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An introduction to advocacy and campaigning

An introduction to advocacy and campaigning. Why ? What is it ? How to implement it ?. Let’s play !. 4 groups Each group chooses circle or square according to the following rules: .  . +100.  . - 100. +300.  . 0. 0.  . -100. +100.  . -100.

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An introduction to advocacy and campaigning

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  1. Anintroductiontoadvocacy and campaigning Why? Whatisit? Howtoimplementit?

  2. Let’splay! • 4groups • Eachgroupchoosescircleorsquareaccordingtothefollowing rules:  +100  -100 +300  0 0  -100 +100  -100 • 4 rounds, 2 minutes of negotiations per round!

  3. Let’splay! • Results • Group A = • Group B = • Group C = • Group D =

  4. Let’splay! • Discussion • Whichstrategyhaveyoufollowedinsideyourgroup? • Whichproblemshaveyoufaced? • Which has beenyourstrategy as a group? • Howhaveyoufacedthenegotiations?

  5. Let’splay • Bestresultfeasible:  +100  -100 +300  0 0  -100 +100  -100

  6. AmartyaSen “Identity and violence: the illusion of destiny” Every human beinghave a lot of identities; itisourdecisiontoseejustoneor try to getthe general perspective

  7. Objective • The goal of this workshop is to frame the role of advocacy in the society. Why we do advocacy, to what are we referring when talking about advocacy, tools to implement it and some examples will be given in order to have a wide scope about the topic. • Active participation is not recommended but compulsory!

  8. Whatisadvocacy? • “American debate”: Someexampleswill be given and youmust decide whetherthisisadvocacyornot, placingyourselfaccordingly. Thereis no middleterm at thebeggining.

  9. Whatisadvocacy? Anoppositionto a Nuclear PowerPlantnexttomy home

  10. Whatisadvocacy? The plan and activities of thenationalgovernment tofightclimatechangeactively

  11. Whatisadvocacy? A media campaign of an NGO thatworksfor Human Rights tofindshareholders and partnerstosustainitsactivity

  12. Whatisadvocacy? Thecampaign of several neighbourstorebuildthechurch of thetown and discloseits cultural and historicalrellevance

  13. Whatisadvocacy? • Key words:

  14. Advocacy is a political process by an individual or group which aims to influence public-policy and resource allocation decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions. Advocacy can include many activities that a person or organization undertakes including media campaigns, public speaking, commissioning and publishing research (…), etc. …anything missing /extra?

  15. Campaigning in advocacy • A campaignprovides a framework in whichprocesses of advocacy can be easilydeveloped and enclosed. • Thedesign of a campaignlettheadvocacyactionmeetotheractivities and dimensionsthatgobeyondthespecificobjective of theadvocacy.

  16. ProblemAnalysis Context Research Firstapproach Findingthesolution / alternative Objective Conjuction / situationanalysis Parties Messageelaboration Assessment, impacts “Worldview” definition Actions Strategy Definingresults and activities

  17. Dimensions of a campaign Awarenessraising Social Mobilisation Research Lobbying Training

  18. Awarenessraising • Itisintendedtomaketheproblemto be addressedknownby • the general public • Requires a systematization of theinformationavailable itis a • training forthecampaigndevelopers • Itisusuallyseen as thefirststep of advocacy, thereforegroups • engageintoit at thebeggining of theprocess • There are manywaystoimplementit: • Publictalks and conferences • Seminarsonthetopic • Street perfomances • Broadcasting of flyers and otherprintedmaterials • Viral mails / videos • Actions in social networks (facebook, twitter, …)

  19. Awarenessraising

  20. Research • Theotherdimensions are basedonthisone, sinceitprovidesthe • necessaryknowledgetotakeaction • Manydifferentstakeholders are involvedhereforthecomplexity of • thetopicsusuallychosen: • Academicsresearchers • Partnershipswithuniversities • Field data and interviews • … • Itisalsoimportanttocreatethemovement’sownnarrative.

  21. Research

  22. Training • Itis a processfocusedto a clear and specific target • Itfurtherdevelopsthecontents, butalsothescope and thevision • Itruns in a mid – term and long – termscenariotoget in-depth • intothetopic • It completes thecycleinformation – understanding - action

  23. Social Mobilisation • Usedbygrassroots – based social movements, butalso as a tool • for elites and thestateitself. • Involves a lot of differentgroups: civicorganisations, religious, • particulars, members of institutions, … gatheredfor a short period of • time for a commonpurpose. • Massmeetings, processions and demostrations are very usual • in social (oralsomass) mobilisation.

  24. Social Mobilisation • The Arab Spring • Wave of demonstrations and protests occurring in the Arab world that began on 18 December 2010; • Rulers have been forced from power in Tunisia,Egypt, Libya,and Yemen; • Civil uprisings have erupted in Bahrain and Syria; • Major protests have broken out in Algeria,Iraq, Jordan,Kuwait, Morocco,and Oman; • Other protests have occurred in Lebanon,Mauritania, Saudi Arabia,Sudan, and Western Sahara.

  25. Social Mobilisation • Attempttogetshale gas in thetown of Riudaura (North of Catalunya) using • hydraulicfracturing • Thewholetownopposestheproject. • Development of networks at local, regional and internationallevels • Firstvictoriesreached so far.

