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Welcome 6 th Grade Students & Parents

Welcome 6 th Grade Students & Parents. Southwest Middle School “Open House”. Greetings from ……. Suzan Stroud, Senior Administration Front Office Information Officer Gary Newcomb, School Resource Officer School Safety Information.

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Welcome 6 th Grade Students & Parents

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  1. Welcome 6th Grade Students & Parents

    Southwest Middle School “Open House”
  2. Greetings from …….. Suzan Stroud, Senior Administration Front Office Information Officer Gary Newcomb, School Resource Officer School Safety Information
  3. Meet The StaffJohn Nix- Assistant PrincipalKaren Barber- Guidance Counselor Team ATeam B Ms. Reid (L.A.) Rm: C7 Ms. Taylor (L.A.) Rm:C22 Ms. Little (L.A.) Rm: C4 Ms. Murphy (L.A.) Rm:C23 Mr. Burgess(Math) Rm: C5 Ms. Henson (Math) Rm:C21 Ms. Harris (Math) Rm: C8 Ms. Dalton (Math) Rm:C24 Ms. Clark (Science) Rm:C11 Ms. Norman (Science) Rm:C15 Ms. Simpson (Soc. Stud.) Rm: C12 Mr. Palade (Social Studies) Rm:C17 Ms. Haynes Ms. Valentine Team C Ms. Ingle (L.A.) Rm:C20 Ms. Richardson (L.A.) Rm:C10 Ms. Gonzalez (Math) Rm:C9 Mr. Coons (Math) Rm:C19 Ms. Knicely(Science) Rm:C16 Mr. Kil (Social Studies) Rm:C18 Ms. Davis (SAC separate)
  4. Patriot Pride Pledge I will focus on my academics; I will increase my efforts to become successful; I will have a positive attitude.
  5. ALL ABOUT SWMS School Mascot: Patriot School Colors: Blue and Gold School Hours: 9:15 a.m.-4:15 p.m. Agenda Fee: $3.00 School supplies needed…. Copies of list available at resource table Teachers’ Wish List Bulletin Board is located on the C-Hall. SWMS Facts
  6. Yearbook (7th & 8th Grade) Mr. John Sanders, Advisor Art Club (6th, 7th & 8th Grades) Mr. John Sanders, Advisor News Crew (6th, 7th & 8th Grades) Mrs. Morris, Advisor Sports (7th & 8th Grade Only) Mr. Douglas Keelan, Athletic Director & Softball Coach Mr. Fish Gupton, Volleyball Mr. Monte Murphy, Football Coach Mr. Maurice Bush, Boys Basketball Coach Miss Amanda Martin, Girls Basketball Coach Mr. Barry Paradise, Baseball Girls Track, TBD Boys Track, TBD Student Council (6th, 7th & 8th) Miss Amy Hayes, Advisor Youth Commission International (YCI) Mrs. Marilyn Bollinger, Advisor Pep Band Mrs. Evilyn Reese National Academic League Mrs. Susan Jackson , Advisor Mrs. Marilyn Bollinger Musical Theatre Ms. Susan Smith Mrs. Corrinne Chiusano Science Olympiad Mrs. Lorelei Ross, Advisor Math Counts Mrs. Robin Henson National Junior Honor Society Ms. Vickie Johnson, Advisor CLUBS/ACTIVITIES
  7. Sports @ SWMS 6th graders are not eligible to participate in middle school sports. All 6th graders are encouraged to show School Spirit and Patriot Pride by attending as many games as they can. Students must go home by their normal mode of transportation and return with a parent in order to attend games.
