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Ring Signatures of Sub-linear Size without Random Oracles. Nishanth Chandran Jens Groth Amit Sahai University of California Los Angeles. TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: A A A A A A A A. In an anonymous fast-food chain. Whistleblowing.
Ring Signatures of Sub-linear Size without Random Oracles Nishanth Chandran Jens Groth Amit Sahai University of California Los Angeles TexPoint fonts used in EMF. Read the TexPoint manual before you delete this box.: AAAAAAAA
Ring signature sk2 vk2 signature vk3 vk1
Properties • Parties with public verification keys • A ring is any subset of the parties • Any party can choose a ring that includes herself and make a ring signature • ...without the other parties cooperating or even being aware of the ring signature being formed • The ring signature is anonymous
Related work • Rivest, Shamir and Tauman Asiacrypt 2001 O(N) elements in random oracle model • Dodis, Kiayias, Nicolosi and Shoup Eurocrypt 2004 O(1) elements in random oracle model • Bender, Katz and Morselli TCC 2006 Construction without random oracles • Chow, Wei, Liu and Yuen ASIACCS 2006Shacham and Waters ePrint 2006 O(N) elements • Boyen Eurocrypt 2007 O(N) elements, perfect anonymity • Our contribution O(√N) elements, perfect anonymity
Ring signature functionality Common reference string: CRSGen(1k) !½ Key pair: Gen(½) ! (vk, sk) Ring signature for R=(vk1,...,vkN): Sign½,sk(m, R) ! sig Verification: Verify½,R(m, sig) {0,1}
Informal definition • Perfect correctness:Any member of a ring can make a ring signature • Perfect anonymity:Ring signature leaks no information about which ring member signed the message • Computational unforgeability:Poly-time adversary without knowledge of any ring member’s secret key cannot forge signature. Not even when given access to adaptive chosen (message, ring, signer)-attack
Bilinear group of order n G, GT cyclic groups of order n = pq G = Gp Gq g generator for G bilinear map e: G G GT e(ua, vb) = e(u, v)ab e(g, g) generates GT
Commitment [Boneh-Goh-Nissim] Public key: h ord(h) = n or q Commitment to m c = mhr where r Zn Perfect hiding if ord(h) = n Perfect binding in Gp if ord(h) = q : mq = cq Subgroup decision problem: ord(h) = n or ord(h) = q
Signature [Boneh-Boyen] Verification key: v = gx Signature on y |y|< |p| (|√n|) s = g1/(x+y) Verification e(vgy, s) = e(g, g) Strong Diffie-Hellman assumption in Gp Hard to compute (y, g1/(x+y)) given input g, gx, gx2, ..., gxl
Ring signature scheme • Common reference string: (n, G, GT, e, g, h) • Verification keys: v = gx • Ring signature (m, x, v R=(v1,...,vN) • make one-time signature on (m, R) using one-time verification key y • sign y as s = g1/(x+y) • commit to v and s as C = vhr, L = sht • make perfect WI proof (C, L) sign on y • make perfect WI proof C contains v R
Perfect Witness-Indistinguishable proof for commited signature on y [Groth-Sahai] Commitments C = vhr, L = sht WI proof: ¼ = (gyv)tsrhrt Verify: e(gyC, L) = e(g, g) e(h, ¼) Complete: e(gyvhr, sht) = e(gyv, s) e(h, (gyv)tsrhrt) Perfect WI (ord(h)=n): All (v, r, s, t) give same ¼ Sound (ord(h)=q): e((gyC)q, Lq) = e(gq, gq)
WI proof for commitment to v R Commitment C = vhr and ring R = (v1,...,vN) v1 v2 . . . v√N v√N+1 v√N+2 . . . v2√N vN-√N+1 vN-√N+2 . . . vN e(g,v2) e(g,v√N+2) e(g,vN-√N+2) 1 g 1 hr1 hr2 hr√N e(h,*) e(h,*) e(h,*) = WI proof that PIR-request is well-formed WI proof that v is in one of those
Sketch of security proof • Perfect anonymity Commitments are perfectly hiding (ord(h) = n) ... so they can contain Boneh-Boyen signature for any honest party ... and the proofs are perfectly witness indistinguishable • Computational unforgeability Switch to ord(h) = q Commitments are perfectly extractable ... so they must contain valid signature in Gp ... so we can forge Boneh-Boyen signatures
Overcoming a bad CRS CRS = (n, G, GT, e, g, h) ord(h) = n Malicious authority can select h of order q Key generation: vi = gxi , hi chosen at random in G When signing pick t at random and use With overwhelming probability ord(h) = n
Summary • Ring signature scheme PIR-techniques + GS proofs • Size O(√N) group elements • Relies on composite order bilinear groups subgroup decision strong Diffie-Hellman in Gp • Common reference string perfect anonymity • Untrusted common reference string statistical anonymity