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Part Two

Part Two. Part Two. Research Approaches. Chapter 5: Qualitative Research Methods. Aims and Philosophy Data Analysis in Qualitative Research Analysis Techniques Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Data Field Observations Advantages of Field Observations

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Part Two

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  1. Part Two

  2. Part Two. Research Approaches

  3. Chapter 5: Qualitative Research Methods • Aims and Philosophy • Data Analysis in Qualitative Research • Analysis Techniques • Reliability and Validity in Qualitative Data • Field Observations • Advantages of Field Observations • Disadvantages of Field Observations

  4. Field Observation Techniques • Choosing the Research Site • Gaining Access • Sampling • Collecting Data • Analyzing Data • Exiting

  5. Focus Groups • Advantages of Focus Groups • Disadvantages of Focus Groups • Methodology Of Focus Groups • Define the Problem • Select a Sample • Determine the number of groups necessary • Prepare the study mechanics

  6. Prepare the focus group materials • Conduct the session • Analyze the data and prepare a summary report • Examples of Focus Groups

  7. Intensive Interviews • Advantages and Disadvantages of Intensive Interviews • Procedures • Examples of Intensive Interviews

  8. Case Studies • Advantages of Case Studies • Disadvantages of Case Studies • Conducting a Case Study • Design • Pilot Study • Data Collection • Data Analysis

  9. Report Writing • Examples of Case Studies • Qualitative Research and Ethnography • Writing the Qualitative Research Report

  10. Chapter 6: Content Analysis • Definition of Content Analysis • Uses of Content Analysis • Describing Communication Content • Testing Hypothesis of Message Characteristics • Comparing Media Content to the “Real World” • Assessing the Image of Particular Groups in Society • Establishing a Starting Point for Studies of Media Effects

  11. Limitations of Content Analysis • Steps in Content Analysis • Formulate the research question or hypothesis • Define the population in question • Select an appropriate sample from the population • Select and define a unit of analysis • Construct the categories of content to be analyzed • Establish a quantification system

  12. Train coders and conduct a pilot study • Code the content according to established definitions • Analyze the collected data • Draw conclusions and search for indications • Reliability • Validity • Content Analysis and the Internet

  13. Chapter 7: Survey Research • Descriptive and Analytical Surveys • Advantages and Disadvantages of Survey Research • Constructing Questions • Types of Questions • Problems in Interpreting Open-ended Questions

  14. General Guidelines • Make questions clear • Keep questions short • Remember the purposes of the research • Do not ask double-barreled questions • Avoid biased words or terms • Avoid leading questions

  15. Do not use questions that ask for highly detailed information • Avoid potentially embarrassing questions unless they are absolutely necessarily

  16. Questionnaire Design • Introduction • Instructions • Question order • Layout • Questionnaire Length • Type of Survey • Pretesting

  17. Gathering Survey Data • Mail Survey • Advantages • Disadvantages • Increasing Response Rates • Telephone Survey • Advantages • Disadvantages

  18. Personal Interviews • Advantages • Disadvantages • Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) • Advantages • Disadvantages

  19. Mail Interviews • Advantages • Disadvantages • Disk-By-Mail Surveys • Internet Surveys • Advantages • Disadvantages

  20. Group Administration • Advantages • Disadvantages • Achieving a Reasonable Response Rate • General Problems in Survey Research

  21. Chapter 8: Longitudinal Research • Types of Longitudinal Studies • Trend Studies • Cohort Analysis • Panel Studies • Blending Qualitative and Quantitative Data in Longitudinal Research

  22. Longitudinal Research on the Internet • Longitudinal Design in Experiments

  23. Chapter 9: Experimental Research • Advantages of Laboratory Experiments • Evidence of Causality • Control • Cost • Replication • Disadvantages of Experimental Research • Artificiality • Researcher bias • Limited scope

  24. Conducting Experimental Research • Selecting the setting • Select the experimental design • Operationalize the variables • Decide how to manipulate the independent variable • Select and assign subjects to experimental conditions • Conduct a pilot study • Administer the experiment • Analyze and interpret the results

  25. Control of Confounding Variables • Randomization • Matching • Including the Confounding Variables in the Design • Basic Experimental Designs • Pretest-Posttest Control Group • Posttest-Only Control Group

  26. Solomon Four-Group Design • Factorial Studies • Other Experimental Designs • Quasi-Experimental Designs • Pretest-Posttest Nonequivalent Control Group Design

  27. Field Experiment • Advantages of Field Experiments • Disadvantages of Field Experiments • Types of Field Experiments • Examples of Field Experiments

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