  8. School Layout 4 Hallways “A” Hall…..8th Grade Wing “B” Hall…..7th Grade Wing “C” Hall…..6th Grade Wing “D” Hall…..Elective Classes, Cafeteria, and Gymnasium (Other elective classes are located at the beginning of the A, B, and C Wings)
  9. Dressing for Success the “Patriot Way” Uniforms are required for all students enrolled at Southwest Middle School. Fit properly, not to exceed one (1) size beyond the correct size Shirts must be tucked in at all times Not be modified in any way Not allowed to be sagging, bagging, or dragging Not to have visible logos other than a Southwest Middle School logo Shoes should be a solid (blue, white, black or brown) color. However, if the shoe contains lines/stripes, the color of the lines/stripes must NOT be outside of the school’s color scheme (i.e. Neon colors with the shoes design are NOT acceptable). P.E. uniforms are required, and must be worn during gym class. The cost of the uniforms are $15.
  10. Dressing for Success the “Patriot Way”…Cont’d. Undergarments (i.e. t-shirts), long or short sleeves can be worn underneath the uniform shirt and can ONLY be white, gray or navy in color. Bottom Wear must be khaki (tan in color) or navy in color. Girls no more than 4 inches above the knees. Boys, no more than 1 inch below the kneecap. Cargo shorts will be allowed for both boys and girls. NOTE: If there is a belt loop, a belt MUST be worn (black, brown, khaki, navy blue or clear). SOLID black, gray navy, blue brown, tan or white sweaters or sweatshirts are permitted; however, collars of the uniform shirt must be visible. NOTE: Sweatshirts that are hooded must not have a front pocket unless it is a SWMS sweatshirt. No jackets/coats are allowed in the classroom or hallways, including denim jackets. Socks must be solid black, white, navy blue khaki or brown ONLY. Tights and leggings must be white, navy blue or black solid colors. Textured/fishnet hosiery will not be permitted. Skirts, dresses and shorts must adhere to the length requirements even if tights/leggings are worn underneath. Extreme and/or mockingly distracting hair colors (yellow, pink, red, green, etc) are not permitted. Hair must be a natural color. Hair accessories must be the color of the uniform. Scarves, clip in feathers, clip in hair pieces, caps, stocking caps, doo rags bandanas, etc are inappropriate and will be confiscated in most cases. All book bags and purse will not be permitted in the classroom and must be kept in the locker.
  11. Bus Riders If you have moved after June 30th into another home school zone, please see our registrar or call Student Placement to confirm your school assignment.
  12. Who to Call?? If you have any problems or questions regarding the bus service, contact the personnel at the Olympic Zone: 980-343-3807
  13. Important Information Parents due to the seating capacity on the school buses, students are not permitted to ride any bus other than the one assigned by transportation. No notes will be accepted. You must make other arrangements for your child if they will not be riding their assigned bus.
  14. Important Information If your child needs to be picked up for an early dismissal, you can send a note with your child detailing the time your child should leave the classroom to meet you in the office. Your child MUST give the note to the attendance secretary, who will give your child a note to leave class at the designated time. NOTE: Students will not be allowed to remain in the office waiting beyond 10 minutes. NOTE: Students will not be released after 3:45 p.m.
  15. Car Riders Car riders-Drop off/pick-up in front of school. Students are not allowed in the building until 8:45 a.m., unless they have a tutoring/detention pass. Car Riders will be dismissed at 4:15 pm. Students are not to be dropped off or picked up at the Steele Creek Library!
  16. The Agenda Each teacher will write down the day’s homework on the board for students to copy. Parents should check to see what students have for homework each night to help ensure that it gets done. Agendas are on sale today! Agendas are used as a student pass and are required to leave the classroom. ALL students must have an agenda.
  17. Lockers Students will not be required to purchase a lock from the school. Locks will be on sale at the school store for $5. Personal locks MAY be used; however, please be reminded that lockers are the property of the school. If deemed necessary to cut a lock off the locker it can and will be done, and the school will not be responsible for reimbursement. Students will be provided with time to practice using their lock in the classroom. Lockers will be assigned starting the week of Sept. 16.
