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Explore the correlations between mental predispositions and physical ailments, focusing on Mercurius preparations and their effects on various body systems. Dive deep into the symptoms, modalities, and toxicity of Mercurius compounds in treating conditions like tuberculosis, syphilis, and more.
PREDISPOSITIONS- Sycosis- Kochs lymphadenopathy, Hypertension Tubercular- tuberculosis, autoimmune processes Syphilis- cancer, caries, MI, gangrenes, dementias, abortions
Hell is in, suffer the torments of, without being able to explain Images, phantoms, sees night, frightful Water, flowing, sees Despair of recovery Revolutionary Disobedience Ennui, tedium Fancies exhaltations of Fear apprehension dread Fear death of, impending Fear health, ruined, that she has of, those she loves Fear suicide of misfortune of robbers of Foolish behaviour Foresaken feeling
Mental dispositions • Amativeness • Anxiety Stool during and after • Anxiety as if committed a crime • Anxiety with suicidal Disposition • Delirium tremens • Delusions, imagination • Animals jumping at her • Criminal he is • Enemy everyone is an surrounded by enemies • Fancy illusion
DESTRUCTIVENESS Enemy considers everybody mistrustful, suspicious impulsive Anger, Irascibility Contradict disposition Kill desire to person who has contradicted
DESTRUCTION OF THE WILL TO LIVE END OF LIFE Indifference Sadness, despondency, dejection, mental depression, gloom, melancholy SUICIDAL DISPOSITION Death desires presentiment of ENNUI
MENTAL INTELLECTUAL GIVE ME SOME SUN SHINE DEGENERATION OF BRAIN Answers slowly Absent Mindedness Confused behaviour Confusion of mind Memory weakness, read for what he has written
Poor confidence • Changeable, irresolution • Losing his reason as if. • Indolence • Irresolution
BEHAVIOUR Heedless Homesickness Hurry hasty Impulsive catch by nose. Frivolous -- silliness
Frightened easily Gluttony Grief, fear at night Hysteria Imbecility Indiscretion Indolence Insanity, madness Irritability Loathing of life Malicious Mania Mischevious Morose, fretful, cross, peevishness
Mania rage with Irritability Quarelsomeness Mischievousness Positiveness Restlessness Squanders Sulky Weeping alternating with laughter
DREAMS • THEME- fear, violence, destruction, death • Horrible • Misfortune • Murder and murdered been • Night mares • Quarrels • Unpleasant • Vexatious • Water wading in • Shooting about • Swallowing pills • Dead and death • Falling from heights and from water • Anxious • Animals bitten by • Amorous • Hunting
PHYSICAL GENERALS • Great Chilliness through out the body yet cannot tolerate the warmth. • Human thermometer : sensitive to heat and cold, prefers moderate • temperature. • Profuse thin slimy acrid burning foul discharges • Profuse oily sweating which does not relieve • Breath and perspiration smell foul. • Increased salivation with thickly coated tongue with indents of teeth as the • concomitants to all the complaints • Tremors everywhere, weakness from ebulitions and tremblings from least exertion • Intense thirst with moist tongue. • Pains: burning, tearing, stinging, stitches, boring, digging, draging, stabing. • Offensiveness of the body in generals, of all discharges. • Inflammation leads to indurations which either suppurates or ulcerates • Debility faints easily, weak after stools.
Pathological generals Congestion Ebullitions Edema or dropsy Inflammation Indurations Suppurations Ulceration Necrosis Gangrene Hemorrhages Prostration and emaciation Anemia Acridity and excoriation Caries Cancer Slow Degeneration
The theme running through and through the mind and body TOXICITY DESTRUCTION AND VIOLENCE FILTHINESS
MODALITIES CAUSATIVE- Physical- From taking cold3, fright3, suppressed gonorrhea and suppressed foot sweat3 Mental- Deception Grief, Mortification3 Vexation3 Indignation3 Anticipation3 Disappointments3 Fright3 Mortification3 Decieved ambition3
AGGRAVATING- Night3 Draft of air3 Touch3 Heat and cold3 Damp, cold weather3 Warmth of bed3 Sweating3 Wet feet3 AMELIORATING- Rest 3 Weeping3 Coition3 Cold appications3
Mind- imbecility, suicidal and homicidal impulses Eyes- syphilitic inflammations, ulcerations, hypopyon, blindness Ears- boils, CSOM Oral cavity- aphthae, ulcers, ranula Teeth- caries Noses, throat, tonsils- congestions, hypertrophy, suppuration and destruction Lung- RIGHT, pneumonia, empyema Colon and rectum- ulcers, dysentry, heamorrhages Urinary tract- inflammation, pylonephritis Bone and joints- caries Skin and glands- cellulitis, boils, suppurations, gangrene, ulcers Genitals- ulcers, chancre
DIFFERENT MERURIOUS PREPARATIONS AND SOA Merc sol Merc vivus Equivalent Soluble Hg of Hahnemann Quicksilver Both have action on all the tissues and organs of the body. True polycrests
Biniiodatus ( Merc IR) - Nose, mouth and throat Lungs, Genitals, Glands, bones Skin, Stomach and liver Protoiodatus- ( Merc IF)-mouth and throat eyes, nose, heart, lungs genitals, glands and bones stomach and liver Cynatus-Nose, mouth and throat, kidneys and bladder heart, genitals, glands and bones, skin Dulcis-Ears, Eustachian tubes, Eyes, mouth, throat, glands and bones Corrosivus- all tissues Merc Cor is the most intensified Hg Sulphuricus-Heart and lungs, glands, bones, liver and stomach
ANTIDOTES OF MERCURIOUS GROUP HEPAR SULPH- mental symptoms, sore throat, ulcers and gastric symptoms post Hg NITRIC ACID- acts when lower tissues are affected, esp bones and periosteum CINCHONA- Chronic ptyalism after Hg DULCAMARA- Salivation due to every change in whether to damp IODIDE OF POTTASSIUM- Ozeana after excessive mercurious doses KALI CHLOR- spongy bleeding gums, aphthae AURUM- for Insanity and suicidal mania ASAFOETIDA- sensitivity of bones, ulcers and sinus tracks to touch STAPHYSAGRIA- when system is too depriciated by the mercurial poison MEZERIUM- nervous system and Neuralgias after mercurial overdoses