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Validation Progress and Plans

Validation Progress and Plans. Hans Wenzel and Julia Yarba, Fermilab Geant4 Hadronic Group Meeting June 22, 2011. General Information. Particles: antiproton, pi-, K- in the near future: antineutrons, mu- Geant4 Models: CHIPS (out of the box) “Traditional” /processes/hadronic/stopping

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Validation Progress and Plans

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  1. Validation Progress and Plans Hans Wenzel and Julia Yarba, Fermilab Geant4 Hadronic Group Meeting June 22, 2011

  2. General Information • Particles: antiproton, pi-, K- • in the near future: antineutrons, mu- • Geant4 Models: • CHIPS (out of the box) • “Traditional” /processes/hadronic/stopping • 2 versions of “traditional” code for K- • 2 versions for pi-, G4PiMinusAbsorptionAtRest obsolete • Data Sets: • pi-: R.Madey et al., Phys.Rev.C25,3050 (1982) • antiproton: C.Amsler, Rev.Mod.Phys.70,1293 (1998) and reference materials • have not obtained data points for K- (yet) • data points for mu- exist and can be added in the future

  3. General information (cont.) • Tested version: G4.9.4.ref05 (stat.1M) • No significant changes for pbar • Regression tests for pi- (ref. G4.9.2.p01 & G4.9.4.b01) • no difference for “traditional” code • changes in CHIPS (details later) • No tests for K- at this point, although “common sense” test functionalities available in /test48; plots include: • Mult, charged mult, neut. mult, charge of sec., charged mom • Initial plots were shown on 11/24/2010, but not published – need iterations as some CHIPS plots show “unphysical” behavior (in progress)

  4. Stopping pbar

  5. G4.9.4.rfe05 - Stopping pi- Confirms earlier findings:“Traditional” code is a crude approximation CHIPS does reasonably well for heavier targets, although not for lighter ones, and is also very CPU expensive

  6. G4.9.2.p01, G4.9.4.b01, G4.9.4.ref05 - Stopping pi- (CHIPS)G4.9.4.b01 showed deviation to “wrong” (red), but G4.9.4.ref05 (green) returned to reasonable behavior

  7. Updates to Validation DB/Display • Results on /test48 will go to the DB shortly (incl. regression test) • Also in the DB are results on /test47 from earlier round (April, by Sunanda) • “Snapshot” of LHC materials (ATLAS, CMS) ported (see next slide) • Added links/references (minor but useful functionality)

  8. Updates to Validation DB/Display (cont.) Link to the earlier web pages

  9. G4 Val Fwk - Near- and Mid-Term plans • Many thanks to DESY/Zeuthen for hosting DB and WebApp Servers – everything works really well, and we’re reasonably safe for the near future, but… • …since Andreas S. has moved to Edinbourgh, we need to find this infrastructure a new home: • DB server ready/tested at FNAL (by Hans), DB contents will be exported shortly • WebApp server in progress, should be ready in several weeks • Fwk developments: • Optimization of drop-down menu’s – in next few weeks • Early stage of planning the implementation of interactive comparison (storage of plots, overlay applications…)

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