryotes

  5. Simple cells • No internal membranes • No Organelles • No Nucleus

  6. Bacteria

  7. Prokaryotic cells found in large numbers everywhere • Main form of reproduction is mitosis

  8. Heterotrophic Bacteria

  9. Non-photosynthetic bacteria • Mostly decomposers • Found in sediment

  10. Autotrophic Bacteria

  11. Photosynthetic bacteria on the Earth’s surface • Chemosynthetic bacteria near hydrothermal vents

  12. Bloom

  13. An explosion of growth & reproduction of a species due to optimum conditions

  14. Blue-Green Algae

  15. Phylum: • Cyanophyta • Cyanobacteria

  16. Characteristics • Unicellular, planktonic, microscopic, photosynthetic, sexual & asexual reproduction

  17. Distinguishing • Prokaryotic, deposits CaCO3 (Stromatolites), top producer world-wide, blue-green pigment, helps cause red tides

  18. Stromatilites

  19. Calcium carbonate deposited by blue-green algae that build up on the ocean floor to make large mounds

  20. Calcium carbonate deposits that build up on the ocean floor • White cliffs of Dover

  21. Algae

  22. General term for any photosynthetic organisms that are not true plants

  23. Red Tides

  24. Condition when several organisms emit reddish toxins that cause fish kills

  25. Protista

  26. Single cellular eukaryotes & multi-cellular algae

  27. Diatoms

  28. Phylum: • Crysophyta

  29. Characteristics • Unicellular, planktonic, microscopic, photosynthetic, sexual & asexual

  30. Distinguishing • Eukaryotic, yellow-brown pigment, glass shell, (deposits silicon dioxide), top producer in temperate to polar zones

  31. Dinoflagellates

  32. Phylum: • Pyrrhophyta

  33. Characteristics • Unicellular, planktonic, microscopic, photosynthetic, sexual & asexual

  34. Distinguishing • Eukaryotic, cellulose shell, 2 uneven flagella, bioluminescence, can live within other organisms, top producer in Tropics

  35. Other PhotosyntheticProtists

  36. Silicoflagellates, • Coccolithophorids • Cryptomonads

  37. Protozoa • Heterotrophic or animal-like protists

  38. Foraminiferans • Protozoan with a calcium carbonate shell

  39. Radiolarians • Protozoan with a glass shell

  40. Ciliates • Protozoan with hairlike structures on its surface that is used for mobility

  41. Pseudopodia • False feet • Oozing cytoplasm

  42. Ooze • Fine sediment on the ocean floor

  43. Calcareous Ooze • Fine sediment made up of calcium carbonate

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