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Offering high-quality education, elite performance coaching, and pastoral support, the Elite Athlete Performance Centre at Loughborough College provides a tailored pathway for young elite athletes to excel in both sports and education. The centre offers top-notch accommodation, flexible learning programs, and world-class facilities to support athletes in reaching their full potential. Join our community and achieve excellence together.
Elite Athlete Performance Centre “Together we can achieve excellence”
Elite Athlete Performance Centre Accommodation and Related Facilities High Quality Education Elite Performance Coaching Personal Development Pastoral Support “Together we can achieve excellence” 2
Foreword by Jim Mutton, Principal of Loughborough College I believe Loughborough is the UK centre for sport; For elite athletes over 19 years of age Loughborough has a superb portfolio of education and sports development and coaching. The College probably leads the way in the UK in providing ultra flexible learning programmes which allows athletes to fulfil both their educational ambitions and their sporting dreams. But for younger elite athletes, those between 16-18 years of age the opportunities are much more constrained. We now have a unique opportunity to start to address this weakness, an opportunity to put in place a provision that will deliver more world class performers who will also have had a superb education. Our proposed Elite Athlete Performance Centre will specifically support young elite athletes. Via the Centre and the College we will appraise each individual, reviewing their specific needs and create a bespoke scheme balancing training and competition alongside a workable flexible education programme. Our new Centre will also deliver student support, welfare, diet, recuperation and other services. And the results will be elite student athletes who at 18, will be fulfilling their sporting potential, achieving education qualifications and enhancing UK sporting prowess and skills. We have the ideas and the building. We know that there is both need and demand for such a centre. We need your support and help to bring this important and imaginative scheme to fruition. “Together we can achieve excellence” 3
Elite Athlete Performance Centre Loughborough College Offer Loughborough College, working with a number of world class partners, has established an elite pathway, within an environment offering world class performance coaching, outstanding educational provision and underpinned by a dedicated support team. Through shared goals with our elite athletes we will provide a clear and transparent programme, one that inspires those in our care to succeed above and beyond their expectations. World Class Loughborough College is committed to developing the potential of elite athletes in a range of different sports and is an integral member of the ‘Loughborough family’ that encompasses Loughborough University. Elite athletes studying at the College have access to world class sporting facilities and coaching at the University. Loughborough College works alongside the University to offer a range of education programmes for learners from the age of fourteen years through to adulthood and offers extensive support to all elite athletes studying on full or part-time and flexible learning programmes. “Together we can achieve excellence” 4
Accommodation and Facilities • There are many advantages of becoming an elite athlete at Loughborough College. • The benefits include: • High quality accommodation specifically targeted at elite sporting athletes. • Access to Loughborough’s World class performance coaching and facilities. • Lifestyle and sports science support. • High quality ‘flexible’ education. • Personal development. • Pastoral care and support. Loughborough College has created a range of sport educational programmes that will allow elite athletes to relocate from sixteen years of age to enhance their development. The accommodation comprises a block of single en suite rooms in the centre tailored to meet the needs of these athletes aged between sixteen and eighteen, with a warden in residence overnight. This accommodation is within easy access of all of the major sporting facilities and support services. The facilities include: • Internet access. • Laundry facilities. • A common room for relaxing and a large kitchen where breakfast or evening snacks can be made. • A dedicated member of staff available during College daytime hours. Meals Sports nutritionists / advisors are available throughout the year to provide guidance and support to all elite athletes in identifying their individual catering requirements. “Together we can achieve excellence” 5
Physio / Recovery Kitchen Internet Cafe Disabled Access Office/Meeting Hall Bedroom Warden’s Flat Lobby Lounge Living Conservatory Proposed Ground Floor Plan Dis. WC wc “Together we can achieve excellence” 6
En-S Bedroom Bedroom En-S Bedroom En-S Store En-S Bedroom Void Bedroom En-S En-S En-S Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom En-S Proposed First Floor Plan “Together we can achieve excellence” 7
Bedroom Bedroom Bedroom En-S En-S En-S Bedroom Stairs En-S Bedroom En-S Proposed Second Floor Plan “Together we can achieve excellence” 8
