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THE CHURCH'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ISRAEL. EVANG. VICTOR AINA 22/01/2017. As children of God, whatever the degree of learning may have been attained ,it is the authority of the word of God, that must be determinate, with regard to contemporary status of Israel.
As children of God, whatever the degree of learning may have been attained ,it is the authority of the word of God, that must be determinate, with regard to contemporary status of Israel.
Though scholars may be helpful in this regard but ,we ought to consider them as to which degree they regard the Bible. • Replacement Theology • Gen 17:1-16, Abraham covenants father of Judaism and Gentile nations.
Gen 17:11 Circumcision to ratify the covenant . • Refined Theologians are not convinced, that the promise to Abraham is still ideologically significant today.
The N.T made it plain old Mosaic Covenant, has been abrogated and superseded by new covenant by means of shedding of Christ blood. Luke 22:19-20, Hebrew 8:7-13.
No where does the new testament states that Abrahamic covenant has been similarly done away with, on the contrary, it is integral to the establishment of the new covenant. Matthew 1:1, Luke 3:23-31,
Romans 4:1-3, 9-25 (NIV),11:28,Galatian 3:16-18,29. • This was with regard to the promise which Abraham believed, Rom 4, Gal 3,
This specifically determine the detail of what was promised to Him, Genesis 35:11, Land for that nation and universal blessing for the nations of the world.
New covenant Established with the house of Israel and Judah. Jer 31:31,Gen17:1-8,9-18. • Abraham, Jacob, Isaac and David.Gen 22:15-18,Gen 26:2-5;23-24,Gen 35:9-13,Gen 48 :13-16,Jer 33:11-17.
Abrahamic and new covenant are inseparably related, and this will therefore, be with regard to the Land of Israel. Rom. 4:13-16.
Some Say Jews has been absorbed within, the Christian church, so all Christian has now replace Israel. Galatians 6:16.
2Cor11:22 Paul Testifies, I am an Israelite .Phil 3:5. • Ref -Matt 2:6, 20-22... Matt 9:33 Israel as a geographical connotation associated with the people of the land, Deut 6:10.
Gen 15:7-21 God promise the land to Abraham, • Mark 13:28-38, Fig tree, • Christ second coming, only possible if there is Israel.
My intention is to get Christian to Identify with the people of Israel. At a time which all do whatever was right in their eyes. • Need for unconditional love for the Jews.
STORY OF RUTH AND NAOMI • Judges 21:25, Ruth 1:1-17 • This happened in the time of judges, when all do what is right in their eyes. • 4 Jewish people went to Moab because of famine. short explanation .
Ruth 1:10 Orpah had a good intention but did not go through with it. Like the church today, more talk than walk, yet the church owe her salvation to the Jew. Like Orpah many Christian abandon the Jews, Rom 11:17-20.
The crusaders full of faith and zeal but cruel, because of their hatred for Jews for their role in the crucifixion of Christ in 200years, 300,000 Jews were reduced to 1000 families.
When the Jews did not embrace the writings of Martin Luther, he became embittered against the Jewish people. The Nazis when they came to power in Germany,
Later use some of the writings of Theologians like Luther to justify their policy which result in holocaust, death of about 6Million Jews. Consider Ruth's unconditional love Ruth1:8,14-16.