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National Report on European Language Label Implementation in Italy

Explore Italy's implementation of the European Language Label with 296 awarded projects from 1999-2011, involving ISFOL and INDIRE as the responsible National Agencies. Learn about the promotion, call for proposals, project selection, and award ceremonies.

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National Report on European Language Label Implementation in Italy

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  1. National Report on the Implementation of the • European Language Label • Italy • Second Meeting • Florence, 13/14 November 2012

  2. The European Language Label in numbers • Italy: • 296: awarded projects and initiatives in the period • 1999 – 2011 • 24: average of awarded projects per year in the period • 1999 – 2011 • 2: National Agencies responsible for the • implementation of the European Language Label 2

  3. The National Agencies • 1) ISFOL, National Agency for the Lifelong Learning • Programme – Sectorial Programme Leonardo da Vinci • 2) INDIRE, National Agency for the Lifelong Learning • Programme – Sectorial Programmes Comenius, • Erasmus, Grundtvig and Preparatory Visits

  4. ISFOL • ISFOL (Istituto per lo SviluppodellaFormazioneProfessionaledeiLavoratori): national research center acting on behalf of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policies and recognized by the European Commission. • Target sector in the framework of the ELL awarding: • Vocational Education and Training • Higher Education (for initiatives related to the acquisition of vocational skills) • Adult Education (for initiatives related to the acquisition of vocational skills)

  5. INDIRE • INDIRE (IstitutoNazionale di Documentazione, Innovazione e RicercaEducativa) aims at developing the processes of innovation and research in the educational field. INDIRE includes the National Agency for the Lifelong Learning Programme – Sectorial Programmes Comenius, Erasmus, Grundtvig. • Target sector in the framework of the ELL awarding: • School Education • Higher Education (for initiatives related to formal and informal higher education) • Adult Education (for initiatives related to formal and informal higher education)

  6. Label Campaigns • The National Agencies are responsible for the Label Campaigns which is composed by 4 phases: • 1) Promotion • 2) Call for Proposals • 3) Selection of Winning Projects • 4) Awarding Ceremony

  7. Promotion • The National Agencies have to carry out a significant action of promotion, information and dissemination of the opportunities offered by the European Language Label. • Different strategies have been used: • Publication of information brochures • Publication of leaflets about the European Language Label • Publication of newsletters • Organization of seminars and conferences • Organization of fairs and best practices exhibitions • Publications of volumes and surveys

  8. Calls for Proposals • The two National Agencies launch every year two separate calls for proposals for the European Language Label for each of the target sectors. The calls for proposals provide information about the objectives of the Label, about the yearly European and national priorities, about the procedure for the presentation of the candidatures and provides guidance for the submission of the application form. • Calls for proposals are promoted through: • Presentation in public events • Publication on several websites (Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Education, National Agencies, …) • Publication on the LLP web site

  9. Selection of winning projects • The Italian National Agencies have implemented a series of procedures aimed at guaranteeing an adequate assessment action: • Control of the eligibility criteria • Summoning of two Evaluation Committees • Organization and management of assessment days • Drafting of the final minutes of the assessment session and of the list of the winning projects

  10. Awarding Ceremony • A winning projects awarding ceremony is jointly promoted and organized by the two National Agencies in agreement with the Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Education. • The objective of these events is to guarantee a full valorization and a greater impact of the experiences selected on the whole national territory through: • The official awarding of the selected projects • The public presentation of the project that received the award • The promotion of networking among the awarded projects and their promoters

  11. European / National Priorities • The European Commission proposes every year specific priorities for the European Language Label award. The yearly priorities aim to identify experiences that are clearly referred to a political and strategic framework for improving and promoting language teaching and learning. • In accordance with those priorities, the Italian Ministry of Labour and the Ministry of Education identify national priority that are relevant for the improvement of language learning in Italy.

  12. 2012 National Priorities • ISFOL 2012 Label Campaign’ s priorities are: • Insertion of youth in labour market and for the transnational mobility • Maintenance of employment and the progression of carrier of adult and people already inserted in the labour market • INDIRE 2012 Label Campaign’ s priorities are: • Employment of CLIL technologies • Employment of foreign languages in order to improve real and virtual mobility • Intergenerational dialogue in the field of teaching and learning foreign languages

  13. The European Language Label in Italy: Chronological History • 296 awarded projects in 11 years with an average of 24 awarded projects per year

  14. The European Language Label in Italy: Educational Sectors • Most of the projects belong to the compulsory education. Several projects have been addressed to vocational education. University and pre-primary education need a greater focus

  15. The European Language Label in Italy: Consistency with Current Political Priorities • Interculturality and quality: Italian awarded projects are consistent with the main reasons why the ELL was created

  16. The European Language Label in Italy: Linguistic Coverage • English represents the main language, followed by French, Italian (support language teaching a foreign one / Italian as L2), German and Spanish

  17. The European Language Label in Italy: Impact • Objectives accomplished: • Visibility of the awarded projects • Objectives partly accomplished: • Motivation of the projects promoters • Sustainability of the awarded projects • Objectives not accomplished: • Creation of transnational partnerships • Identification of further funding

  18. The European Language Label in Italy • Thank you for the attention • Any question?

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