  26. Lobbying • Act of attempting to influence decisions made by officials in the government. • Intensive and time – demanding  unaffordable for most • grassroots – based movements. • Very effective since it points directly to the legislator and regulatory agencies. • Very low democratisation impact. • Anestimated 3.000 lobbyingentitieshavean office in • Brussels and target Europeaninstitutions.

  27. +1:Networking • Oftentheobjective of theadvocacy processgoesbeyondthecapacities and scope of thepromotingorganizations; itbecomesnecessarytobuildnetworks withallieswiththesameor similar goals. 1.884.790 signatures in 25 countries

  28. Officialchannels • Opportunityto be legitimatedbythesystem • No need of hugeinventions / creativity • High dependence of potencially non-interestedparties • Lowerengagement of civil society

  29. Officialchannels • Judicial actions The “McLibel case" was an English lawsuit for libel filed by McDonald's Corporation against two environmental activists over a pamphlet critical of the company. Each of two hearings in English courts found some of the leaflet's contested claims to be libellous and others to be true. The partial nature of the victory, the David-and-Goliath nature of the case, and the drawn-out litigation embarrassed McDonald's.

  30. Officialchannels • The Ombudsman • Exists at verydifferentlevelsbutnoteverywhere • It has thecapacitytoaccesstopublicdocumentation, as well as topressurethepublicinstitutions • Resultsnotassured, not so powergiventohim • Requirespatience and perseverance

  31. Officialchannels • The Human RightsProtectionSystem • Thereis a human rightprotectionsystem at internationallevelconsisting in multipleorganisms, some of whichworktopreventviolations (egUnitedNations Human RightsCommitte) and some of whichjudgetheviolations done (eg International Criminal Court). • Thereis no organismtojudgecorporateviolatons at internationallevel.

  32. Officialchannels • Referendumsand publicconsultations

  33. Non violentdirectaction

  34. Non violentdirectaction • Civil Disobedience • Ghandi’scampaignsforindependence • Singingrevolution in Balticcountries • Strikes • Wikileaks and Snowden’sleaks

  35. Non violentdirectaction • Boycott • 1790’s: toslaveproducedsugar in the US • 1905-1915: Indianboycottto British goods • 1980’s: disinvestment in South Africadueto Apartheid • Currently: Boycott, Divestmente and Sanctionsagainst Israel

  36. Non violentdirectaction • Popular Tribunals • Intendedtojudgecrimesthattheestablishment do notwantto be judged. • Althoughnotlegallybinding, theygiverecognitiontothevictimsand raiseawareness

  37. Non violentdirectaction • Publicrepudiation

  38. The role of communication and language in advocacy • TheSpanish 15-M movement: • PartlyinspiredbytheArab Spring - and partlyinspiratedtheOccupy • Movement in the US and the “YoSoy132” social movement in Mexico • Claimfor a more democraticsystem (“Real DemocracyNow”) and a trial • topolitics and bankersresponsibles of theeconomiccrisi, amongothers.

  39. Theeviction of Catalunya Square in Barcelona • 12 daysafterthebeggining of theprotests (and 5 daysafterthe local elections), • thegovernmentdecidedtoevacuatethesquareallegingsecurityreasons; • About 400 peoplestayedinsidethesquare (theysleptthere) and manyothers • cametosupportthem and to stop theeviction; • Theriotpoliceleft 8 hourslater, takingwiththemallthecurrentobjects • and computers; thesquarewasthen “reoccupied”. • Thewholemobilisation of thatdaywasbroadlyrecordedbythemedia.

  40. Theeviction of Catalunya Square in Barcelona • Make 5 groups. Readthenewspaperprovided and seethe video of theeviction. • Afterthat, answertogetherthefollowingquestionsforboththenewspaper • and the video: • Towhoisthe new talkingto(target public)? • Howistheinformationprovided / structured? • Which are the 3 main ideas thatyougetbyreading / viewingthe new? • Whoisthemaincharacter? • Who has chosenthewaythe new ispublished? • Isthereanyrelevantinformationhighlighted? • Whatelse do youthinkisnoticeable?

  41. http://www.libertaddigital.com/nacional/2011-05-27/desalojan-a-los-indignados-que-acampan-en-barcelona-por-motivos-de-higiene-1276424690/http://www.libertaddigital.com/nacional/2011-05-27/desalojan-a-los-indignados-que-acampan-en-barcelona-por-motivos-de-higiene-1276424690/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDFdwUY2Oks

  42. The role of communication and language in advocacy Ifthefactsdon’tfittheframes, they are justrejected. Availableat: http://occupytampa.org/files/tristan/fem/books/George_Lakoff,_Howard_Dean,_Don_Hazen-Don_t_Thin-Bookos.org-.pdf

  43. Designing a campaign of advocacy Let’s try toputallthesethingstogether and design a campaign of advocacy • WorldCafe : • Therewill be 4 tables. • In eachtable a differentcampaignwill bedeveloped. • Per groups (4) youwilldesign all thestages of eachcampaign. • Whenyouchangefromonetabletoanother, thefacilitatorwillgiveyou • background of thecurrentdesign of thecampaign and howtofollow-up. • In theend all thegroupswillhavecontributed to all thecampaigns.

  44. Sum-up and questions

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