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Ministry of Education Central North Region Every child, every student learning and achieving every day Regional priorities for raising student achievement. 560. High quality Low equity. High quality High equity. Finland. 540. New Zealand. Canada. Australia. Ireland. Korea. Japan.
Ministry of EducationCentral North RegionEvery child, every student learning and achieving every day Regional priorities for raising student achievement
560 High quality Low equity High quality High equity Finland 540 New Zealand Canada Australia Ireland Korea Japan 520 United Kingdom Sweden Belgium Austria Iceland United States 500 Norway Denmark Mean performance in reading literacy . Spain Czech Republic Switzerland Italy 480 Poland Germany Hungary Greece Portugal r = 0.04 460 Luxembourg 440 Low quality Low equity Low quality High equity Mexico 420 150 125 100 75 50 Variation expressed as percentage of average variation across the OECD Overall Performance - New Zealand’s High Average and Large Variance Source: OECD (2001) Knowledge and skills for life, Appendix B1, Table 2.3a, p.253, Table 2.4, p.257.
Raising student achievement • The education system is delivering world-class results for most students • But all the evidence shows it is not working for a significant group of students, who can be found in many schools/kura • We want to make the system work for all not just most students • The Ministry’s national and regional foci include:
Priority 1: Increasing opportunity for children to participate in high-quality early childhood education • Priority 2: Every child achieves literacy and numeracy levels that enable their success • Priority 3: Every young person has the skills and qualifications to contribute to their and New Zealand’s future • Priority 4: Relevant and efficient tertiary education provision that meets student and labour market needs • Priority 5: Māori achieving education success as Māori • Priority 6: The Ministry is capable, efficient and responsive to achieve education priorities and deliver core business functions.
Key Central North Regional Strategies • Increase the quality and participation rates for Maori and Pasifika children in early childhood education • Support for EC services and schools to raise student achievement • Strengthen student engagement support • Strengthen Maori education provision within the network
Other • National Standards • Student Achievement Function • Reorganisation of PLD
Central North regional targets • 6 Year Reading Levels 2011/2012 • To reduce the percentage of children at red/magenta after one year at school for: • All students 15% (2010: 22%, 2009: 25%) • Maori students 20% (2010: 33%, 2009: 39%) • Pasifika students 25% (2010: 44%, 2009: 41%) • European/others 10% (2010: 14%, 2009: 15%)
Regional changes to raise achievement • Integrated Education, Curriculum and Performance (ECP) teams with responsibility for individual schools – north and south groups in the Waikato, Rotorua and Napier offices • Senior Advisers, SA Maori Education working in integrated teams to support schools to raise student achievement • ECP teams working with ECE, Special Education, Property, Te Mataaruru (Group Maori) establishing and developing iwi relationships to support iwi education plans, Parents, Family and Whanau senior advisers, Student Achievement Practitioners (15 in the Central North region) to raise student achievement with a focus on Maori, Pasifika and students with special education needs.
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