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Ut primum alatis tetigit magalia plantis , As soon as he touched the huts with his winged heels, 260 Aenean fundantem arces  ac tecta novantem he notices Aeneas building citadels and renewing/making new/building roofs/homes.
Utprimumalatistetigitmagaliaplantis,As soon as he touched the huts with his winged heels,260 Aeneanfundantemarces ac tectanovantemhe notices Aeneas building citadels and renewing/making new/building roofs/homes
conspicit; atqueillistellatusiaspidefulvaand so to that man there was a sword spangled with tawny jasperensiserat, Tyrioqueardebatmuricelaenaand a cloak was burning with Tyrian purpledemissa ex umeris, dives quae munera Didohung down from his shoulders, which wealthy Dido had made as a gift, fecerat, et tenuitelasdiscreveratauro.And she had separated the webs/textiles with thin gold thread.
265 Continuo invadit: “TununcKarthaginisaltaeimmediately he addresses (him): “Are you now establishing the foundations of lofty Troyfundamentalocaspulchramqueuxoriusurbemand, wife-ruled, do you build a pretty city?exstruis?heuregnirerumqueoblitetuarum!Alas, (you) forgetful of your kingdom and your affairs!
Ipse deumtibi me clarodemittitOlympoThe ruler of the gods himself sent me down from Olympus to you regnator, caelum ac terras qui numinetorquet;who turns heaven and the lands with his divine authority/power270ipse haecferreiubetcelerismandata per auras:he himself orders (me) to report these commands through the swift airs/breezes:
quid struis, aut qua speLibycisterisotiaterris?What are you building, or with what hope do you waste leisure time in Libyan lands?Si tenullamovettantarumgloriarerum,If no glory of such great things/affairs moves you, [nec super ipse tuamoliris laude laborem,][and in addition you yourself do not undertake work for your own praise]Ascaniumsurgentem et spesheredisIuliconsiderAscanius rising up and the hopes for your heir Iulus,
275respice, cui regnum ItaliaeRomanaquetellusto whom the kingdom of Italy and the Roman landdebentur.” TaliCyllenius ore locutusis owed.” Having spoken with such a speech the Cylleneanmortalisvisusmediosermonereliquit,left mortal views in the middle of his speech,et procul in tenuem ex oculisevanuitauram.and from afar he vanished into thin air from the eyes (of Aeneas).