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The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED. Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 . The Victor’s Voice. FOR GOD AND COUNTRY JANUARY 2013. Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org.
The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 TheVictor’s Voice FOR GOD AND COUNTRY JANUARY 2013 Post 240 website: www.americanlegion240.org Commander’s Corner– Happy New Year!! As we start this year let us remember OUR goals and OUR purpose. We are here to support the veterans to the best of OUR ability. I am now into my 7th month as YOUR commander and I believe WE have excelled in all OUR efforts. Teamwork is strong, more comrads are visiting the lounge, and most people are actually getting along!!! My goal is to continue to promote unity and togetherness throughout OUR post. I am striving to bring US into the 21st century and thus far it seems everyone likes what is happening. If you haven’t been to the Post lately, come in and see what we are doing. I think you will like the improvements WE have done thus far. Please get your 2013 dues paid. Lastly, please start thinking about nominations for all the Legion Officers. Elections are right around the corner in May. Nominations will start in March. For God and Country Mike Holdener COMMANDER Mike Holdener 291-6922 ADJUTANT Ron Woolsey 293-9396 1ST VICE COMMANDER Ron Woolsey 293-9396 2ND VICE COMMANDER Bill Stouffer 255-4243 3RD VICE COMMANDER Jake Taffaro 251-987-5848 FINANCE OFFICER John Edens 492-7082 HISTORIAN vacant SERGEANT-AT-ARMS John Sego 288-0609 CHAPLAIN vacant SERVICE OFFICER Randy McGhee 698-4171 ALR DIRECTOR Richard Raborn 380-4814 SAL COMMANDER Brian Nichols 723-0464 HOUSE COMMITTEE Hal Eyerly 944-7741 John Frenzel 437-1215 Bill Eastman 457-8419 Chuck Krahn458-0530 Marilyn Merkle 549-8095 POST LOUNGE 455-6111 1st Vice Cdr –I sincerely appreciate everyone that has renewed, joined or transferred to OUR Post this year. We are currently at 83% toward OUR goal of 100%. We need 160 more to reach OUR goal. We had 13 new members and 4 transfers during the month of November 2012 and December is just as strong. If you have not renewed, your current card (2012) expires 31 December 2012. On 1 January 2013 new key cards will be issued. The bartenders and I will be checking your card before the issue of a new key card. The cost of the key card remains at $1.00. Please support OUR Post and its goal to reach 100% membership. I am here to assist the members in any way I can. Wishing everyone a happy and prosperous new year. For God and Country Bull Woolsey 2ndVice Cdr–In an effort to get dances going again, we have Mike Diamond Band playing 26 January 2013 from 8:00PM to midnight. Cost is only $5.00. The kitchen will be offering a steak dinner from 5:30 to 7:30 for $11.00. Please come and support OUR dance. For God and Country – Bill Stouffer 3rd Vice Cdr–Many thanks to all of you for supporting Post 240’s fish fry this past year. It has been rewarding to each member of your fish fry staff to provide you with a good quality meal each first Sunday of the month. Now, that 2012 is about to end and the start of another new year, right around the corner, we look forward to returning to the cook shack in February. There will NOT be a fish fry for the month of January because of the holidays and family time. For God and Country – Jake Taffaro LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Edie Herrington 456-8026 CHAPLAIN Mary Kowalski 791-6748 Auxiliary– We hope all of you had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. Unit #240 would like to thank everyone who made donations to the Angel Tree. As this year begins, we need to make a change in our Unit by-laws. According to Department, the change has to be read at one meeting, then sent to every member (hence copy in the bulletin), then voted on at the next meeting, January 8th, 2013. The current by-laws, Article V, section 4, the last line now reads; Ten (10) members shall constitute a quorum at a Regular meeting of the Unit.. The proposed change will read; Eight (8) members shall constitute a quorum at a Regular meeting of the Unit. This needs to be done as often we have no more than eight or nine members at a Regular meeting and we cannot conduct our business. Please try to attend this meeting. Edie Herrington President Unit #240 Legion Riders - Greetings Legion Riders, Hope the Holidays weren’t too hard on you. Let’s get off to a great start in 2013. Our next ALR meeting will be on January 13th at 10:00 AM, please try to be there. Our rider numbers are back up, we ended the year with 57 members. For those of you that did not renew, sorry to see you go. We will not have our first fun run until March; will let you know more later. Ride safe and come on out and support your Post. For God and Country Richard Raborn Dir Email: Commander@American Legion240.ORG