  18. Core Class Information Class Placement : LA and Math Standard Course of Study and Honors Language Arts: Novel Studies-Grammar-Writing– Summer Reading Math: Standards-based curriculum and Activity-based learning (Connected Math) Social Studies: Incorporation of Reading and Writing with the new Common Core Focus Science: Info –Inquiry-Based – Layered Curriculum
  19. Typical Sixth Grade Day Three core classes per day. One elective per day.
  20. Schedule Changes Schedule Changes will be made under the following conditions: The student NEEDS to move to a different level of Math or English class due to EOG scores. The student “should or should not” be in Band, Orchestra or Spanish; and/or the student “should or should not” be in Reach Math. Request for a schedule change due to personal preference will not be considered!!
  21. A NEW Elective Course PLTW Project Lead The Way (PLTW) prepares students to be the most innovative and productive leaders in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Through an engaging, hands-on curriculum, PLTW encourages the development of problem-solving skills, critical thinking, creative and innovative reasoning, and a love for learning.
  22. A NEW Elective Course PLTW (Cont’d)
  23. Course Descriptions 2013-14 Design & Modeling Introduction to the engineering design process and tools used, including engineering notebooks and Autodesk Inventor. Automation & Robotics Model mechanical systems, energy transfer, machine automation and computer control systems.
  24. Course Descriptions 2014-15 Flight & Space Explore the history of and science behind aeronautics and space flight. Science of Technology Explore the science and relevance of chemistry, physics and nanotechnology. Magic of Electrons Acquire knowledge and skills in the behavior and parts of atoms, basic circuitry design and sensing devices. Energy & the Environment Investigate the importance of energy in our lives and the impact that using energy has on the environment.
  25. Absences/Tardiness Parents of absent students should call the main office on the day of absence, and have the student bring a note on the day that he/she returns to school. All notes should be given to advisory teachers, and should include the student’s ID number, and date(s) of absence. All tardy students should be escorted into the building by a parent/guardian. SWMS: 980-343-5006
  26. Truancy Every parent/guardian in this State having charge or control of a child between the ages of 7 and 16 years shall cause the child to attend school continuously for a period equal to the time which the public school to which the child is assigned shall be is session. The parent/custodian of a child shall notify the school of the reason for each known absence of the child, in accordance with local school board policy. The school shall notify the parent/guardian of their child’s excessive absences after the child has accumulated 3, 6 and 10 unexcused absences in a school year. Subsequent to sending the 6 day notification, an appointed school representative will contact the parent/guardian to schedule a conference. If deemed necessary, a home visit will also be conducted with or without a law enforcement officer.
  27. Truancy Cont’d. After 10 accumulated unexcused absences in a school year, the principal or the principal’s designee shall review any report or investigation prepared and confer with the student and the parent/guardian, if possible to determine if the parent made a “good faith effort” to comply with the law. If it is determined that a “good faith effort” was not made, the principal shall notify the district attorney and the director of social services of the county where the child resides. If it is determined that a “good faith effort” was made the principal may file a complaint with the juvenile court counselor indicating that the child is habitually absent from school without a valid excuse. COMMUNICATION IS KEY!!!!
  28. Grading Period Report cards are sent home with students every quarter. Mid-quarter progress reports are sent home 4-5 weeks after the quarter begins. If you do not receive progress reports or report cards from your child, please contact your child’s advisory teacher. (See web-site for report card schedule) Progress Report dates: Sept. 24th & 25th ; Dec. 4th & 5th ; Feb. 24th & 25th ; May 6th & 7th Report Card dates: Nov. 15th; Feb. 5th; April 11th; June 20th
  29. Promotion Requirements To be promoted to 7th grade, a student must earn a grade of 70 (‘D’) or above in language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, P.E. and at least one other elective.
  30. Power School is HERE!!! Please BE PATIENT! It is replacing Parent Assist Log on to www.cms.k12.nc.us Click on the RED Power School tab on the bottom left side of the webpage. Click on the hyperlink “here” to get more information about setting up your Power School account.
