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Reflections on 2011-2012

This text provides an overview of the reflections and accomplishments of Highland Presbyterian Church (HPC) in 2011-2012, including stewardship campaigns, self-study follow-up, congregational support initiatives, Christian education programs, hospitality and membership efforts, youth ministry, capital campaigns, session achievements, and future goals. The text emphasizes the importance of community outreach, volunteering, and the upcoming work of the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC).

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Reflections on 2011-2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Reflections on 2011-2012 By Rev. Dr. Cynthia M. Campbell

  2. Stewardship/The Self Study • In-home stewardship gatherings fall 2011 • What we like about HPC and its strengths • What we wanted for the future of HPC • At-church meetings • Mission, Communications, Staffing, Stewardship/Budget, Worship & Spiritual Life • Session Committees received and each committee created own goals

  3. Stewardship 2012 • Stewardship Campaign/Budget 2012 • 2012 Budget income was $1,228,684.00 which includes $617,647.00 pledged giving • Year-to-date budgeted to received pledges through the end of August: • Budgeted: $395,391.00 • Actual $385,241.00

  4. Finance Committee Reports • Finance Committee set a goal to give quarterly updates to the congregation on stewardship and budget • First report issued in May • Second report will be issued soon

  5. Self Study Follow-up - Communications • Created Communications Committee • Email being used more effectively • Week-at-a-glance has more info and links • Newsletter packed with more eye-popping information • Welcome centers installed • Maps and signs are being created

  6. Self Study Follow-up – Congregational Support • Member Care Committee reinstituted • Rev. Doug Slagle visiting members • Weekly prayer group begun • Members preparing food weekly for emergency needs • Rev. Doodle Harris, Rev. Doug Slagle, and Sharon Harless offering Stephen Minister class

  7. Christian Education • Rev. Christine Coy Fohr hired as Interim Director of CE and Community Outreach

  8. Christian Education • Christine helped CE finish Sunday School 2011-2012 year • Christine organized and staffed Sunday School for the 2012-2013 year • Vacation Bible School well attended • Summer CE classes for all ages

  9. Hospitality and Membership/Cong. Life • Both Committees working together • Offering members fun activities, ex. kickball • Outreach to new members • New families are joining • Cleansed the rolls of members who moved to another church or left town • Reached out to neighbors, met with Phillips, Stones at PrezFest

  10. HPC Kickball Team

  11. Youth Ministry • New confirmand class with 7 new members who joined in May 2012 • More youth attended summer conferences than ever before • Youth attended General Assembly in Pittsburgh

  12. Capital Campaign Committee • Assisted C3 to wrap up Blueprint for the Future • Contacted donors • We now have over $700,000 for next phase of work on Pleune-Mobley • Plan is to work on second floor, especially youth space

  13. The Year Ahead - Stewardship • 2013 budget will be more ambitious than 2012 • Session has adopted a draft budget of $1.285mm • Stewardship goal for 2013: $700,000 • We need ALL OF YOU to help reach our goal

  14. The Year Ahead - Volunteering • All Session committees need help! • All committees welcome support and input • Many committee members have served faithfully and for years • We need your support • All committees will be IDed by photo and names with contact • PLEASE sign up and help

  15. Church in the World Committee

  16. Session Achievements • Church bylaws update • Employee Handbook update • Child Protection Policy (new) • Sexual Misconduct Policy required by BOO (new) • Wedding Booklet update • Room Reservation Booklet update • Working on Manual of Operations

  17. The Year Ahead - Session • Session committees set goals based upon self study report • Committees already working on goals • Committee chairs meet quarterly as a group and in 2s and 3s to coordinate work • Need to review mission statement

  18. Session Retreat 2012

  19. Community Outreach • We want to put you in the picture • Where can you fit in? • How about Habitat for Humanity?

  20. Outreach How about Portland Avenue Pres food bank?

  21. Year Ahead - PNC • A Pastor Nominating Committee has been elected • Co-chairs are Carol Pye and Kevin Burns • The PNC has received hundreds of Pastor Info Forms (PIFs) • The PNC is reading diligently

  22. Conclusion • HPC is moving forward with energy and passion to write the sequel to “Like Jacob’s Well” • You are a character in that story • Help us define our new history as we define your character in our story • THANK YOU for all that you have done and do for HPC!

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