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Health Impact Assessment of Climate Change: Mitigating Effects and Promoting Equity

Explore the potential impacts of climate change on public health, its inequitable effects, and the role of policy decisions in mitigating these effects. Learn how health workers can take action to promote health and equity in the face of climate change.

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Health Impact Assessment of Climate Change: Mitigating Effects and Promoting Equity

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  1. and Health Impact Assessment Climate Change Marilyn Head, Senior Policy Analyst

  2. Health Impact Assessment A formal process that aims to • systematically judge the potential, sometimes unintended, effects of a policy, plan or project on population health and health inequalities; and • identify appropriate cross-sector actions to manage those effects.

  3. HIA Elements

  4. Why an HIA? • HIA selects potentially significant issues for impact analysis that may: • significantly impact population health; • create decisions based on scientific evidence; • allow a comprehensive approach to health; and • advance the values of social justice, equity, sustainable development.

  5. CLIMATE CHANGE Does climate change have the potential to: • have a substantial effect on public health? • have inequitable impact? • be mitigated by policy decisions?

  6. A safe operating space for humanity Johan Rockström et al. Nature. 461, 24 September, 2009

  7. In Aotearoa NZ expect… Increasing temperature 2050 2100 NIWA: Climate Change Scenarios for NZ http://www.niwa.co.nz/our-science/climate/information-and-resources/clivar/scenarios

  8. Wetter in west, dryer in east and north • More heavy rainfall events & more risk of drought NIWA: Climate Change Scenarios for NZ http://www.niwa.co.nz/our-science/climate/information-and-resources/clivar/scenarios

  9. 6 key areas of risk • coastal margins • flooding from rivers • availability of and competition for freshwater • changes to our surrounding oceans • threats to unique ecosystems • flow‑on effects from international cc impacts and responses RSNZ Climate Change Implications for New Zealand http://www.royalsociety.org.nz/expert-advice/papers/yr2016/climate-change-implications-for-new-zealand/

  10. Too hot, too wet, too dry, too extreme! What are the health impacts? Dr Hayley Bennett Public Health Medicine Specialist

  11. Too Hot! New vectors eg mosquitoes Air pollution – more ground level ozone affects respiratory system & increases admissions for COPD, asthma, pneumonia (ozone formed in a photochemical reaction, particularly with bright sunshine and high temperatures) • Heat related deaths • Disease-specific deaths increase with temp • Impact on functioning, productivity and health at work • Foodborne disease • UV – increase in melanoma and skin disease Inequitable impact – older, younger, poorer, outdoor workers,etc

  12. Too Wet Too Dry • Floods & fires –disaster, injury, • Heavy rainfall, surface flooding, changes to water table through drought -Water contamination, waterborne disease • Pollen and Allergens (increase with CO2 levels) • Lower food yields /nutrition - Impact on food prices, food security, nutrition • Mental health - Increased rates of depression related to loss of livelihood • Climate refugees -, increase in infectious diseases, conflict etc. Inequitable impact within and between countries

  13. Can the effects of climate change be mitigated by policy decisions? Can we design mitigation policies that reduce potential harm and promote health and equity?

  14. What can health workers do? • Be informed • Vote wisely • Calculate GHG emissions for households – set a plan to reduce by 10%e.g. www.1010uk.org • Offset transport and energy related carbon emissions (e.g. tree planting) www.forestsforhealthnz.org • Fossil fuel divestment (NZNO has actioned) • Join a group e.g. www.orataiao.org.nz • Seek further education eg Upstream Public Health, Oregon: Climate Change Policy HIA Training for Health Professionals https://www.upstreampublichealth.org/resources/hias

  15. HIA for Climate Change? CC has a substantial effect on public health CC has an inequitable impact. CC can be mitigated by policy decisions.

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