  31. Power School is HERE!!!
  32. Parent/Teacher Communication Contact your child’s school counselor to schedule a parent/teacher conference: 6th Grade……Mrs. Karen Barber Conferences can be scheduled on Mondays and Fridays during the teachers’ planning periods. NOTE: Parents please do not “drop by” for a conference. You will be asked to make an appt. for a later date. You may also communicate with your child’s teachers via e-mail (see school’s web-site) and agenda signing. If you have any questions about your child’s academic/social development you may also contact your child’s grade level Assistant Principal.
  33. Individual counseling Group counseling Classroom guidance Academic, college, and career counseling Assisting students in developing an academic plan Interpreting standardized test results Grief and crisis counseling Responding to and assisting with crises Developing confidential relationships with students Advocating for students Promoting and monitoring student success in a collaborative manner Helping students overcome barriers to learning Providing preventive and intervention strategies for student success Facilitating parent/teacher conferences Serving as a resource to students of available community opportunities Serving as a resource for school staff and parents Serving as a resource for community referrals Providing parent and community outreach Fostering a positive school environment by embracing and promoting diversity School Counselors Provide
  34. Character Education Helps promote a safe and healthy environment. Character traits include: Caring Citizenship Justice and Fairness Respect Responsibility Trustworthiness
  35. Anti-Bullying “Bullying is a conscious, repeated, hostile, aggressive behavior of an individual or a group abusing their position with the intention to harm others or gain real or perceived power.”
  36. What Bullying IS and IS NOT Any of the following aggressive behaviors are not bullying if the actions occur once (i.e., no pattern) or done with no intentions of gaining power. Physical Behaviors such as: Accidently bumping into someone Making others play things a certain way (natural behavior-everyone likes things done their way) Any of the behaviors listed to the right (pushing shoving, tripping, hitting, etc.) which occurs ONCE (i.e., is not a repeated or pattern of behavior) Verbal Behaviors such as: A statement of dislike toward or about someone A single act of telling a joke about someone Arguments or heated disagreements between two or more people/groups (the pattern of which is not repeated to gain power) Expressions of unpleasant thoughts or feelings regarding others Non-Verbal Behaviors Being excluded Not playing with someone Choosing different people or groups to play with from time to time Any of the following aggressive behaviors are bullying if the actions are repeated and done with intentions of gaining power. Physical Attack such as: Bumping into someone Pumping, Shoving, Tripping Hitting (directly or with something else) Punching, Kicking Fighting Verbal Attack –for any kind of difference, such as: Racial, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Physical (height, weight, glasses, etc.) Skills Ability/Disability (too smart, stupid, spaz, etc.) Physical Appearances, Economic Status, Stealing Non-Verbal Attack such as: Staring and glaring Pretending to whisper’ while looking at someone Shunning
  37. Important Upcoming Dates Curriculum Night: Sept. 10th at 6:30p.m. Fall Pictures: October 24th (No purchase necessary) Make-Up Pictures: November 21st (New students and absent students only) Student IDs will be distributed: December 10th IDs will be used for breakfast/lunch purchases, and to check out books from the media center. Until the ID cards arrive, students are expected to memorize their lunch number or carry the lunch card around with them.
  38. Important Upcoming Dates Field trips and other activities will be scheduled throughout the year. Attendance of field trips and activities may be denied due to behavior or academic concerns as applicable. Dates and details will be distributed as they become available.
  39. Your Child’s Nutrition Breakfast begins at 8:45 a.m. Breakfast will be FREE for all students; Lunch is $2.25 New lunch forms must be completed if your child received free or reduced meals last year. Reduced lunch is $.40.
  40. SWMS PTSA A word from a member of our wonderful PTSA…….
  41. “Buddy Program” Morgan Harron President, National Junior Honor Society
  42. Remarks from Principal Blair… The DATA Matters: Where are we, and where we are going……
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