Support from our International Elite Athletes and Partners Past and present Loughborough College Elite Athletes * * Steve Cram MBE ‘The Loughborough College Elite Performance Centre will provide a legacy for future world and Olympic hopefuls.’ Former World 1500m Champion Liam Tancock ‘The Loughborough College Elite Performance Centre will allow young talented athletes to access world class coaching two years in advance of the competition.’ World Record Holder and World Champion at 50m Backstroke Dame Kelly Holmes ‘There were times during my career when I wondered if I would ever fulfil my Olympic dream. The Loughborough College Elite Performance Centre would have been able to provide that support to elite athletes when they need it most.’ Double Olympic Gold Medalist at 800m and 1500m * * * * Sarah Adams ‘The opportunity to live in a world class environment would really benefit my all round development.’ GB International at 400m Hurdles Mel Marshall ‘Loughborough College provided me with a flexible education that allowed me to fulfil my potential in my swimming career!’ Britain’s most decorated Swimmer Charlotte Best ‘Loughborough continues to have the wow factor and is continually looking at ways to develop itself. The Elite Athlete Performance Centre is one such development.’ GB International 1500m, World University Games bronze medalist Lloyd Gumbs ‘ Being successful in sport and my education requires a co-ordinated approach-Loughborough College provides this quality service.’ European U23 400m Hurdles Champion * * * * Emily Gray ‘I could not compete at international level without the support of the College. Having that support from aged sixteen would have helped me progress more quickly.’ England International at Lacrosse Louis Kwakye ‘The support that will be made available will benefit the elite athletes in a positive way.’ GB and Gahanian International Sprinter at 100m and 200m Sarah Stevenson ‘You only get one chance to live your dreams in sport. The Elite Performance Centre at Loughborough College would really benefit young athletes in terms of training and studying.’ Olympic Bronze Medal at Taekwondo James Dasaolu ‘Having the opportunity to live in the heart of the Loughborough environment at 16 would be an opportunity not to miss out on.’ GB International and runs the 100m in 10.09s “Together we can achieve excellence” 9
Alan Buzza Loughborough is a truly inspirational place to be involved with sport. The buzz of elite performance is contagious. Strategic Manager, [Performance Sport] Loughborough University. David Ralph I feel that Loughborough College’s proposed Elite Performance Centre would be an exceptional opportunity for elite hockey players that would surpass anything else on offer to them in the UK. The opportunity to train with other elite young athletes in hockey (as well as other sports) across the Loughborough area, as well as the access to exceptional facilities and experts would provide the environment required to help those athletes reach their potential.Men's Hockey Coach, Loughborough University. George Predescu This is a brilliant idea. We can talk about your LCPC, because my “East-European" coaching past was mainly spent in national centres. The entire idea was to put together athletes, coaches, accommodation, education, medical supervision, etc., in order to ease the athletes’ life but increase the performances in all the domains of their life. I think that an Elite Performance Centre could open up possibilities for offering elite support and provision to athletes from the age of sixteen and introduce a culture of sporting excellence combined with education. For this to happen in Loughborough is a great opportunity. Head Coach, Gymnastics, Loughborough University George Gandy The growth and ongoing success in recruitment and performance record of the College has long been very impressive indeed, and reflects a broadly-based commitment to quality in academic, sporting, and social contexts, as the high level of competence of its staff, several of whom graduated through programmes in which I have had personal involvement. I am pleased to commend Loughborough College as a specially meritorious, and often under-rated, institution which has contributed hugely to sporting success on the Loughborough campus and possesses great potential for doing so in a more formally recognised and externally supported capacity. Former University Director of Athletics & currently UK National Athletics Coach for Endurance. Support from National Governing Bodies “Together we can achieve excellence” 10
We are keen to explore a wide range of opportunities and invite you to consider becoming one of our privileged sponsors and partners. • Sponsorship Opportunities • Naming rights of the Elite Performance Centre and sponsorship of each suite. • High profile placement of the Sponsor’s names on the Honours Board in the Elite Performance Centre. • Sponsor’s details in a commemorative brochure. • Sponsor’s details will appear on all marketing literature. • Framed certificate of sponsorship association. Media, PR and Marketing • Extensive media coverage for naming rights and all sponsors. • Continual PR opportunities, (local, regional, national and international) • Advertising and marketing opportunities. • Branding opportunities. • Website links. Community • Links to the community at large. • Social corporate responsibility programmes and opportunities. Additional Opportunities and Benefits • Elite athlete association, ie. photo opportunities, event appearances. • Elite athlete appearances at sponsor’s premises and meetings with the workforce. • Invitation to see elite performers in action, ie. training and competition. College Facilities • Provide training for company management and staff. • Use of College facilities for conferences, seminars and events. • Gym membership for management and employees. • Sponsors invited to apply for College procurement and tender lists. • Educational project opportunities. This list of opportunities is not exhaustive and we would be pleased to discuss your individual and business requirements. “Together we can achieve excellence” 12
Elite Athlete Performance Centre The Elite Performance Centre Office Loughborough College, Radmoor Road, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE113BT T: 01509215831 F: 01509618109 E: info@loucoll.ac.uk W: www.loucoll.ac.uk Structural Engineers 4 Henley Way Doddington Road, Lincoln, LN2 2LL T: 01522 696688 F: 01522 686291 E: eng@waldeckassociates.com W: www.waldeck-associates.com Architects Studio 2, Deepdale Enterprise Park Nettleham, Lincoln, LN2 2LL T: 01522 750777 F: 01522 754002 E: info@lk2.co.uk W: www.lk2.co.uk Our thanks go to LK2 Architects LLP and Waldeck Associates for their support in the preparation of this brochure